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Dr. Abdus Salam: A question

I don't remember where I read it but it was used by extrimists against Salman Rushdie

if you insult even my family member to an extreme be sure i will lynch you and that will be my personal love for my family and Nowhere my religion ever asked me to do that.

People like salman rushdi who's deliberate actions/plans lead to inciting deadly riots should be punished with death penalty in court of justice for being cause of deaths
@Ravi Nair ... some pakistanis like him because he is a famous scientist
some dont like him as much after knowing he is ahmedi and some carry on liking anyway.

I dont think one should talk about AQ Khan (water car anyone?) in same paragraph.
if you insult even my family member to an extreme be sure i will lynch you and that will be my personal love for my family and Nowhere my religion ever asked me to do that.

People like salman rushdi who's deliberate actions/plans lead to inciting deadly riots should be punished with death penalty in court of justice for being cause of deaths

Please don't troll, we are talking about Dr. Abdus Salam and why he did not get his due recognition in Pakistan.
Please don't troll, we are talking about Dr. Abdus Salam and why he did not get his due recognition in Pakistan.

Your member was trolling just like you and brought maududi and what not into it.

anyway Unfortunately you Indians turn any thread about Great Dr. Abdul salam into an Islam-bashing thread and thus do injustice to a try to praise Dr. Salam.

@Ravi Nair ... some pakistanis like him because he is a famous scientist
some dont like him as much after knowing he is ahmedi and some carry on liking anyway.

I dont think one should talk about AQ Khan (water car anyone?) in same paragraph.

Pakistani population is in millions so NOT a big deal if we have "some" bad apples.

as far as AQ Khan is concerned you should behave . He served Pakistan in his own capacity and we are thankful to him as well.

The later politics can be separated.
if you insult even my family member to an extreme be sure i will lynch you and that will be my personal love for my family and Nowhere my religion ever asked me to do that.

People like salman rushdi who's deliberate actions/plans lead to inciting deadly riots should be punished with death penalty in court of justice for being cause of deaths

And yet Christians didn't riot when Dan Brown wrote the Da Vinci code. Where Jesus was married and had a kid.

The movie got banned in India because it hurt christiansentiments. But in America and other western countries his book got released.

Rioting because someone committed sacrilege is not grounds enough for rioting. It shows a distinct lack of maturity. Something which is missing in India and elsewhere.

Every religion is now very fragile in their sentiments, and screams offence at every questioning.

People who take law into their own hands in the religion, should be dealt with harshly.

Either iti is O.K. To poke fun at nothing or everything. No religion should be given a special treatment and be above satire. No matter how much they stamp their feet like petulant children.
Are you issuing some Fatwas, here? Fauji; LOLLL.
You are dumb enough to think that every Indian is automatically a Hindu;....

probably hindu, based on simple ratios.

As I said, you want to regurgitate Isalamist $hit, and ref@rt and restunk PDF with Islamist propaganda, then go ahead.

Some $hit shoveling could be in someone's blood. Even though they wear a 3 piece suite, they must do some of that shoveling no matter what.

Family business of your perhaps?

So What else Mullah Poppy wants to say today?


I don't remember where I read it but it was used by extrimists against Salman Rushdie

If you don't remember then please do not put it out in public. you will be considered as someone who puts it out for others.

What the b@stard Mullahs did to Rushdie was horrible. Like rape of intellectual.


you come here and try to rape him again.

What's the difference then between you and Devil Mullahs.

What's the difference.

You Sir should be spreading the message of reason and not fantaticism.

Thank you
Dr. Abdus Salam was a Legend & legends like him are rarely born. No matter what religion he follows but one thing was sure he was a true believer of Pakistan & Pakistaniyat & remained a patriot Pakistani even when he spend along time outside Pakistan. His gap is very hard to fill.
probably hindu, based on simple ratios.

As I said, you want to regurgitate Isalamist $hit, and ref@rt and restunk PDF with Islamist propaganda, then go ahead.

Some $hit shoveling could be in someone's blood. Even though they wear a 3 piece suite, they must do some of that shoveling no matter what.

Family business of your perhaps?

So What else Mullah Poppy wants to say today?


If you don't remember then please do not put it out in public. you will be considered as someone who puts it out for others.

What the b@stard Mullahs did to Rushdie was horrible. Like rape of intellectual.


you come here and try to rape him again.

What's the difference then between you and Devil Mullahs.

What's the difference.

You Sir should be spreading the message of reason and not fantaticism.

Thank you

I wasn't spreading anything...just explaining the term "Wajib-e-Quatal" and in what context it is being used. It is being used frequently against all apostate who renounce set beliefs like in the case of Salman Rushdie, Abdus Salam and very recently against your Punjab CM Salman Taseer.
I wasn't spreading anything...just explaining the term "Wajib-e-Quatal" and in what context it is being used. It is being used frequently against all apostate who renounce set beliefs like in the case of Salman Rushdie, Abdus Salam and very recently against your Punjab CM Salman Taseer.

But you are confused about the Islamic teachings and thus talking and acting like an Islamist Mullah.

That's the point.



Your member was trolling just like you and brought maududi and what not into it.

anyway Unfortunately you Indians turn any thread about Great Dr. Abdul salam into an Islam-bashing thread and thus do injustice to a try to praise Dr. Salam.

Pakistani population is in millions so NOT a big deal if we have "some" bad apples.

as far as AQ Khan is concerned you should behave . He served Pakistan in his own capacity and we are thankful to him as well.

The later politics can be separated.
if you are implying AQ was lying about water car.. his name should not be taken in same article. :sick:
People look upto scientists now a days , its one thing to be wrong but another to tell such blatantly obvious lies to gullible masses.
probably hindu, based on simple ratios.

As I said, you want to regurgitate Isalamist $hit, and ref@rt and restunk PDF with Islamist propaganda, then go ahead.

Some $hit shoveling could be in someone's blood. Even though they wear a 3 piece suite, they must do some of that shoveling no matter what.

Family business of your perhaps?

Being the A$$ that you are; you simply make your A$$UMPTIONS that you have been brought up to make. Some people are Congenital Idiots and are brought up as such. In your case that is rather clear.

All the Islamist $hit that you speak of happens to be around you. There is no such thing in my neighborhood. Hence only you can decide how much of it you wish to smear over yourself.
Speaking of family; your choice of uncivil expressions on a consistent basis does not speak too highly of what preceded you.

Since you are unable even to distinguish between Manure and Molasses; you are best left to wallow in whatever you choose to dwell in; Mr.FarjiHistorian.

So then; just dry up and blow away. You can only add to the pollution, but take nothing away from it.
Nobel prize winning Pakistani physicist who predicted the 'God particle' is shunned in his own country because of his religious beliefs

He was the first Pakistani to win a Nobel prize in physics after he predicted the existence of the so-called 'God particle', but in his home country Abdus Salam's achievements have been written from the record books.

Despite being a leading figure in Pakistan's space and nuclear program Salam was shunned by Muslim fundamentalists when they took control of the country in the 1970s.

Although he was a Muslim, the physicist, who died in 1996, belonged to the Ahmadi sect, who believed Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was their spiritual leader as opposed to the prophet Muhammad.


Ignored: Abdus Salam was the first Pakistani to win a Nobel prize in physics after he predicted the existence of the so-called God particle, but in his home country his achievements have been written from the record books

As a result Salam along with Pakistanis from other religious minorities, such as Shiite Muslims, Christians and Hindus were pushed into the wilderness and attacked by militants from the Sunni Muslim majority.

Today all Pakistani passport applicants must declare on their passport application that they believe the prophet Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was an 'impostor' and that his followers are 'non-Muslims.'

Today Ahmadis face prison or even death if they pose as Muslims, practise their faith publicy, describe their places of worship as mosques or take part in the sacred Muslim call to prayer.



Breakthrough: The groundbreaking work by professor Salam, left, on subatomic particles was proved by the discovery of the Higgs-boson particle at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, pictured right

Salam received a string of international prizes and honours for his groundbreaking work in the world of subatomic physics.

In 1979, he was joint winner of the Nobel Prize for his research on the Standard Model of particle physics, which theorized that fundamental forces govern the overall dynamics of the universe.

Salam and Steven Weinberg, with whom he shared the prize, independently anticipated the existence the 'God particle' which later became formally known as the Higgs boson after the British professor Peter Higgs who said the particle was responsible for endowing other particles with mass.

Pervez Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani physicist who once worked with Salam, said the way his colleague had been treated was a tragedy.

He added: 'He went from someone who was revered in Pakistan, a national celebrity, to someone who could not set foot in Pakistan. If he came, he would be insulted and could be hurt or even killed.'

Physicists in Switzerland stoked worldwide excitement on Wednesday when they announced they have all but proven the Higgs boson particle's existence.

This was done using the world's largest atom smasher at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, near Geneva.

'This would be a great vindication of Salam's work and the Standard Model as a whole,' said Khurshid Hasanain, chairman of the physics department at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad.


Discover: A computer generated image of a collision between two protons. The discovery of the so-called 'God particle' proved Salam's theory correct


Atomic level: Salam received a string of international prizes and honours for his groundbreaking work in the world of subatomic physics - pictured a 'typical candidate' event measured in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Salam wielded significant influence in Pakistan as the chief scientific adviser to the president, helping to set up the country's space agency and institute for nuclear science and technology.

Salam also assisted in the early stages of Pakistan's effort to build a nuclear bomb, which it eventually tested in 1998.

Salam's life, along with the fate of the 3 million other Ahmadis in Pakistan, drastically changed in 1974 when parliament amended the constitution to declare that members of the sect were not considered Muslims under Pakistani law.

Salam resigned from his government post in protest and eventually moved to Europe to pursue his work. In Italy, he created a centre for theoretical physics to help physicists from the developing world.

Although Pakistan's then-president, General Zia ul-Haq, presented Salam with Pakistan's highest civilian honour after he won the Nobel Prize, the general response in the country was muted. The physicist was celebrated more enthusiastically by other nations, including Pakistan's archenemy, India.

Despite his achievements, Salam's name appears in few textbooks and is rarely mentioned by Pakistani leaders or the media.


Professor Higgs, 83, wiped a tear from his eye as the findings were announced, and later said: 'It's really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime.'


Acknowledged: Salam and Steven Weinberg, with whom he shared the prize, independently anticipated the existence the 'God particle'. The Super Proton Synchrotron tunnel at the Large Hadron Collider is pictured


Find: Physicists in Switzerland stoked worldwide excitement when they announced they have all but proven the Higgs boson particle's existence using the world's largest atom smasher

By contrast, fellow Pakistani physicist A.Q. Khan, who played a key role in developing the country's nuclear bomb and later confessed to spreading nuclear technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya, is considered a national hero. Khan is a Muslim.

The president who honored Salam would later go on to intensify persecution of Ahmadis, for whom life in Pakistan has grown even more precarious. Taliban militants attacked two mosques packed with Ahmadis in Lahore in 2010, killing at least 80 people.

'Many Ahmadis have received letters from fundamentalists since the 2010 attacks threatening to target them again, and the government isn't doing anything,' said Qamar Suleiman, a spokesman for the Ahmadi community.

For Salam, not even death saved him from being targeted.

Hoodbhoy said his body was returned to Pakistan in 1996 after he died in Oxford, England, and was buried under a gravestone that read 'First Muslim Nobel Laureate.' A local magistrate ordered that the word 'Muslim' be erased

Read more: Abdus Salam: Nobel-winning physicist who predicted the 'God particle' is shunned in native Pakistan | Mail Online
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All the Islamist $hit that you speak of happens to be around you. There is no such thing in my neighborhood. .

While I abhor the Islamist $hit, you come all the from your untouchable Mohalla and lap all that.

Good. That's perhaps your job.

So please eat it as your heart desires. Just don't ref@rt in my neighborhood and my forums.

Hope you get it this time.
But you are confused about the Islamic teachings and thus talking and acting like an Islamist Mullah.

That's the point.

I don't know how do you come to that conclusion based on what?? Why don't you try explaining the word??
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