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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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I am a chemical engineering student and analytical skills are crucial in that field. Hence why I believe that we engineers should have more important positions in governments across the world rather than your typical lawyer or political science dude. If you notice governments across the world where engineers or people of a similar education are employed they tend to do better.

LOL. Exceptional would be a exaggeration. I am doing fine though (can't lie) and I have too many interests and some of them I like to study in depth in particularly the history of my region (Arab world) and the Semitic one especially since we Arabs are Semitic people. Likewise the linguistics, anthropological and genetical make up of the Arab/Semitic world.

Well, I have realized that this forum is not always the best forum for such discussions and the longer you write a post, although it is detailed and verified in terms of sources, most people just read the first post of the topic (whether that is correct or not) and just make their own conclusions based on that without even looking at the other posts in the topic that might have clarified the topic.

The best example was this thread below where another resident troll (Conspirator) tried to make false propaganda about KSA by claiming that Saudi "royalty", especially the women, wore Western clothes in Kuwait and that this was somehow hypocritical despite failing to understand that those people were ordinary Kuwaiti students inside Kuwait. Later another of our resident trolls, whom you have already encountered in this thread, Cheetah786, continued in the same light despite knowing that it was a lie.

That's what you are up against so it is very much hopeless hence why I am starting to take such posts less and less seriously than in the past where I often got banned for putting such clowns in place. Now I don't really care that much and let them bark in most of the threads unless they make complete and utter moronic claims as seen in this thread. Then I might bite.

The thread I am referring to is this one below. Take a ride and how some fun, LOL.

Lol...I am going to run with "exceptional student". (and don't call me out for having the period outside the quotes). You could probably chair a history position at UTEP just from what you have written. Don't know if that says a lot about you or our university. Everything you have written I already knew....but I am so used to idiots here it is a little intimidating. When you get used to snatching candy from children....someone who puts up a fight can throw you off.
Lol...I am going to run with "exceptional student". (and don't call me out for having the period outside the quotes). You could probably chair a history position at UTEP just from what you have written. Don't know if that says a lot about you or our university.

I studied one year at Stanford, California. So I am quite familiar with the educational system in the US. It's not really as bad as some of you would think. USA is still the place for the most educated people to go to or study in. That is undeniable. Only the UK is close but they only have like 6-7 top universities - top as in among the very best. I hear a lot of complains about the public schools in the US though but this depends on the county, state etc. I am currently studying in Denmark (Copenhagen) which has a very good university (top 50 in the world by most rankings and top 10-15 in Europe) but there they also have debates about their public schools and how they will be overrun by the Chinese. Let alone in KSA. LOL. That's for another day though. Same in France were I lived for 3 years. So the conclusion must be that it is widespread everywhere. Even among countries that are doing way better than 90% (or so) of all countries such as the US is doing.

Anyway let us not derail this thread.;)

Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Holland and many others are monarchy. And so what?

It is worth noticing that all those countries are constitutional monarchies meaning that the royals or head of state (either king or queen) have no political influence or say. Their role is purely a ceremonial one or out of tradition. In some countries, at least the supporters of the monarchies claim so and their states too, that those monarchies are a financial advantage for the country due to PR and tourism. I assume that they must have some studies that show that this is indeed the case.

In the Arab world then at least the countries that have monarchies whether absolute or constitutional or partially constitutional have proven to be the most stable, prosperous and advancing countries of all. That is undeniable. In every one of the countries those royal families have had a tremendous impact and history of those countries and they also tend to have a huge public support.

Republics are by no means necessary better than monarchies. Especially not in our part of the world. Fake theocracies such as Iran are the worst though and by looking at their state it speaks for itself.
I am well aware that most of what is said about our system is scare tactics.....I like to encourage it because the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute you are left in the dust. (and lose your funding!) Ps....my great-granddad went to Heidelberg for chemistry when it was top of the world for that.
I am well aware that most of what is said about our system is scare tactics.....I like to encourage it because the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute you are left in the dust. (and lose your funding!) Ps....my great-granddad went to Heidelberg for chemistry when it was top of the world for that.

So you are a German-American from your paternal lineage or at least partially German-American? They are the biggest ethnic group in the US. Many are completely unaware of that since the English, Irish, Italian etc. Americans are more famous. Or even the Jewish Americans.

Yes, Heidelberg University was world famous for its chemistry department and from what I remember it is still among the very best. Germans were always the best, traditionally, among the Europeans at least, when it came to innovation, engineering, chemistry etc. I have been to Germany many times and I especially like Southern Germany.

Yes, you are right. Not sure about whether that is a deliberate tactic though, LOL.;)
I am well aware that most of what is said about our system is scare tactics.....I like to encourage it because the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute you are left in the dust. (and lose your funding!) Ps....my great-granddad went to Heidelberg for chemistry when it was top of the world for that.

German-American haaaannn ? Guten Tag ! :cheers:

So are you a supporter of Bayern Munich or FC Shalke ? :what:

Oi @al-Hasani - So you're a chemical engineering - Nice....nice ! :)

I never could grasp my brain around Organic Chemistry ! :cray:

All them Ethyl Ethalene & Methyl Propolene thingiees looked the same to me ! :undecided:
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@al-Hasani .. you are a good poster, kindly tone down the rhetoric and hatred... why are you not a TT yet .. we need an arab TT jr/sr
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So you are a German-American from your paternal lineage or at least partially German-American? They are the biggest ethnic group in the US. Many are completely unaware of that since the English, Irish, Italian etc. Americans are more famous. Or even the Jewish Americans.

Yes, Heidelberg University was world famous for its chemistry department and from what I remember it is still among the very best. Germans were always the best, traditionally, among the Europeans at least, when it came to innovation, engineering, chemistry etc. I have been to Germany many times and I especially like Southern Germany.

Yes, you are right. Not sure about whether that is a deliberate tactic though, LOL.;)
German, British (Scots-Irish, English, Irish, Scot, etc.) My Great-granddad was a Scot....when the Brit schools could teach him no more they sent him to Germany. (this was late 1800's) He got some flak for helping with ersatz benzene. Lol....my last name means "small" in Anglo-Norman (I am 6'3" and small for the family) I accepted your request....if you are near Texas give me a shout (or PM...)
I am a chemical engineering student and analytical skills are crucial in that field. Hence why I believe that we engineers should have more important positions in governments across the world rather than your typical lawyer or political science dude. If you notice governments across the world where engineers or people of a similar education are employed they tend to do better.
engineering ... hmm ... too much stupid influence . sorry to be unpolite but being from scientist world, when i was doing my PhD i would meet some guys who believe to know everything with little brain. At least in science we learned that we need doubt.
but yeah i think people don't like us . as you say, not only a lawyer is helpful for political matter but it is more talentuous to speak too and convince . so quite logic that lawyers for exemple were presidents of France : from Mitterand to Sarkozy.

back to the topic : when is finished the "ultimatum"?

German, British (Scots-Irish, English, Irish, Scot, etc.) My Great-granddad was a Scot....when the Brit schools could teach him no more they sent him to Germany. (this was late 1800's) He got some flak for helping with ersatz benzene. Lol....my last name means "small" in Anglo-Norman (I am 6'3" and small for the family) I accepted your request....if you are near Texas give me a shout (or PM...)
scot ... hey a scot guy where i live explained me many times scots are the ancestors of Europeans
he has a high position in Airbus industry... i find it very funny but when he says it , he is very serious... you cannot laugh about it. never heard about this theory? :D
engineering ... hmm ... too much stupid influence . sorry to be unpolite but being from scientist world, when i was doing my PhD i would meet some guys who believe to know everything with little brain. At least in science we learned that we need doubt.
but yeah i think people don't like us . as you say, not only a lawyer is helpful for political matter but it is more talentuous to speak too and convince . so quite logic that lawyers for exemple were presidents of France : from Mitterand to Sarkozy.

back to the topic : when is finished the "ultimatum"?

scot ... hey a scot guy where i live explained me many times scots are the ancestors of Europeans
he has a high position in Airbus industry... i find it very funny but when he says it , he is very serious... you cannot laugh about it. never heard about this theory? :D
I always consider Scots as Celts from Ireland (an unpopular theory in Scotland itself)....But yes, I have heard the theory that they are pre-indo-European speakers (heavily celtic influence)
German-American haaaannn ? Guten Tag ! :cheers:

So are you a supporter of Bayern Munich or FC Shalke ? :what:

Oi @al-Hasani - So you're a chemical engineering - Nice....nice ! :)

I never could grasp my brain around Organic Chemistry ! :cray:

All them Ethyl Ethalene & Methyl Propolene thingiees looked the same to me ! :undecided:

German-American haaaannn ? Guten Tag ! :cheers:

So are you a supporter of Bayern Munich or FC Shalke ? :what:

There is only one team in Germany and that is Bayern Munich, Armstrong. Everyone should know that. Now they have also got Pep Guardiola! But they will find it extremely hard to topple their treble season where they won the league title, domestic cup and Champions League.

One of my best friends is a Bayern Munich fanatic.

FC Bayern - Jetzt gehts los - YouTube

But I hated their guts when they destroyed my favorite team (FC Barcelona) this past spring.:laughcry:

LOL. Tell me about it. It's not easy that's for sure. I love chemistry, math, physics and biology (biochemistry, microbiology etc.) though so it helps. Otherwise I would be lost.

I am probably going to combine it with petroleum engineering so I can work for Saudi Aramco as my father did. He is constantly insisting. Anyway we don't know what the future will tell.

German, British (Scots-Irish, English, Irish, Scot, etc.) My Great-granddad was a Scot....when the Brit schools could teach him no more they sent him to Germany. (this was late 1800's) He got some flak for helping with ersatz benzene. Lol....my last name means "small" in Anglo-Norman (I am 6'3" and small for the family) I accepted your request....if you are near Texas give me a shout (or PM...)

Well, stupid me. Americans are per definition a mixture of all kind of ethnicities most of the time which I find really cool since I am myself of a mixed background. Yes, German and British is a common mixture especially in Texas. I am yet to visit Texas though but since I like food and eating well (big portions too) then I have always had a soft spot for Texas. Oh, and the weather and landscapes are quite similar to those you can see in parts of KSA. You guys have mountains too from what I am aware of as in KSA. Long coastline too even! Not fat though.

Ah. You probably know this already but Anglo-Normans are people of a Norman (Scandinavian/Viking) paternal line mixed mostly with the local Celtic/Germanic populations of the UK. The Normans just adopted French after conquering/settling in Normandy (notice the name of that region) and later they conquered the UK. In fact none of the English royal families have been English originally in history but either French such as the Plantagenet, Danish (Vikings - Canute the Great), Stuart (Scottish), Tudor (Welsh), and in the last 300 years it has been German families originally. (House of Hannover, Saxe-Coburg-Gohta) etc. Quite funny. You have to go all the way back to the House of Wessex.

Just saw a nice documentary about the UK and it's royal houses so it has stuck in my memory.

Sure, I will and thanks.

@al-Hasani .. you are a good poster, kindly tone down the rhetoric and hatred... why are you not a TT yet .. we need an arab TT jr/sr

I don't know what a TT is and I don't wish to have any role on this forum. I don't have the time for it and I am already here too much. Regarding my strong opposition towards certain ideologies and regimes that have a history of opposing my people (Arabs), country and religion then that will not change unless they stop writing to me.

engineering ... hmm ... too much stupid influence . sorry to be unpolite but being from scientist world, when i was doing my PhD i would meet some guys who believe to know everything with little brain. At least in science we learned that we need doubt.
but yeah i think people don't like us . as you say, not only a lawyer is helpful for political matter but it is more talentuous to speak too and convince . so quite logic that lawyers for exemple were presidents of France : from Mitterand to Sarkozy.

back to the topic : when is finished the "ultimatum"?

scot ... hey a scot guy where i live explained me many times scots are the ancestors of Europeans
he has a high position in Airbus industry... i find it very funny but when he says it , he is very serious... you cannot laugh about it. never heard about this theory? :D

Well, lawyers dominate politics and people that have studied political science but often economists or engineers are better politics or statesmen. Just look at China. Engineers are dominating there from what I know of. I know plenty of lawyers and only a tiny minority of them will ever work in a court. Rhetorical skills have little to do with your education too. It's just something you have or not. Or you can try to learn it. Some do. Personally I am not your typical engineer/scientists/laboratory rat or whatever you would call it. Rhetorical skills are not a problem for me. So I think that one should be cautious to stereotype a whole group of people. I for sure know my share of law students/lawyers that are by no means the next John F. Kennedy or Obama in terms of rhetorical skills.

Just my two quick cents.
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There is only one team in Germany and that is Bayern Munich, Armstrong. Everyone should know that. Now they have also got Pep Guardiola! But they will find it extremely hard to topple their treble season where they won the league title, domestic cup and Champions League.

One of my best friends is a Bayern Munich fanatic.

FC Bayern - Jetzt gehts los - YouTube

But I hated their guts when they destroyed my favorite team (FC Barcelona) this past spring.:laughcry:

LOL. Tell me about it. It's not easy that's for sure. I love chemistry, math, physics and biology (biochemistry, microbiology etc.) though so it helps. Otherwise I would be lost.

I am probably going to combine it with petroleum engineering so I can work for Saudi Aramco as my father did. He is constantly insisting. Anyway we don't know what the future will tell.

Well, stupid me. Americans are per definition a mixture of all kind of ethnicities most of the time which I find really cool since I am myself of a mixed background. Yes, German and British is a common mixture especially in Texas. I am yet to visit Texas though but since I like food and eating well (big portions too) then I have always had a soft spot for Texas. Oh, and the weather and landscapes are quite similar to those you can see in parts of KSA. You guys have mountains too from what I am aware of as in KSA. Long coastline too even! Not fat though.

Ah. You probably know this already but Anglo-Normans are people of a Norman (Scandinavian/Viking) paternal line mixed mostly with the local Celtic/Germanic populations of the UK. The Normans just adopted French after conquering/settling in Normandy (notice the name of that region) and later they conquered the UK. In fact none of the English royal families have been English originally in history but either French such as the Plantagenet, Danish (Vikings - Canute the Great), Stuart (Scottish), Tudor (Welsh), and in the last 300 years it has been German families originally. (House of Hannover, Saxe-Coburg-Gohta) etc. Quite funny. You have to go all the way back to the House of Wessex.

Just saw a nice documentary about the UK and it's royal houses so it has stuck in my memory.

Sure, I will and thanks.
Lol....I know the Normans are Germanic....I just meant my name has a silent "e"....French construct through Norman influence. I was born in Nurnberg....Bayern rocks...but I used to have a chick from Dusseldorf...something of a hooligan. My first home was a 300 year-old row-house in Schwabach. (ps....actually born in Furth....but you know....)
German, British (Scots-Irish, English, Irish, Scot, etc.) My Great-granddad was a Scot....when the Brit schools could teach him no more they sent him to Germany. (this was late 1800's) He got some flak for helping with ersatz benzene. Lol....my last name means "small" in Anglo-Norman (I am 6'3" and small for the family) I accepted your request....if you are near Texas give me a shout (or PM...)


ladies thread is abut EGYPT .............................:ashamed:

Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood


If MB does not understand that Democracy does not mean Tyranny of majority, Egypt in hands of a dictator is a much better option.
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