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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

So much :blah: :blah: :blah: from the Pakistani members, and not a single source of credible news/info about Indians migrating to Pakistan for good..!!

Google blackout perhaps??!! :pop: :tongue:
Stop trying to teach us our religion.

Who said I was trying to teach you religion? Go and EDUCATE yourself before attempting to understand Islam.

We believe Imam Mehdi will come, and we will stick to the signs of Mehdi as prescribed by the Last prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Ref: Medina) him self.

The only thing you believe is what your local maulvi sb has brainwashed you with, if you were capable of reading, you may have investigated yourself.

Thus this shall be a good example of why a Qadyani should be called just that and NOT a muslim.

RIGHT... says someone living in a extremist cesspool.

He has a certain set of belief, fine he shall practice and continue on with that, but DO NOT call your self Muslims for we believe in something else.

How does me calling myself Muslim stop you from being a Muslim? I don't get your logic. Allah doesn't need people like you to protect Islam.
Specially if the maker of the new product tries to steal your trademark.

LOL... uneducated thinking again, are you saying Muslims have a TRADEMARK on Islam??? A PAKISTANI crying about trademark??? This is funny, reminds me of this : http://amittube.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/pakistan-mcdonalds.jpg

---------- Post added at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 PM ----------

...thats what these mullahs and fundamentalists are, they say they believe in islam but by virtue of their actions they are not muslims.

This also is the case for the followers of the mullahs.(only Muslim by name and not deed)

---------- Post added at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

...thats what these mullahs and fundamentalists are, they say they believe in islam but by virtue of their actions they are not muslims.

This also is the case for the followers of the mullahs.(only Muslim by name and not deed)
Who said I was trying to teach you religion? Go and EDUCATE yourself before attempting to understand Islam.

The only thing you believe is what your local maulvi sb has brainwashed you with, if you were capable of reading, you may have investigated yourself.

RIGHT... says someone living in a extremist cesspool.

How does me calling myself Muslim stop you from being a Muslim? I don't get your logic. Allah doesn't need people like you to protect Islam.

How is it in UK then ?

Are you sure, no one's brain washing u there ?
just like some one had a bright idea in a small punjab town and invented a new religion,
started brain washing people after that ...

Don't let those things happen to you.

How does me calling myself Muslim stop you from being a Muslim? I don't get your logic. Allah doesn't need people like you to protect Islam.
The one's who believe Hadith of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, are called Muslims.
You think some one else was Mahdi, that goes against our belief and our understanding of what future is about to come.
Due to this difference it is obvious you shall be called some one thing, XYZ, ZBC, but you shall not be called what I call my self.
If this is going on Pakistan govt should afford these people protection. They are Pakistanis first we must look after them. The perpetuation of these criminal acts must must not be allowed
German, Italian aid workers kidnapped in Multan Pakistan

(AFP) – 4 hours ago

MULTAN, Pakistan — Masked gunmen kidnapped a German aid worker and his Italian colleague overnight in Pakistan's central shrine city of Multan, local police said Friday.

The kidnappings bring to six the number of Westerners abducted since July
in nuclear-armed Pakistan, where US forces last year killed Osama bin Laden and which stands on the frontline of a Taliban insurgency.

"Three gunmen barged into a house and abducted an Italian and a German national at gunpoint on Thursday evening," Multan city police officer Aamir Zulfiqar Khan told AFP by telephone.

"The two men were working for a foreign non-government organisation."

Police said the motive and identity of the kidnappers was unclear.

There was no claim of responsibility for the abductions in Multan, which is about 400 kilometres (250 miles) southwest of the capital Islamabad and which in the past has not been considered particularly dangerous for Westerners.

It is the largest city in central Punjab province, known for its Sufi shrines, mosques and historic tombs. Southern Punjab is considered a recruiting ground for Taliban and other extremist Islamist groups.

A local security official told AFP that the kidnappers pistol-whipped a private security guard, then snatched the aid workers, but left behind a Western woman in the house that the group rented.

"The woman was unable to identify the kidnappers because they covered their faces with masks," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

The Italian foreign ministry confirmed that one of its citizens had been kidnapped in Punjab, Pakistan's most populous province that borders India, but did not release any other details.

It said it was in "permanent contact" with the man's family and had activated its crisis unit, but called for discretion and cooperation from the media "so as not to compromise efforts at freeing our compatriot".

The foreigners reportedly work for an aid group that helps victims from Pakistan's devastating 2010 floods that affected up to 21 million people.

The German foreign ministry said Berlin was "aware of the reports and is the process of verifying them in cooperation with the Pakistani authorities".

Kidnappings are a plague in parts of Pakistan, where criminals snatch foreigners and locals for ransom, sometimes selling their hostages onto Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked groups.

Earlier this month, gunmen kidnapped a British man working for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's insurgency-hit southwestern province of Baluchistan.

Last August, an American development director, Warren Weinstein, 70, was snatched from his home in Lahore and in July a Swiss couple were kidnapped while driving through Baluchistan.

The Taliban claim to be holding the Swiss and videos have been released of the couple in captivity.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri also claims to be holding Weinstein, but the terror group has released no proof of life.

AFP: German, Italian aid workers kidnapped in Pakistan
when you bypass certain protocols,actually you are earning your death.long live defenders of mother land.:cheesy:
How is it in UK then ?

UK is fine, the weather is not as hot as where you are, so you can think clearly.

Are you sure, no one's brain washing u there ?

How do you mean brainwashing there? I wonder how much brainwashing happens in Saudi or Pakistan? Or is it lack of education?

just like some one had a bright idea in a small punjab town and invented a new religion,
started brain washing people after that ...

Well nothing you can do about it.. we are still here after a century.

The one's who believe Hadith of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, are called Muslims.

WOW.. so you are not even Muslim? So you have lived in Pakistan/Saudi, have a picture of a crazy fundee Pakistani dicatator as your avatar, but you don't even know what makes a Muslim? Shabash beta.. shabash. :-)

You think some one else was Mahdi, that goes against our belief and our understanding of what future is about to come.
Due to this difference it is obvious you shall be called some one thing, XYZ, ZBC, but you shall not be called what I call my self.

LOL... you are not even Muslim, just because you decide to call yourself one doesn't make you one. So what will happen is that I will keep on calling myself a Muslim, and you can just get upset about it if you like, nobody cares.
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