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DRDO: Intercontinental ballistic missiles well within reach

You are familiar with "they make a desert and call it peace" are you not? And if you think hitting New York will bring you peace...ask the last guys who did that how they like their "peace"
True, but why Aparna Sen? She is fully pre-occupied with her toyboy. Jayalalitha would swallow up the whole defence budget and ask what's for dessert.
Its just they both came to mind...even i can do the best job in both portfolio..............:D.........but i'm already a traitorous ISI agent.:hang2:
Its just they both came to mind...even i can do the best job in both portfolio..............:D.........but i'm already a traitorous ISI agent.:hang2:

no one even know ur nationality yet, and as far as job of PM of India is concerned only people from India & Italy can apply :D :D
no one even know ur nationality yet, and as far as job of PM of India is concerned only people from India & Italy can apply :D :D
non state actors ki bhi koi citizenship hoti hai...........:cheesy:
Indian as of now does not require ICBM, we should concentrate on Sagarika, we have develop more radar evading and MIRV capabilities, we should send our scientist to learn more capabilities of Russian Bulava SLBM.

Why? Is France threatening to nuke us if we don't finalize plans for the Rafale sometime soon?

Indian Army demanded an 8000 KM ballistic missile over 7-8 years ago.

Though the R&D does function independently also to improve the existing and seek future technologies, what is surprising is Mr. Sekharan's version of the decision making process, "we demonstrate the technology and the capability, then the government decides, keeping in mind the big picture."

This means that the Indian R&D is not organized to support the current and future strategic objectives, it is the R&D output which governs the strategy. It used to function in the manner in earlier decades, when the technological expertise and edge was not available and RMA would govern the strategy to an extent.

The tactical picture however, does need to revolve around the existing holdings and future technological inductions.

Mr. Sekharan's statement does present confusing processes and environment.
EzioAltaïr;3378208 said:
No, but power projection is necessary. Knowing the dirty backstabber USA can be, I wouldn't trust them at all. I say India should test at least till 8000km (Agni VI), that brings a few cities like New York into the range. Let them sanction us, but then we would at least have a bit of deterrence against USA, and complete deterrence with Europe. Good start.

First ICBMs are no joke, they expensive to build and maintain, so India won't build them against non-existent threats.

Besides considering USA a nuclear threat is laughable, considering their conventional military capability is so powerful.

How about we make an MRIV SLBM of 8000km range, On one hand we can justify them as second strike against CHina , also use them in case we face a threat from the West.
Indian as of now does not require ICBM, we should concentrate on Sagarika, we have develop more radar evading and MIRV capabilities, we should send our scientist to learn more capabilities of Russian Bulava SLBM.

A ballistic missile carrying nuclear submarine is equally capable of extending the range of such missiles by default. But this is also at times constrained by existing missile ranges and its capability to enter the inimical strategic zones undetected in order to fire when the target is in range.
No there is no need. India right now is working on its nuclear sub which has now reached advanced stages. This missile needs to be put it into the sub. 6000km is enough for India right now.

however 6,000 KM SLBM will create panic in west, as it will be able to target Western Europe also along with China and Eastern Europe;and thus may result in lot sanctions

thus, DRDO may reveal only Land version of Agni 6 and SLBM version may not be revealed for next 10 years
Almost immediately after independence China started its missile program, while India kept wasting time. Now we have an Icbm. But need to go more far. We started 15 yrs later but now we have a very advanced missile program. Comparison will Pakistan will be stupid as their missiles are 1970 based chinese missiles. China has advanced missiles and India now needs canisters and Mirvs.

Stupid of the day. Go and research Pakistani missile then call it 1970.
no one even know ur nationality yet, and as far as job of PM of India is concerned only people from India & Italy can apply :D :D

According to the Constitution, she qualifies.

Indian Army demanded an 8000 KM ballistic missile over 7-8 years ago.

Though the R&D does function independently also to improve the existing and seek future technologies, what is surprising is Mr. Sekharan's version of the decision making process, "we demonstrate the technology and the capability, then the government decides, keeping in mind the big picture."

This means that the Indian R&D is not organized to support the current and future strategic objectives, it is the R&D output which governs the strategy. It used to function in the manner in earlier decades, when the technological expertise and edge was not available and RMA would govern the strategy to an extent.

The tactical picture however, does need to revolve around the existing holdings and future technological inductions.

Mr. Sekharan's statement does present confusing processes and environment.

As far as I know, it was a sequence. In the first phase, at the beginning of the missiles programme, there was a lot of technology demonstration involved, and a lot of concept selling, especially to the three services. A phase of staff qualitative requirements, and building to those, followed. In this particular case, a one-off case for these times, an existing vehicle we shown to have expansion capability, it fit the political need of the hour, and the lab got a green signal. Most of the wanted technology had already been covered.
According to the Constitution, she qualifies.

As far as I know, it was a sequence. In the first phase, at the beginning of the missiles programme, there was a lot of technology demonstration involved, and a lot of concept selling, especially to the three services. A phase of staff qualitative requirements, and building to those, followed. In this particular case, a one-off case for these times, an existing vehicle we shown to have expansion capability, it fit the political need of the hour, and the lab got a green signal. Most of the wanted technology had already been covered.

This is an interesting statement. With regard to the integrated guided missile programme, the three service chiefs would haven been consulted. However, with regard to the ballistic missile programme, which essentially intended to carry a nuclear weapon, as far as the open source material says, was kept away from the service chiefs as was the development of nuclear weapons programme.

Coming back to your comment in response to the one I raised ..... it still doesn't answer my point. Mr. Sekharan's statement points to a different aspect as it is followed in the current environment. The strategy has to be based on a variety of different aspects and not DRDOs new inventions - this gentleman says something quite the opposite.

Almost immediately after independence China started its missile program, while India kept wasting time. Now we have an Icbm. But need to go more far. We started 15 yrs later but now we have a very advanced missile program. Comparison will Pakistan will be stupid as their missiles are 1970 based chinese missiles. China has advanced missiles and India now needs canisters and Mirvs.

Oh ... do you want to go more and now intend nuking the Moon and Mars.
Oh ... do you want to go more and now intend nuking the Moon and Mars.
Yes.Who knows PM of india some day in future finds sitting on mars and moon thumbing their noses at him like WP did yesterday and right now PMO is tizzy in nuking washington but alas they cant do it coz they lack true 18000 km missile.thats why need more so when some other WP writes article about against PM or gandhi family we can be able t nuke that paper office itself....:D
This is an interesting statement. With regard to the integrated guided missile programme, the three service chiefs would haven been consulted. However, with regard to the ballistic missile programme, which essentially intended to carry a nuclear weapon, as far as the open source material says, was kept away from the service chiefs as was the development of nuclear weapons programme.

Coming back to your comment in response to the one I raised ..... it still doesn't answer my point. Mr. Sekharan's statement points to a different aspect as it is followed in the current environment. The strategy has to be based on a variety of different aspects and not DRDOs new inventions - this gentleman says something quite the opposite.
Let me tell you my perception of DRDO during 2 months of 4th year B.tech project work i had spent at ADA in bangalore.My guide was D grade scientist.nice uncle very much knowledgeable in his field Radar and communication.What the work force suffers is due to red tapism even in DRDO labs.Some iditio on top keep on blocking the funds which never reach on time to labs for purchases even after GOI sanctioning them.secondly clash of egos between forces and DRDO.What DRDO needs is revamp in its management and aboveall its scientists and engineers needs training in project management and requirement engineering.Coz Every time forces keeps on changing GSQR.Thirdly there is loot india program is going on in india.forces like there shiny faarign made toys making cut of every deal along with politicians and generals.its very difficult to break this nexuses.V.K singh did some good work but every thing is back to square one again.
Yes.Who knows PM of india some day in future finds sitting on mars and moon thumbing their noses at him like WP did yesterday and right now PMO is tizzy in nuking washington but alas they cant do it coz they lack true 18000 km missile.thats why need more so when some other WP writes article about against PM or gandhi family we can be able t nuke that paper office itself....:D

hmmmmm ..... interesting strategy.

You need to send a large contingent of Fair and Lovely to the WP goras. They will vanish trying to become even more goras by using the Fair and Lovely.

Instead of Unilever, it should be the DRDO who should produce the fair and Lovely in large numbers.

The whole of PMO would be safe for a long time to come.
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