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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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Well, lawyers dominate politics and people that have studied political science but often economists or engineers are better politics or statesmen. Just look at China. Engineers are dominating there from what I know of. I know plenty of lawyers and only a tiny minority of them will ever work in a court. Rhetorical skills have little to do with your education too. It's just something you have or not. Or you can try to learn it. Some do. Personally I am not your typical engineer/scientists/laboratory rat or whatever you would call it. Rhetorical skills are not a problem for me. So I think that one should be cautious to stereotype a whole group of people. I for sure know my share of law students/lawyers that are by no means the next John F. Kennedy or Obama in terms of rhetorical skills.

Just my two quick cents.
rats are making the progress of science ;)
you know i am independant and i needed to hide in my CV that i was writinng articles in PRL... otherwise i got always problems with some clients . i don't even say about when i worked for few times in some companies . when an engineer is wrong about physics phenomena and i try to explain politely and nicely how it works, rarely the guy is nice then with me ;)
there is too much of arrogance teached in engineering schools , at least i can say from countries i know ;)

for lawyers they have to be talentuous in convincing . not all are Obama , but it explains why they access to the political important positions . not the only reason anyway , since as you said world is dominated by laws .. i would add finance.

ladies thread is abut EGYPT .............................:ashamed:

Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

finished now
The man of the hour..

The feeling in the Egyptian street
rats are making the progress of science ;)
you know i am independant and i needed to hide in my CV that i was writinng articles in PRL... otherwise i got always problems with some clients . i don't even say about when i worked for few times in some companies . when an engineer is wrong about physics phenomena and i try to explain politely and nicely how it works, rarely the guy is nice then with me ;)
there is too much of arrogance teached in engineering schools , at least i can say from countries i know ;)

for lawyers they have to be talentuous in convincing . not all are Obama , but it explains why they access to the political important positions . not the only reason anyway , since as you said world is dominated by laws .. i would add finance.

finished now

Laboratory rat is just the stereotype you often hear. It was not meant seriously!

Correct. Engineers are able to work in plenty of different fields and the best thing is that the same is taught across the whole world so the whole world is potentially your workplace. While law is restricted to your host country which limits your movement somewhat although there are alternatives since lawyers also work in a quite diverse work field. Finance is much closer to engineering in that field since the same concepts are taught everywhere or should at least. The basic ones obviously.

Anyway we can work in private firms, for the state, make our own firms or abroad which I like especially.

May I ask what kind of engineer you are?

Regarding the arrogance then I don't think that is the case. At least that is not my experience. I would believe that law schools, people from the financial world etc. would tend to be more arrogant or at least that's the picture you get from movies and media. Anyway there are tons of opportunities. You can combine finance with engineering too especially if you are in the petroleum industry. My father did that and I am thinking about doing the same. Or even commercial law if you are doing business. Would probably be a better choice.

Last off-topic post too for my part.


I wrote this post two days ago and no Egyptian member answered it but a few people thanked it which probably indicates that they are curious to get some answers to those questions too.

To get back to the topic.

How do our Egyptian neighbors, fellow Muslim and Arab/Semitic brothers and sisters see the enormous role and importance of the Egyptian military?

Are you content that the military is the real power that is pulling the strings away from the politics? Does it serve as a much-needed buffer? Are you not afraid that whoever gets elected, that it will then only be the military who has the last word as in the last many decades?

How will you deal with all the political diverse parties in Egypt? Will it not be extremely difficult to reach a real consensus?

Why can't the Egyptian people elect a leader whose politics evolve around the 4 pillars of Egyptian life = Egyptian national interests, Islam and stability and prosperity? Apart from having good ties to fellow Arab countries, all of it's neighbors (Israel not necessarily included), Muslim countries and the West as of today?

We all know that a Western-styled democracy in Egypt is impossible and in the whole Middle East for now at least and I am not sure that this should be the aim since we have our own ancient culture etc. that is tied to the region.

Anyway most of the Egyptians here, if not all, are probably living in the West and have been formed by doing that. I would be even more curious to hear Egyptian users who actually live in Egypt right now.

Kalu_Miah: We both agree on all that. Your maps are only linguistic maps though and not really genetics/culture etc wise (completely). But I understand your point.;)
Isn't that becoming more of a fashion or what?
That false bravado.
Those green armies of this time with the "Muslim" tag on their chests.Will not be able to fight the aggressors or liberate their lands, but will find an opportunity to topple their own governments and won't hesitate for a second.

More like as if one is not able to kick the @ss of a burglar out of one's property, but will beat one's wife for not serving a hot cup of coffee the next morning.

One important cause for Engineers being more efficient even at jobs which would suit humanities student could be that Enginners do not falls for hippy/Fruity ideologies and thus could take a measured view on issues rather than trying to fit data to suit one's ideological rant.
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Egypt’s Morsi to resign or be sacked on Wed.: Al-Ahram

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi will either step down or be removed from office on Wednesday, Egypt’s state newspaper Al-Ahram claims.

Meanwhile, governor of the city of Giza has quit his post over clashes in al-Nahda Square after the security chief of the city was sacked over deadly clashes at Cairo University.

PressTV - Egypt?s Morsi to resign or be sacked on Wed.: Al-Ahram
Tell me the last time she has ever done anything besides waving to crowds tavarish. :pop:
She can do anything when she wants to - because she has the right. And House of Lords - is it democracy?
You did not learn a darn thing from what happened in Turkey.

Dude, it is you Egyptians must learn something from democracy..We have a past of 103 years of election with full of bitter experiences(first parliamnet election in 1908)....At the end, we managed to learn something from democracy and common sense...that is why Turkey have undergone its best decade.

MB 51% and Salafis%30..so how oppositions in Tahrir Square could provide stability after MB being toppled by military cope..

Do you have B plan...? If another next election MB win again with much more ratio than the first one , then what opponents will do?
All countries covertly involved in protests from West to east is just seeking their own interests and puppets not national interests of you Egyptians..

It is only Turkey calls all politic circles of Egyptians for common sense, wise and calmness..
The Justice and Freedom party's spokesperson said that a military coup is taking place now in Cario.
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