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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

These pics summ up everythings..no need to extend more mention..

Look junta lover, an legitimate government like the MB government that democratically elected by people has legal rights to make laws or put things into order in all the world.

But your Pissi's illegal government is just like the child who born out of wedlock and abondoned in courtyard of the mousq has no any illigtimate right even to rule a village of Egypt.

i hope you have realized the differences between two govs.

If there was a fair working judiciary system in Egypt Gen. Pissi and his traitor fellows must be judged at once from sellout of country...But no doubt some day that moment will take place in Egypt too just like in Turkey....military minded People like You must realize very well that dictators and military coups era had already over and people never submit to their atrocity more in the ME..No chance for Pissi to be 2 nd Mubarak.Dont cheer in vain.

Bro, to be honest there is no any differences between Shabihaa thugs of Assad and Baltaji thugs of Sisi. No difference between Assad and Sisi, No difference between meddling in Syria by Iran and meddling in Egypt by KSA..
The truth hurts..isn't??
If there is a civil war between MB and Army, does MB supporters have any possibility of winning? Who is going to back MB financially and with arms and ammunition?

What is the level of support for MB within the Army? Is it possible that they will stage a counter coup and remove Sissi and his supporters, instead of risking a wider civil war with large casualty?

It's about the ranking, majority of the top officials are seculars so I think it's impossible to remove Pissi. Also, ex Gen Tantawi who removed Mubarak was a secular. It's too unrealistic to confront the Egyptian army but they are divided as well and remember, economically, MB has Qatar, AKP and Islamic parties like Gamal Islamiya international only who recieves fund from them so that's not enough compared to the army who has a powerful ally KSA, UAE and America. If you're thinking of why the Free Syrian Army was easily planned. It's because 85% of the army were Suuni Muslims before the civil war started so that's why they defected quickly, only to refused orders from Assad to kill their majority brothers and sisters. Oh, Egypt has one of the world most prominent scholars like Sheikh Muhammad Hassan who issued a fatwa last month on jihad in Syria infront of 70 world top scholars, Ya'quob or Keweni etc that has followers. They could do a 'fatwa' on solving the Egypt's issue and what should the people do which is a legal binding. Qaradawi already did, I think they answered his call by staying outside. If more killed, then what will happen? The people are still outside so what choice do the army have? it will lead to economical problem, government corruption and bloodshed .

Morsi supporters hold fresh Egypt protests - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Remembered the post video here of the airforce commander who supported Morsi. Can't find it on YT now :/
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Actually, Morsi's government was unelected. No one questioned their right to legislate or reform but what was questioned is their level of competence (which was a little above incompetent).

Morsis constitutional decree which gave him absolute power to make legislative and judicial decisions with immunity from prosecution from any state institution was also illegal and unconstitutional.

Are you aware that the military proposed a referendum to Morsi on several occasions prior to June the 30th but Morsi refused. If he had accepted and won like he should of if the majority of Egyptians were behind him as he and his brotherhood said then he would of stayed in power and if the result was against him then there would have been presidential elections in which he would of been allowed to run. So why are the MB now offering a referendum but only if Morsi is returned as a ceremonial president isn't it a bit too late?

By the way your metaphors and your insistence on changing names for the purpose of slander or to mock them makes you sound like a five year old. I would advise you to stop doing that, I'm against Morsi and I haven't messed with his name or insulted the former president.

One was surprised by the renaissance dam and had no clue at all while the other solved chronic fuel and power problems in a few days?

Since you have no true understanding of what politics is like and how state institutions work or know the intricacies of Egyptian politics then I would advise you to stop interfering in the nations business until you have an informed and constructive view.

He didn't mention Rab3a nor peaceful protesters. In fact he assured people had the right to peacefully protest and it is your interpretation of his words that makes you believe this and not whats happening on the ground. There was a march today towards military intelligence HQ by the folks from Rab3a why weren't they shot and killed if they're terrorists?

Plus do you know the videos you have posted are all labelled police brutality....

Again the only source from the military is its spokesman and not a FB page which claims to be official and there has been no such statement.

You would think the military would know what a Hellfire missile is wouldn't you...

I know, the military claimed they were attacked with US made ballistic shells. Here's one of the sources:

Egyptian soldier killed in Rafah attack | Maan News Agency

On Sunday, gunmen fired US-made ballistic shells at a security building in north Sinai, Egypt's Ministry of Interior said.

"Terrorists targeted the security directorate of north of Sinai from a long distance," the ministry said. Security sources detained three suspects in Sinai, after clashing with two of them.
Egypt probes blast near Suez Canal | Stuff.co.nz

An official in the Suez Canal Authority said shipping was operating as normal.

Witnesses said they heard an explosion around dawn near a residential area about one kilometre from the canal.

Three security officials speaking on condition of anonymity said they had received reports of a blast and were investigating its cause.

Sisi ousting the MB related people from the army (Hamza Abu Alaa Madi son of an islamist leader in jail ) , the police already r doing the same .
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Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews" -

The Israeli ambassador in Cairo has told a minister in the interim government that the people of Israel look upon General Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi as a "national hero". According to Israel Radio, the ambassador rang Agriculture Minister Ayman Abu-Hadid to congratulate him on his new post and said, "Al-Sisi is not a national hero for Egypt, but for all Jews in Israel and around the globe."

Israel is looking forward to the launch of new relationships with Egypt, said Yaakov Amitai, as well as joint efforts in the war on terror. His mention of "terror" is understood to be an oblique reference to President Mohamed Morsi’s supporters protesting against the coup which removed him from office.

The two men agreed on the resumption of the work of the Supreme Egyptian-Israeli Agricultural Committee. Meetings of the committee are held alternately in Cairo and Tel Aviv every six months. They also agreed to reactivate the Egyptian branch of the Future Leaders Network, which includes Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli youths.
Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews"
US Gen confirms the Hellfire has been used by the Egyptian Military
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gypt’s Muslim Brotherhood First Casualty Of US Verdict: Saudi Arabia Not Qatar, To Lead Arab World – OpEd

By Zayd Alisa

July 26, 2013

The Egyptian army issued a stern ultimatum, on July 1, 2013, which was ostensibly a stark warning to both, Morsi, the elected president of Egypt – who represents the Muslim Brotherhood MB – and on the other side the Tamarod Movement and the National Salvation Front – which is a loose coalition of secular parties. However, in reality, it was nothing short of a thinly veiled threat to, Morsi, stressing that unless he conceded a significant portion of his powers within 48 hours, the army would oust him. It was abundantly clear that the army has already taken the monumental decision to depose Morsi.


Zayd Alisa is a political analyst and a writer on Middle East affairs with numerous appearances on various TV channels, including BBC and France 24. Zayd Alisa has published several articles and press releases relating to the Middle East, and has been a human rights activist for twenty five years and have actively promoted democracy and freedom of expression in the Arab world.

Zayd Alisa is of Iraqi Shia origin and a mouth piece of Iran and Press TV:
PressTV - KSA, Qatar seek a return to Saddam-era in Iraq: Zayd al-Isa

The article is blaming USA, KSA and Qatar for all of Mideast problems and there is no mention of Iran, that says everything about how objective this report is. Next time, read the article content and do some background check of the writer, before spreading Iranian propaganda material.
French foreign minister asks Egypt to free Morsi and stop violence
in the same speech he said it is important to give weapons to the "right" rebels in Syria (for the hundred time he said it)
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Mohammed Khaled, 26 years old . burnt alive by thugs

good looking fur...kudos to the.....thugs.

Brothers it pains us Muslims and Arabs to see a neighboring Arab country such as Egypt in such a state.

You are the cause, fils de putes.
I have my respect to him but there is no point of showing this because there are Middle Eastern government who are like this who have met American and Israel governments.


If I remember correctly Algeria has full diplomatic relation with the US, so I don't comprehend what Bouteflika's picture with Rumsfeld has to do with the topic. Bouteflika is a lot of things but he is not what you call un "affide" des USA.

Beside Algeria, Pakistan and Turkey are not in the ME region.
I have my respect to him but there is no point of showing this because there are Middle Eastern government who are like this who have met American and Israel governments.


If I remember correctly Algeria has full diplomatic relation with the US, so I don't comprehend what Bouteflika's picture with Rumsfeld has to do with the topic. Bouteflika is a lot of things but he is not what you call un "affide" des USA.

Beside Algeria, Pakistan and Turkey are not in the ME region.

I had no idea Berbers are funny..
I don't want MB members to get hurt but if they try to start "Free Egyptian Army", I want them dead.
Force is the only thing they understand. We lived thru that. The reaction of the Egyptian army, although hard to comprehend, is understandable. MB's and Muslim fundamentalist are like the bad weed, if you don't uproot it, it will take over your lawn...Some of you have seen this....

Taken in Algeria after the Bentalha massacre. The Egyptian MB's cheered...That is reminder for the Egyptian fellow contributor of this forum, wise up...

Horrified by the Egyptian Army's Massacre of innocent Muslims!
Not that innocent...
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