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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread


well who is wajib-ul-qatal sir i would really like to know and who is to decide that they qualifed to be wajib-ul-qatal they are non- muslims period and by claiming them to be muslims you are invoking the blasphemy law so whats ur justification
There have recently been many many threads opened by people like Meesna and others about Ahmadis suffering in the world especially Pakistan, however recently when this was challenged by myself, guess what, I gone banned from the group till 20/11/2011. And when I raised the question as to my ban via e-mail, it was a simple one liner about discussing religion on the forum and the ban quietly was extended to 22/11/2011. Wonder who and what was behind that.........

Nonetheless, the champions of Ahmadiyya will also find that the door swings both ways and as such, the following is from a brave Ahmadi girl who is challenging the oppression women are suffering in Ahmadiyyat


To Mirza Masroor Ahmed;

I hope you have access to the internet and read this note or perhaps one of your working staff will print this off and show you it. I hope so because it is the only way you might get this message because I know your staff hide letters like this from you.

I am a 22 year old Waqf e Nau female and came across this Blog after a) my family received an email about it and b) when I got a hysterical phone call from my good friend who was the subject of one of these reports.

I must tell you that I have always doubted Ahmadiyya for as long as I can remember; something or nothing did not feel right. I was not shy about admitting I was an Ahmadi but I had very little conviction in my faith or shall we say, the faith I was born in to.

I can't give you the name of my friend who you slandered and accused of pre marital relations and I can't describe the pictures you had stored of her because she does not know I am writing to you. My friend and I go back 15 years and we are very strong. I love her and she loves me. She is my sister and I will do anything to protect her. I was unable to protect her from you or Shabir Bhatti or any of the Jamaat and I am so angry. You hurt her. She did not deserve this. You hurt us. She was so upset but too scared to contact anyone for advice because she did not want to agitate her family or for you people to write more reports on her. She wanted to go to the police but we were scared of the consequences because then it would be a case of Her against Jamaat and her family would be angry.

I am reading comments and I see people attacking the Cult Girl for exposing the documents. I never understand. It's ok for you because it isn't you being 'backstabbed' and lied about but my friend had every right to know. She was clueless. She felt embarrassed and she felt so betrayed that people would spend the time discussing her. She felt violated and that is because her picture was seen by old men and whoever else.

She might not have 'observed' Purdah but this does not mean you had any right to steal her pictures from facebook and distribute them to men within 'the circle of trust'. You violated her body and her face. Is it a case of 'what she doesn't know will not hurt her'? No this is not the case. What she now knows has changed everything for us. She knows she cannot trust you.She hates the administration and now doubts you too.

It sickens me to the pit of my stomach to think you condone this as normal behavior. You have no right and do not have a duty of care towards us; that is the job of our parents and grandparents. You are not men of her family. You are not her teachers. You are just strangers from the Mosque who spy and write sexist reports.

I wish you would all just stop and leave us alone. It scares me to think this girl only managed to expose the top layer and how many other reports and spying activities you have approved. Maybe I am on there too? I guess maybe I will never know.

We are women and not animals. We are not your women but the women of our fathers and brothers and uncles and sons and husbands. You have no right to talk about any woman in such a horrible way. We are not your women and you have no right to ever talk about any of us like this. This might embarrass you but my friend and all the other girls had already started their Periods or 'Menses' and were as per Islamic guidelines not minors. You were spying and writing reports about women. This is gross. What is the difference between my young sister and a girl in her twenties? Islamically you cannot differentiate. I guess you do not act islamicaly in reality do you?

You recently banned Ahmadis from visiting Facebook for 'our own safety'. This was to protect us from 'anti-Ahmadis'. I think you Ahmadis are the biggest threat to Ahmadis. You use Facebook as a weapon against us and try to dig for dirt. You are right Facebook is dangerous and that is because Ahmadis use it. It is dangerous because Shabir Bhatti uses it. It is dangerous because you use it to download pictures of Ahmadis and then backstab us.

In the Metro Newspaper not many weeks ago there was an article that the Cult of Scientology had followed the makers of South Park Animation after they had poked fun at their beliefs. It reminded me of the Cult here. The following of Mosque visitors, the spying on their 'youth'. That gave me the creeps.

I hope and pray to God this girl continues to expose you. I hope the authorities see though you and you lose your ties with the councils and MPs who attend your meetings. You are double faced and backstabbing and immoral. You are freaks and your behaviour is abnormal. It does not marry with how you behave in front of 'ghair ahmadis'. You might deny it all you want but you know when you are alone locked in your mind that this is true. You present a fake image and I cannot put up with it anymore.

I want you to know that although my friend is resigned to her fate in this community and will probably marry within, I will be finding means to escape. I cannot be a part of this anymore and I cannot have my children be a part of this 'sick little scheme'. My friend doesn't want to hurt her parents but I have told her that our parents are wrong for holding this belief in their hearts and we should escape. She will not come with me because she is scared. She said she doesn't want her daddy's name read out in meetings because he is not a healthy man and suffers from Angina attacks. Why do you do this to people? Why do you name and shame people like this when you promote 'love and respect' for all?

You all need psychiatric help or counselling for your behaviour. Dr Shabir Bhatti should be thoroughly ashamed of himself because I have news for you- the 'tarbiyyat' is failing in this jamaat and is beyond your control. Your own daughter is a sorry state of affairs but you write nasty and hurtful things about my friend.

I feel better for getting this off my covered chest. However this is not the reason I emailed the team of Cult Girl Confessions. I emailed because I want to publicly tell you, Mirza Masroor Ahmed that I am no longer an Ahmadi and have reverted to Islam. Shukr Alhumdulilah. This was a very recent decision but I cannot disclose when I took these steps. I had the help of very learned Muslim friends and I credit the Islamic Society at my University for assisting me in my journey. I would like to remove all misconceptions the Jamaat have stated in an email by our Lajna president who suggests they are troublesome and spread hatred. This is a lie.

I bear witness that there is None worthy of Worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammed (SAWS) is the Messenger of Allah.

There is None worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammed (saws) is the last and final messenger of Allah.

I reject the imposter Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. I believe in Allah who does not resemble any other creation and nor can He be compared to any being: living or dead. I believe in his AngeIs and I will not see them. I believe in All His Books including the Torah, The Old Testament and the Quran. I believe in all His messengers and accept Muhammad, whatever they say or suggest, is the Final in the line of messengers. I believe in the last day and understand I will be held accountable for all my deeds. I accept my Prophet as Muhammad. I accept my Religion as Islam. I accept Allah/God is One and accept He is the reason I am here and to whom I shall return. I accept all good and bad is from Allah. He is my Lord. Muhammad is my Leader. He is the last in line of all Prophets. There is no one after him. He is my leader. I will follow him to the end.

To the team behind this site: Thank you. It was the final push I needed to confirm this isn't right. Is this a Cult? I am certain of this now.

May you all be rewarded- whoever you all are (the girl thing has never been convincing but hey I don’t mind).

I hope you all get what you finally deserve Jamaatul Ahmadiyya.

This is from me on behalf of all the girls you slandered in your reports. Shame on you. Do you not have mothers or sisters or daughters yourselves?

This site has my full support. I think it is about time the truth was 'unveiled' or should I say the 'faketh unveiled'.

You can try and trace me and have me expelled but I don't care.

Mirza Masroor Ahmed I am no longer an Ahmadi. You are no longer my 'Hudur' and I am only honoring my parents by staying at home



Confessions of a Cult Girl | Ahmadiyya: Ahmadiyya to Islam: Another Cult Girl Confesses! A Letter to Masroor



---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

Website is as follows:

Confessions of a Cult Girl | Ahmadiyya

Confessions of an Ahmadi (cult) girl is what it is called...........

Why the suffering is the question.................
Assalam alaikum

Thor bhai welcome back,

too long the letter


Yeh I know.......... just added it so people can read the heart felt bitterness within the Ahmadiyya and the persecution they suffer... no one should suffer like that


Of note, are you aware that the Ahmadiyya leadership has BANNED Ahmadis from using Facebook or even having a facebook account.

Check this link from THE AHMADI website

Facebook Policy « Al Islam Ahmadiyya
Some individual choice huh...... freedom of speech and choice has gone out of the window.........

Tariq bhai, I cannot send PM's due to the number of posts I have however send me your e-mail address via PM and I will answer your reply there

which link????
Assalam alaikum

The one u pasted above
i m not surprised these ppl don't want their members know their true religion so it is better to not let them exposed to media
and social sites

isolated qadianies r more useful for them

know you are speculating and making hypotheticals.
For all we know the poster could of just said "Ahmedies don't drink milk"

You cannot say the posters were hate filled until we find out what they said.

now you are speculating and making hypotheticals. You cannot say the posters had Prophet Mohammad's until we find out what they said.
Tariq Bhai, I have checked the links and they all work.........!!!!

The below shows that the Ahmadis apparantly claim to be 220 million worldwide, so that is alot of people suffering due to the above



AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA 619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad states that no Ahmadi could ever countenance changing their beliefs

Speaking during one of his weekly address, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam has spoken of the discrimination faced by members of the Community in various countries throughout the world.

His Holiness began his sermon by reminding members of the Community that at times of difficulty a person with true faith does not despair but in fact becomes closer to God Almighty. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has suffered persecution since its inception but recently it has been observed that in certain countries the maltreatment of the Jama’at has amplified.

Speaking regarding this issue, His Holiness said:

“The reason we are persecuted is due to the burning jealousy within our opponents.

Non Muslims cannot bear to see Islam succeed whilst in the wider Muslim community the Mullahs are fearful that their followers may realize the truth of Ahmadiyyat and subsequently turn away from them.”

It is an irrefutable truth that the Ahmadiyya Community has prospered in the face of great adversity throughout its history. The strength of the Jama’at has always been in its unity. Indeed His Holiness compared the Community to a physical body whereby if even one person suffered then the whole body was affected. Through this perfect unity the Ahmadiyya Jama’at has always flourished and consequently the various obstacles positioned by the oppressors have been unable to break through the united walls of the Ahmadiyya Community. The Jama’at has suffered persecution in Pakistan since the very beginning and this despite the fact that the Ahmadiyya Community played a very prominent role in achieving an independent Muslim State.

His Holiness mentioned how the cruelty is continuing to this very day, he said: “Whenever the opportunity arises false allegations are made against Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. Just recently a thirteen year old boy was arrested on the spurious grounds that he had physically beaten a Maulvi2! How senseless is such a claim? That a young boy could injure a fully grown man to such an extent that he was hospitalized! The purpose of their cruelty is to frighten our young generation to such an extent that they may give up the practice of their faith. However I have received many, many letters from youngsters who swear by God that they are willing to sacrifice their time, their wealth, their dignity and even their lives for the sake of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.”

His Holiness spoke also of persecution in India and in the Arab world. In India representatives of the Community are regularly subjected to various threats. Whilst in the Arab world the Governments of certain countries, unable to stomach the success of the Ahmadiyya television channel ‘MTA Al Arabia’, closed it down. However, this incident actually turned into an avenue of success for the Community because as a result of the ban, contact was made with another company and now the satellite coverage is much greater and has spread to countries such as Morocco.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has also suffered in Indonesia for a number of years. Houses and Mosques have been burnt or destroyed and members of the Community have been attacked. Recently a move was made to try and ban the Ahmadiyya Jama’at from the country however this move was ultimately not sanctioned by the Government. Nevertheless a local newspaper printed a story which suggested that the reason the Government had chosen not to ban the Jama’at was because it had changed some of its core beliefs. This was a totally unfounded allegation made against the Community.

Commenting upon this His Holiness said:

“The Ahmadiyya Jama’at believes that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian was the true Promised Messiah and Mahdi (Guided One). We could never stray from this conviction because the beauty of the Jama’at is based upon its belief that the Founder of the Community was the true Promised Messiah and Mahdi as foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

However the content of the article was immediately rejected by the Jama’at and to its credit the said newspaper printed a statement clarifying the issue on 23 January 2008.

His Holiness concluded by stating that any suggestion that the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community had weakened in the face of persecution was wholly unjustified. No member of the Community ever entertained the slightest doubt regarding the status of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. As the Promised Messiah himself wrote, his status as a non-law bearing Prophet was bestowed upon him by God Almighty and thus no person or organization could ever take this mantle away from him.

Speaking on the issue, the Press Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community A. Abdul Aziz said, It is a basic teaching of Islam that religion is a matter for each and every individual to determine freely and without coercion. The practice of one’s religion, so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others, is a fundamental human right. It is this right that is being denied to Ahmadi Muslims. However members of the Community always are certain that such cruelty will never harm the prosperity of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India in 1889, spreading throughout the world with the population of over 220 million in190 countries.

End of Release

A. Abdul Aziz.
Press Secretary,
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamath,
Sri Lanka.

Mobile: +94 777753440


LankaWeb News
Very sad news but this is the fate of Ahmadis. Most Pakistanis have gotten so intolerant and extreme. And then they cry why this country is in a pathetic state.

you gota be kidding me?
You want to say we should massacre whole of their population and villages ?

(endorse or refute my supposition which i made after analyzing your statement)
Why Other Guys has problem with Ahmadi Muslim...They are peace loving person.
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