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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

AIPAC opposes cuts in Egypt aid

American stooge El Bandito:
ElBaradei to Washington Post: Israel has chance for 'real peace' with Egypt

Egypt's interim vice president expresses support for Kerry's efforts towards a two-state solution and says Israel has opportunity for normalized relations with post-Mubarak Egypt - if they change policy on Palestinians.
Egyptian liberal and secular Muslims hypocrisy has been exposed. They wanted democracy and remove Mubarak, but when democracy brought MB, liberal/secular Muslims, Mubarak supporters and copts wanted democracy no more and supported a coup to remove Morsi/MB. Now they want election without MB. And some countries from the region and outside are supporting this joke of a "democracy" Al-Sisi and El-Beradei style.

Sisi want to prosecute MB for killing 8 people, who will prosecute Sisi for killing more than 200 people?

I say let Sisi kill 10,000 and then lets see what happens.

I thank brothers from Turkey and Algeria for speaking out against this farce and joke that is going on in Egypt. Internal issues you say, if people of the world can speak out against butcher Assad, yes all the world has the right to speak out against this Egyptian joke led by Al-Sisi, the idiot.

And I am not a big fan of "political Islam" or MB, just a person that values "genuine" democracy, that includes everyone, and believes that only an inclusive and genuine democracy can take a society forward, not fake ones led by Al-Sisi, the general that came to power in a coup.
More anti-coup protests today.



notice how last week the puppet of Pissi's minister warned the protesters but now it went worse for the puppet govt's because they know they can't crush those numbers of pro supporters, they don't know what to do so they meet EU and US govt's to solve the crisis :lol:
notice how last week the puppet of Pissi's minister warned the protesters but now it went worse for the puppet govt's because they know they can't crush those numbers of pro supporters, they don't know what to do so they meet EU and US govt's to solve the crisis

Actually, its because Sisi doesn't want a giant clusterfuck (which you're wishing for). The MB leadership is also negotiating their safe and prisonless exit from Rab3a.

Mohamed Morsi's allies admit defeat and plot to fly him into exile

Alastair Beach/Cairo/Monday 05 August 2013

Islamist allies of Mohamed Morsi are secretly discussing a face-saving deal in which the toppled President could be released from detention and allowed to officially “resign” his position, according to a source close to crisis talks currently taking place between opposing sides in Cairo.

Options being considered include allowing Mr Morsi – who has not been seen in public since being detained by the military a month ago – to announce his resignation in a televised address and formerly hand his executive powers to interim Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawi. Another possibility is that Mr Morsi could be released and flown into exile, according to the source. “We’re hoping to find a dignified exit for him,” he added.

The news comes as Egypt’s most senior security body warned that negotiations to solve the current crisis were not open-ended. The National Defence Council, a group which includes interim President Adly Mansour and army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, also said that a political settlement would not protect “law-breakers” from retribution – a thinly veiled threat to Islamists who have been accused by their opponents of inciting violence.

Over the weekend Gen al-Sisi used a newspaper interview to criticise both America and the EU for “turning their back” on Egyptians over the past month. “We really wonder,” he told The Washington Post, “[whether] the values of freedom and democracy [are] exclusively exercised in your countries, but other countries do not have the right to exercise the same values.”

His remarks were in response to a perception among many liberal Egyptians that the West does not comprehend the level of popular support which lay behind last month’s military coup. In a further escalation of tension, Egypt’s state news agency announced today that two senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood – Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie and his deputy Khairat al-Shater – would face trial later this month.

The development will anger Brotherhood negotiators who are seeking the release of detained Islamists as a kick-starter for any eventual settlement. Over the weekend they met with European and US envoys in a bid to hammer out a concessions package to end the standoff. If the negotiations break down, Western governments fear Egypt’s security services will try to clear the thousands of pro-Morsi protesters camped out in Cairo. Any operation would be a potential bloodbath.

Mr Morsi’s supporters are calling for the reinstatement of their ousted leader, a demand which remains the official position of the Muslim Brotherhood despite pro-Morsi negotiators saying in private that they recognise the political powers behind last month’s coup will never agree to his return.

“I think most people agree that it isn’t possible to bring Mr Morsi back,” said the source. “Anyway, how could he come back without the support of all the state institutions? With no judiciary, with no Interior Ministry or army?” An EU official, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Independent that Mr Morsi’s allies appeared willing to sacrifice the former President in return for a deal whereby arrested Brotherhood officials would be released from detention and allowed to return safely to their homes. Those officials would then be told to refrain from political activism.

“What we’re trying to do is to bring the moderates from both camps together,” said the official. “There seems to be a divide in both camps between moderates and hardliners.”

Looking over Egypt’s mutually hostile political camps, the divide often appears unbridgeable. Recent allegations of torture inside Muslim Brotherhood encampments – publicised in a Amnesty International report on Friday – have confirmed in the minds of many liberals that Islamists are not fit for power. Photographs of children being paraded in burial shrouds at a pro-Morsi protest have had a similar effect in convincing some Egyptians that the mass protests in eastern Cairo are little more than incubators of “terrorism”.

Mohamed Morsi's allies admit defeat and plot to fly him into exile - Africa - World - The Independent

Its over. Either you go down fighting (figuratively, hopefully) and fade or you participate in the transitional phase without the current brass of MB leadership. No matter how many people gather (which are decreasing day by day according to foreign journos) Morsi will not return.

What does Salamn have to do with this deposed douchebag :coffee: those Tamaroud folks made history :police:

It was on his world trip. He pretty much embarrassed us everywhere and came back. Tamarod have made history but they are falling into a trap by hugging the military (the same trap many fell into after 2011).
It was on his world trip. He pretty much embarrassed us everywhere and came back.

I don't think Morsi represents 80 million people to embarrass them all =|

Tamarod have made history but they are falling into a trap by hugging the military (the same trap many fell into after 2011).

I'm not a supporter of them, I didn't like what thy said after the removal of Morsi to be honest.
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I don't think Morsi represents 80 million people to embarrass them all =|

He embarrassed us. I mean our previous military leaders didnt have the best academic education nor did they teach in American university's yet they had a much better grasp of the English language. Being the head of state and being this moronic reflects on all Egyptians.

I'm not a supporter of them, I didn't like what thy said after the removal of Morsi to be honest.

Neither did I but my position is still firmly on their side, however, after the transitional period they must be brought under civilian oversight (step by step) so they cant get involved in politics again (if there's a constitution with adequate checks and balances that is).
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Hilarious :lol:

But seriously bro, please don't be sensitive, I don't think Morsi was dumber than Ghadafi, Morsi is gone with all of his bads, just let go.
He embarrassed us. I mean our previous military leaders didnt have the best academic education nor did they teach in American university's yet they had a much better grasp of the English language. Being the head of state and being this moronic reflects on all Egyptians.

Neither did I but my position is still firmly on their side, however, after the transitional period they must be brought under civilian oversight (step by step) so they cant get involved in politics again (if there's a constitution with adequate checks and balances that is).

I appreciate their efforts during the protests, but they must realize that if they are interested in the continuation of their political activities, then they have to join the civil Gov't, nothing less or more than that.
Hilarious :lol:

But seriously bro, please don't be sensitive, I don't think Morsi was dumber than Ghadafi, Morsi is gone with all of his bads, just let go.

I appreciate their efforts during the protests, but they must realize that if they are interested in the continuation of their political activities, then they have to join the civil Gov't, nothing less or more than that.

I'm just laughing about it now. I'm not being sensitive, it was just hilarious and infuriating at the same time back then.

Morsi and his team didn't even bother looking up Wikipedia when visiting Pakistan. His speech was littered with mistakes (horrible mistakes).

Hopefully we can get out of this rut. Whats promising is that everything didn't go to crap like it did in 2011.
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