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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters

It's an unfortunate time for Pakistan...again.....there are many forces that are trying to cause dissension and malice amongst it's people....DIVIDE and CONQUER techniques again!

The mention of Failed State is back on the news.....I hope by the Grace of the Allmighty that he protects this country from the ill intention and hatred of it's enemies....whether external or INTERNAL!

Power....comes with responsibility.....unfortunately not that many 'responsible' people in Pakistan.

The emergence rule does not effect the average 'jo blogg' on the street....therefore their quality of life will not be affected. However, it's mainly the rich affluent, the corrupt....the thieves of theieves that will be crying 'wolf'. The Judiciary started to get too arrogant and liked the taste of politics....save the CJ right......F******* Tw**T! and his cronies.

Just as Pakistan was about to get economically stronger (and militarily) a severe political crisis is about to cause great damage to the nation. Pakistan should not ever allow the Benazir ($1.6 billion dollars Thief) to run the nation ...likewise Nawaz Sharif and other politicians. It makes one wonder why the effing West would like to see these incompetent so-called leaders (Benazir etc) be re-elected to govern Pakistan the third time....they would never allow one of their leaders to run even the second term if they were deemed corrupt or incompetent. Damn the USA and it's allies for forcing Pakistan in this position.

Today the citizens are fighting one another....the Armed forces forced to shoot their own people. Pakistan needs to look after it's interests first and should not be dictated by the West or other powers. All over a sudden the USA leaders are thinking of contingency plans of having to capture Pakistan WMDS. One by one they are destroying every Muslim Nation......Muslims Wake up!

Pakistan should make peace with the militants...speak to the ulemas....get them on their side.....if not....then go send the regulars and destroy the militant leadership!

Pakistan may be affected in the long run by 'sanctions'....so PAF take heed and diversify source purchases...have your own contingencies ready.
No Read my comment carefully.... This is Marshal Law, Ill rephrase it again.

"the 1973 constitution of Pakistan has been Suspended and PCO protocol has been in placed. This is high treason.".

First of all there was no "1973 constitution" in force not even during previouse governments of BB and NS. It has been ammended by all including the frist Architecture of it Mr Bhutto so i dont see any arguments crying for 1973 constitution.

This can only be done by the Chief of Army staff and no other therefore, this is a Marshal law, however, a mini Marshal law,

All the assemblies, courts and other institutions are intact as much as these were before.

the troops and are not behind Musharraf any more. As we all know when they surrendered in Swat because they just couldn't attack their own people.

Prove it that troops are not behind Musharraf anymore if they were not, it was not difficult for them to stage coupe against him if his decision was not backed by them.
Your reason for argument above stating that we all know "they surrendered in Swat because they just couldn't attack their own people" is highly false as you do not know anything at all.
1. as we here in NWFP know very well all those who were claimed by Fazlullah as security officials surrendered to them is all lies. and the ones he showed to media were all his men not forces people :)
I will post their picture and you will see if Security men wear Chaddars and and nimaz caps :P during fight

Well said Jana Jee :smitten:

Thank You Neo im short of time to day as my Donka is on fire here at office so much workload as we here In NEWSPAPERS are still publishing News Against Musharraf :)
No Read my comment carefully.... This is Marshal Law, Ill rephrase it again.

"the 1973 constitution of Pakistan has been Suspended and PCO protocol has been in placed. This is high treason."

This can only be done by the Chief of Army staff and no other therefore, this is a Marshal law, however, a mini Marshal law, the troops and are not behind Musharraf any more. As we all know when they surrendered in Swat because they just couldn't attack their own people.
It is not martial law, and it is Emergency. However it IS confusing too.

There is a cessation of fundamental human rights, however the spirit of the constitution is said to be still functioning. The new PCO has dictated that.

However the cessation of human rights is no small thing either.
The best thing to do now is to sit and watch what he actually means by his third phase.

Is it BBism and American diktats? Or is it really free and fair elections.

He had one point... Only 3 months are left, why create hurdles now?
Militants free 211 Pakistani soldiers PESHAWAR, Nov 4 (AFP): Pro-Taliban militants on Sunday released over 211 Pakistani soldiers more than two months after they were abducted in a restive tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said. “The soldiers have been released,” the administration chief in South Waziristan region, told AFP. Chief military spokesman Major General Waheed Arshad said the soldiers had not yet reached their base in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan. “I can confirm that they are being released,” he told AFP. (First Posted @ 19:38 PST Updated @ 20:02 PST)
:pakistan:wellcome,mr, foxhound, very,well, said,lets hope tht, genral. musharf will become, fild.marshall and he will use his abilities for good, if, this emrgency not used to deliver goods , both, externaly and interely,then it, will be a disater. now, really, our ,priorties, should be changed, and we should stop listening, white house, we should put our own national intersts frist , others interst, amaricans,english etc, behind. we have a very good example, of china, they never buyed, amrican or westrn, technology, still, they have a very strong, defence, and no body including(amarica+russia) dare to attack ,china.democracy ,like amarica+ eroupe, is really not suitable to pakistan. we need be as democratic as it is not ,be a danger for us.:pakistan::china::cheers::pakistan::china::guns::usflag:
The CJ was going to rule that mushy's election as president was illegal,so he got rid of him.
The media has to go by a new "code of conduct" censorship in other words.
There goes the facade "enlighted moderation"..whatever the hell that means.

cj was being traped by C I A, through atazaz ahasan, thts why he was given, award by newyork bar,of his work, to make goverment, weak and to provide , ultimate, preausre, on genral,musharf. tht was his task , and he did tht, and again he was working, to delay the result in the case,of genral musharf, and he wanted to cross deadline of 15 novmber. and then he wanted to anounce the result,not in favour of genral musharf. he was dreaming tht once he, make genral mushraf out of goverment technaly, he will be come president himself, and by the help of benazir bhotto( a , cia, agent). and if benazir becomes , primeminster third time, which is also,unconstitutional, benazir will supprt cj to become, a president (permanantly), and after tht run pakistan as amarica s satalite state. goodbye dear CJ, good bye.:wave:
Militants free 211 Pakistani soldiers PESHAWAR, Nov 4 (AFP): Pro-Taliban militants on Sunday released over 211 Pakistani soldiers more than two months after they were abducted in a restive tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said. “The soldiers have been released,” the administration chief in South Waziristan region, told AFP. Chief military spokesman Major General Waheed Arshad said the soldiers had not yet reached their base in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan. “I can confirm that they are being released,” he told AFP. (First Posted @ 19:38 PST Updated @ 20:02 PST)

maybe the militants have started to feel the heat. they know that an emergency is in place and their biggest supporter the media is not in action so they released the soldiers. i think the emergency is already having good affects.
now again,it is important,tht, pak army , should take into confidence, the people who, doesnt understand, why, pakistan,was is an ally to us,inthe war of oil and gas( which usa wants to capture frm muslim states) only, now pakarmy, should show them. tht if they stop atacking, pakarmy, may be, pakarmy, will reconsider its reationship with usa, and its actions against, the people who , made sacrificess in the war against, russia,in afghanistan,i mean,( mujhadeens) who live, inside, pakistan, because , afghanistan, is certenily, not a probleum of pakistan,,and its purely a US proublem. till USA stop interfering in pakistans , internal and external affiars.
maybe the militants have started to feel the heat. they know that an emergency is in place and their biggest supporter the media is not in action so they released the soldiers. i think the emergency is already having good affects.

I was thinking they couldn't support them in terms of food and supplies and the government didn't want them...so the best think they could have done was get rid of them. "Freeing" them just made them look good.
Only time will tell.

For now all indications point to following an American diktat for the only thing that has been done is the reshuffling of the Judiciary. The rest is business as usual.

Stability was required no doubt. But it is also true this stability cannot come through Benazir Bhutto.

That is exactly what I am saying.

Musharraf is stability and damn the world and others!

82% of Indians polled by CNN IBN indicate the same as what I have said and support Musharraf!
i think, it is need of hour, tht we should, start telling our uneducated but patrotic,pashtoons mujhadeens, tht it is the dutty of pakarmy, to stop those who wanted, to avenge the revange, by making them selves blowenup with bombs, and also kill innocent people in pakistan. i personlly, condome, all kind voilence, every where in the world, but we cant stop it, so , if USA ,cant stop, ISREAL,killing innocent people in PALSTINE, how ,USA, expect pakistan, stop, the war in afghanistan. only pakistan shouldbe concern is the fact is tht , are pakistanis r safe, and there is no atactks on, pakarmy, the war in afghanistan is not pakistans war , and if, USA, wanted the end of war in afghanistan, USA , SHOULD start negociations with, talibans, who were made by USA. and start withdrwning its troops, frm afghanistan, at least USA can give a proper share to talibans in the goverment. it will GIVE, USA,more effective results in comming future. instead a war, which has no end, aprantly, and have the tendency to escalate ,till IRAN.:welcome::cheesy:
:victory:nice to see u, salim, we need, indian views, than, amricans, because india is more close to pakistan. better we, need,moral, and idealogical support,frm people, like u,tht its the time to go frm, CIAs,service , which now, PAKISTAN, cannt afford. wellcome,salim. did u vote for , gen,musharf if nt, plz do tht u can find it main page of the fourm.:victory::welcome::victory::pakistan:
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