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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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Qatar is supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Saudi Arabia supports Salafi parties like Al-Nour.

Oh, the usual nonsense from our resident rafida that has no business in the Arab world let alone the Middle East.

KSA does not support the Muslim Brotherhood. Mubarak was a key ally to KSA. Qatar are the ones who support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and they also tried to stir trouble up in Jordan which is a key ally to KSA. Blackeagle can tell more about that.


Last i checked Qatar and house of Saud were allies in terrorism but now you tell me they even byte each other oh the irony.:astagh:
Congratulation to Egyptians for standing up to this this Saudi revolution.

why do you have to flame every GOD damn thread with your Saudi/Arabic/wahabi rhetoric's ? mod's please check this guy in every thread he starts his usual nonsense
Last i checked Qatar and house of Saud were allies in terrorism but now you tell me they even byte each other oh the irony.:astagh:

Well, they are unfortunately for you openly opposing vermin and cultists like you and the satanic and heretical fake wannabe-Arab Iranian Mullah's from Qom and Mashhad (both cities founded by Arab - oh the irony) whom you worship and consider holy cows.

We will continue to be a dagger in their sides until they either get toppled or vanish and there is nothing you can do about it. So enjoy the ride.
Meanwhile, Morsi called all the major parties and major leaders of the opposition including Elbaradei, Moussa, Sabahi, and Elbadawi, for a national dialogue in a meeting on January 28 but the secular opposition refused to meet and escalated the confrontation by demanding that he rescind his curfew orders, take full responsibility for the violence, suspend the constitution, disband the MB, and call for early presidential elections, practically, demanding his complete surrender. By the following day, all leaders of the major Islamist parties as well as liberal Ayman Nour met with Morsi for five hours resulting in the appointment of five committees to further resolve the major political and economic problems facing the country.

But one of the reasons NSF leaders have hardened their positions is foreign interference, especially by Saudi Arabia and UAE. The latter is hosting Gen. Shafiq and openly calls for the end of MB rule. According to one informed source in Saudi Arabia, Prince Bandar’s plan is to topple Morsi through the spread of violence and chaos by the opposition. But if this scheme fails, his Plan B is to push for a tactical alliance between the NSF and the Salafist al-Noor Party, which receives much of its financial backing from clerics and private foundations in Saudi Arabia. Shortly after, the evidence was on display as the head of Noor Party met openly for several hours with the main leaders of the NSF, condemned Morsi’s government, called for a national unity government, and hinted at a future alliance after the upcoming elections.

no your country KSA is pure evil................you are muslim world enemy from inside.............
you are khawarij dog from hell.................remember Prophet Muhammad say.................Evil Horn Will come From Najd...........

Today KSA............are slave of zionist & west...........you make muslim people kill each other.........you are pure evil & stupid
all terorism,bomb & innocnet killing...in iraq,pakistan,afghanistan,syria,,,,,,,,,,,,include my homeland Indonesia...........is from Saudi the cursed...........nation

Remember Prophet Muhammad has been warning muslim people about you The Khawarij...........

According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari and Musnad Ahmad, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Sham and Yemen. When his companions said " Abdullah Ibn-Umar related that once, he saw the Prophet showing `Iraq with his hand, and saying: "The fitna is here, the fitna is here, the fitna is here, three times, it is from here that will appear the devil's horns,"(sahih)Our Najd as well," he replied: "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan."[1][2] In a similar narration, Muhammad again asked Allah to bless the areas Medina, Mecca, Sham, and Yemen and, when asked specifically to bless Najd, repeated similar comments about there being earthquakes, trials, tribulations, and the horns of Satan.[3][4]

"O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from their appears the Horn of Satan."

"A people that recite Qur'an will come out of the East (East of Arabia, Riyad), but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through the religion (of Islam) like the arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its course. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)."

"At the end of times a man will come out of Musaylima's country and he will change the religion of Islam."

Note: Most of the Khawarij were from the Najd area, from the tribes of Banu Hanifa, Banu Tamim, and Wa'il. Musaylima was from the Banu Hanifa, and Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab is from Tamim.

It is reported in Mishkat from Hazrat Abu Said Khudri (RU) who narrates that, ‘Once we were in the presence and company of Prophet (SAWS). He was distributing booties (Spoils of War) when a person named Zul-Khawaisara, who was from the tribe of Banu Tamim addressed the Prophet (SAWS) ‘Oh Muhammad Be Just!’. The Prophet (SAWS) replied: ‘A Great pity that you have doubts; if I am unjust then who will be just; you are a loser and a failure’. Zul-Khawaisara's attitude infuriated Hazrat Umar (RU) and he pleaded with the Prophet (SAWS) to permit him to slay Zul-Khawaisara. The Prophet (SAWS) remarked: ‘Leave him, as his slaying will serve no good purpose, as he is not the only individual but there are a host of others like him and if you compare their prayers and fasting to that of yours, you yourself will feel ashamed. These are the people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats, with all these apparent virtues they will leave the fold of Deen just like the arrow leaves the bow." (Miskhat, P. 535)

‘A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven came to the Prophet (SAWS) and declared: 'O Muhammad! (SAWS) fear Allah. ' The Prophet (SAWS) replied: ‘If I disobey Allah (WST), then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah (SWT) at all times and never disobedient. Allah (SWT) has sent me as Amin (Honest for the entire world, but you don't accept me as an honest man? A Sahabi (Companion) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from the presence of the Prophet (SAWS). The Prophet (SAWS) prevented the Sahabi from doing so. After the person had left, the Prophet (SAWS) said: ‘From his progeny (descendants) will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen (Islam) just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill Muslims but spare the idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed'. (Mishkat, pp/535)

Historians have mentioned that Ibn Abdul Wahhab belonged to Banu Tamim tribe. The House of Sauds belonged to Banu Hanifah tribe. All historians have mentioned that the place of birth of Ibn Abdul Wahhab is Dariya, in Najd. These are photo finish facts confirming nature of Wahhabi movement. It has been asserted that this hadeeth is relating the coming events that shook the Muslim nation, these known as fitnah or 'trials'. The trials that arose in Riyadh. The tribe that was in Riyadh at the time was [5] It has also been identified as where the Dajjal or Antichrist is said to emerge from (according to a narration through Imam Nawawi


may Allah SWT send all wahabism/salafi/khawarij into Hellfire Of jahannam........

muslim people if you meet salafi/khawarij people kill them & destroy them all
What i do know from recent events and history is this ''The Saudi Arabian regime is anti Muslims as it gets''.

Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar work hard to topple Assad and reduce Iran's influence in Syria and Lebanon.

But they don't always agree !

Both work to protect their own monarchy! democracy anywhere in the Middle East, threatens their own power at home.
dude, were not Egyptian people who elected MB just last year to rule the country ?..it is still legitimate democratic right of MB to rule country..Just one single year later demand from MB to leave and to apply pressure on MB by Army and police force just is raping democracy and bombing the foundation of stability of Egyption...as Army give ultimatum, opponents attack and destroy MB headquarter, centers, branchs and critic members of MB while Police in collaboration with opponents and dont provide MB any protection..

Toppling MB will add more large problems to existing ones and will not provide Egypt any stability but deteriorate things more much..... MB is the oldest, th most organized and strongest opposition front of the country..

Now, it seems everyone will be happy after MB is toppled...all opponents parties, Army, police, media, West, EU, Israel, Iran, GCCs Salafis and almost entire of universe.

How it is possible so many paradoxes could be together in harmony?...Some ones may be win but what a pity that Egytians will be loser side of this turmoil..A new other frustration is on the way after MB toppled just like one after dictator Mobarak being ousted....

You did not learn a darn thing from what happened in Turkey.
here goes revolution in drain :pissed:

The group that comes to power after a revolution aren't always the one who initiated the revolution (read up on the Bolsheviks). Those who initiated this revolution were college-age liberals....then the MB....backed by an illiterate countryside took advantage. Yes....I believe they got most votes....but those who actually put their azz on the line for this revolution feel betrayed.
KSA does not support anyone in Egypt. The Egyptian military is ruling the country and will always pull the strings from behind whenever there will be problems and I predict that Egypt will face a lot of them in the near future and for quite some time - unfortunately.

The relations between the Egyptian military and KSA are excellent and nothing tells me that it will end.

KSA has no beef in Egypt. It is a fellow and friendly Sunni Arab country and neighbor (just across the Red Sea) and hundreds of thousands of Egyptians live and work in KSA.
Mursi's days are numbered.
Erdogan's days are numbered too.
You did not learn a darn thing from what happened in Turkey.

He had the exact same mindset against Turkish protesters.. according to them all these people are anti-democratic, looters, traitors.

Who cares? Egypt is an Arab country today and has been that for nearly 1400 years. Arabic culture, language, Islam etc. is all there and have come to stay.

Apart from that then Arabs have mixed heavily with Egyptians (which was a very sparsely populated country since it is the country with the biggest percentage of desert in terms of area) for nearly 1400 years. Arab nationalism was always strong in Egypt.

Millions of Egyptians have Hejazi etc. (Arab) origins and the urban Hejazi dialect and Egyptian dialects are very close. KSA and Egypt are neighbors only the narrow Red Sea is separating us. Sinai is even nearly bordering Northern Hejaz.

Gamal Abdel Nasser:

Aside then the Egyptians were Semitic like Arabs before the appearance of Islam and all we Semitic people have mixed with each other for millenniums. The Arabs did not come out of nothing and have common Semitic ancestors as all Semitic people in the world today and that is something genetics also confirm.

The presence of the Haplogroup J-P209 across the world which is the most common haplogroup among all Arab countries in the world today and among all Semitic people:



Regarding the issue then the Egyptians have the support of all fellow Sunni Arabs no matter what the government will be. We trust the Egyptian military to keep order in the country so no innocents will be harmed.

Moreover the Egyptians have had no relations with Iran since 1979 and Egyptians like most Arabs dislike Iranians. Especially the current wannabe-Arab Mullah's.

The treatment of EGYPTIAN Shia's with ties to Iran a few days ago should give a hint. If it were Iranians that they had captured then their bodies would have disappeared altogether. Especially if they were propagandizing a heretic sect inside Egypt.

Funny that some Iranians here cry about the Muslim Brotherhood when they were democratically elected knowing that 90% of them here like to talk about so-called "democracy" in some parts of the Arab world.

You are my hero....someone does read and study around here. PS...not about the brotherhood though. They DID get the most votes (no....I do not think there were that many irregularities in the election). BUT the people who kicked off this revolution had a far different vision. It would be like if college students in the US kicked out the government.....and then found out storm-front won the election. A bit disappointing. People make the mistake about the US being a democracy....we are not, strictly speaking. as Ben Franklin said..."democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch". We have checks in place to prevent "tyranny of the majority". For example....if you held a vote in a ME nation on killing all Jews, it would likely pass. If you held that vote in the US....we have checks and balances that would annul such a vote. The majority gets its way ONLY if it doesn't infringe another's rights.
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