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Does India have a history of 10000 years?

US does have a 10,000 old history, just not as a nation or as a continuous civilization. Their native american civilization was almost wiped out.

India is a continuous civilization with documented history and past that goes much beyond what the cave painting depict.

This rock art depicts five horse riders hunting a giraffe.


Giraffe being a semi-desert open forest animal could have survived in Central India only up to before 5,500 BC. Thereafter the region became dense forest making giraffe extinct. Clearly horse taming and riding on the horse existed before 5,500 BC or 6000 BC in India.

So did forged weapons.

Similarly this painting depicts a Elk and Elk hunting.


However Elk do not exist in India today.

Elk lives in dry cold regions with grasses and enough water from rivers or lakes to drink. Such climate existed in Central India about 8000 BC to 5000 BC during the Holocene.

However one sub-species of Elk is still found in Kashmir till today, known as the hangul or Cervus canadensis hanglu.

The elk bones have been excavations at Mohenjo-Daro by Sir John Marshall.

Maybe you would like to use your brain to come up with a different explanation ? Like Aliens did it.

America has natural history for millions of years old.
America has history over 10,000 years old.
America have different cultures over 10,000 years old.
America don't have a civilization over 10,000 years old.

India is not a continuous civilization over 10,000 years old.
Lots of, and lots of cultures, civilizations rose in subcontinent and died or gave way to new civilization.
Subcontinent was never a single nation. Subjugation and integration through military action for brief periods is not a signe of single nation.
IVC, Septa-Sindhu, Mahajanpada, Bharata-versha etc etc. all represented different lands at different time period over long history of subcontinent.
Only when British subjugated different states, nationalities, tribes and all these identified with nomenclature, Indian.
Before that no single nationality was agreed up in India. All were at each others throats before that, with no sense of 'united nationhood' or any concept remotely akin to it.

Further, Giraffe was not found in subcontinent in 5500 B.C.; old ancestral animals of Giraffe Family, may had populated the western subcontinent some 5-7 Million years ago. You are making a fairly tale with all of this.

And, dear, horse is not native to indian subcontinent.
You admit that Brahmi script is of around 500 B.C. and yet you make claims of 15000-8000 B.C period civilization?
What script that old civilization was using......................?

There is nothing as Hindu Civilization...
More important IVC is altogether different and alien to Vedic Civilization.

The only exiting archaeological evidence of the older script to brahmi is the Indus vally script. But its clear than a calendar based on a star map and precession of earth cannot exist without a written script.

Greeks used to name the Land of Indus as Indika or Indica some 500 B.C.
Before that the 'local' literature' (Vedas) identified that portion of land as SeptaSindu, that is, Land of 5 rivers of Punjab, Indus and Saraswati (Ghaghar & Hakra)..... No information is availble regarding northern or central or eastern of southern subcontinent.
Greek referral to Indika was reference to a land, like now we use the terms like Central Asia or Europe etc
There was no nation of Indika, or India or Bharata during that time..... who knows what people or nations or tribes populated that lands of central, eastern, southern subcontinental at that time frame.

Saptasari calender, the interpretation of wrote of 27000 years; Many other hindus scholars interpert the Yuga Cycle of spanning over billions of years or millions of years........... Your thinking is pure speculation on your part.

"Sapta sindhu" is not land of 5 river, its land of 7 rivers. Sapta is Seven (7).

Nadistuti sukta of Rigveda , hymn of praise of rivers mentions the following 10 rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Sutudri, Parusni, Asikni, Marudvrdha , Vitasta , Arjikiya , Susoma.

Rishi Agastya is recorded as going south of the Vindyas and establishing himself there. Rishi Agastya is considered as the father of Tamil language and has written the book on Tamil grammar.

There are plenty of Sangam literature that talk about the governance of the kingdom as per the rules of dharma.

These are the facts, but you are free to assume anything you want.

Also I have made my observations of the yuga based on Saptarsi calendar, but there are alternative purans that mention the yugas as per millions of years. I have not denied it. I have based my observations on the Saptarsi calendar and I have stated it as much.
The story about a massive war in this land in 3000 BC was called "Maha-Bharat", not "Maha-Indus".

Its pretty clear what we called ourselves.

Maha-Bharata is called because it is a narrative of clash of the decedents of Bharata, son of Dushyanta and Shakuntal, the famous poem Shakuntala of Kalidasa.... Nothing to relate the land where the events were taking place.

As I would remember, only the decedents of Bharatas are alternatively addressed as Bharata in MahaBarata, no person relating to other tribe or state, for example, Kosala, Sindu, Magda etc were addressed as Bharata, ...................................................... I wondor why all indians are called Bharatis?
Indian subcontinent has a long history, verifiable through written records as well as archaeological evidences. after the most recent partition and emergence of countries - India, pakistan and Bangladesh, it is Pakistan which got most of the geographical evidences and India got the history (since most of the subcontinental landmass, population and more importantly - the ancient name and cultural heritage remains with India).
America has natural history for millions of years old.
America has history over 10,000 years old.
America have different cultures over 10,000 years old.
America don't have a civilization over 10,000 years old..

Which is exactly what I said.

India is not a continuous civilization over 10,000 years old.
Lots of, and lots of cultures, civilizations rose in subcontinent and died or gave way to new civilization.
Subcontinent was never a single nation. Subjugation and integration through military action for brief periods is not a signe of single nation.
IVC, Septa-Sindhu, Mahajanpada, Bharata-versha etc etc. all represented different lands at different time period over long history of subcontinent.
Only when British subjugated different states, nationalities, tribes and all these identified with nomenclature, Indian.
Before that no single nationality was agreed up in India. All were at each others throats before that, with no sense of 'united nationhood' or any concept remotely akin to it.

Further, Giraffe was not found in subcontinent in 5500 B.C.; old ancestral animals of Giraffe Family, may had populated the western subcontinent some 5-7 Million years ago. You are making a fairly tale with all of this.

And, dear, horse is not native to indian subcontinent.

You are free to spin your own theories. I am not going to waste my time challenging them.

However, the existence of the picture of a Giraffe being hunted by men on horses painted inside one of the caves in Bhimbetka is a fact.

Same is true for the image of the captured horse. These are Facts, not fairly tales.

Fairy tales are those that ignore Facts.

Sanskrit "asva"is found in nine out of the ten branches the Indo-European family of languages, indicating that the original Indo-European homeland had horse. Although horse bones have been found from the archaeological remains of the Indus Valley Civilization, the oldest domesticated “true horse” bones too have been recovered from India from 8000 BP layer, and wild from 20,000 years back.

At Imamgaon, 80 kilometers east of Poona, 20,000 years old radiocarbon dated level yielded wild animal skeletons including Equus namadicus and Equus sivalensis (Badam:413), the types belonging to “caballus” species. The latter breed was ancestral to many of the domesticated horse lineages of today like the Arabic horse and the Thoroughbred horse (vide infra).

Equus caballus, hemionus and other species have been found from Aq Kupruk of Afghanistan dating back from 8,000 to 16,000 BP (Meadow:25-26).

Wild true horse bones were found from 20,000 BP strata of Bolan and Son valleys (G.R. Sharma:110 ff.; Kazanas 1999:33-34), and domesticated horse bones from dates 8500 BP and 6500 BP of the Bolan and Son valleys (Sharma:110 ff.). R.S. Sharma (1996:17) too noted domesticated horse bones from Mahagara Neolithic complex of 7000 BP and Bagor (Rajasthan) 6500 BP (R.S. Sharma:16).

These are Facts. ......... but feel free to ignore them for fairy tales and IVC/AIT.

Maha-Bharata is called because it is a narrative of clash of the decedents of Bharata, son of Dushyanta and Shakuntal, the famous poem Shakuntala of Kalidasa.... Nothing to relate the land where the events were taking place.

As I would remember, only the decedents of Bharatas are alternatively addressed as Bharata in MahaBarata, no person relating to other tribe or state, for example, Kosala, Sindu, Magda etc were addressed as Bharata, ...................................................... I wondor why all indians are called Bharatis?

Refer to my post #136
That applies to Pakistan not India.

Prior to 1947 also it was India, only thing is, it was ruled by British, so it's referred as British India. The entire world even at that time referred to India as India only. Only after partition since the country broke up, when mentioning something related to India of that time like Pakistan which is not in India today they bring in the statement British India.

Every body mentions India as India be it 10000 years ago or hundred thousand years ago. If you want proof check the video below. These are not Indians claiming or talking.

Tell me if you need more proof, I can give unlimited proof India was called or is referred to as India by everybody, even before Islam & Christianity came into existence they tell the history of that time giving our country's historic statement as Indians. May be except Pakistan

The name may have been slightly different, be it Bharat or India which is derived from Indus. It's been debated umpteen times in this forum, still you keep bringing up such lame arguments. First go & tell the world who use the phrase India to refer us even when they are referring to 5000 or 10000 years old history. Correct them. Then do the argument

On the flip side many fools claim Pakistan existed for thousands of years, but cannot give one proof which mentions them before 1947. This is called Insane beliefs created from their own illusions.

'India' was nothing more than a geographic term. Like Africa for example.

Before that, empire's and dynasty's fought over the lands for centuries.

Todays country known as the 'Indian union' was established from British colonial rule.

So the Idea of a 'unified indian republic' is very new.
'India' was nothing more than a geographic term. Like Africa for example.

Before that, empire's and dynasty's fought over the lands for centuries.

Todays country known as the 'Indian union' was established from British colonial rule.

So the Idea of a 'unified indian republic' is very new.

India and Africa are not geographical terms. Arctic Circle is a geographical term. Ocean is a geographical term.
. .
They are Hindus/were unless proven otherwise. ....... you are free to assign them some imaginary religion.
:blah::blah::blah::blah: without any proof. Carry on then and i will consider you another troller and nothing else. Next time speak with evidence or consider yourself another troller

Lol ur stuck until that Muslim mythology that there was Adam or eve bt sry to they r wrong now we all know that human r present on earth due to evaluation of species nd if u argue that its wrong there r proof there r was many species who r present due to evaluation
Nd 2nd Gupta dynasty have controlled more than 60% nd also controlled Pakistan nd half of Afghanistan nd the place which r controlled by them r mostly now India Thn how cn u say that India was not present before mugal invasion...

If you lived in past then you should know that which dynasty having largest area in the history of the world and no one achieved that ever. Yes that is your master as well
That applies to Pakistan not India.

Prior to 1947 also it was India, only thing is, it was ruled by British, so it's referred as British India. The entire world even at that time referred to India as India only. Only after partition since the country broke up, when mentioning something related to India of that time like Pakistan which is not in India today they bring in the statement British India.

Every body mentions India as India be it 10000 years ago or hundred thousand years ago. If you want proof check the video below. These are not Indians claiming or talking.

Indian state with the name 'Republic of India' came into being on 1947; Indian nationalism arose after the subjugation of different state, nationalities, tribes etc by British, and addressed everyone as Indian: British, of course, knew very well that there were multitude of nationalities, cultures, states, etc. so the nomenclature 'Indian' was of geographical nature, same as European or Central Asian etc.
Neither later mugals or Maratha or Bengalis or Pathans or Tamils etc identified themselves as Indian or a single nation.

Americans when describing evets/history prior to 1776, describe as 'ancient American': so Turkey when describe thousands of years describe as 'ancient turkey' similar case is India.. India describe its history of area under its control now whether thousands of years old or passed through many phases is Ancient India....... All modern nations including India, Brazil, Mexico. Turkey, Iraq, America etc. for the history of Area under their control do this.................. so is the Ancient Pakistan.
:blah::blah::blah::blah: without any proof. Carry on then and i will consider you another troller and nothing els. Next time speak with evidence or consider yourself another troller

You are free to consider me any way you want. I certainly do not seek your approval.

It is for you to prove that the Indus civilization was not hindu since that is your assertion. In absence of any other religion in the entire subcontinent, the inevitable fact remains that they were Hindus and part of the civilization mention in books like the Mahabharata which is dated to around the same time frame.
The only exiting archaeological evidence of the older script to brahmi is the Indus vally script. But its clear than a calendar based on a star map and precession of earth cannot exist without a written script.

"Sapta sindhu" is not land of 5 river, its land of 7 rivers. Sapta is Seven (7).

Nadistuti sukta of Rigveda , hymn of praise of rivers mentions the following 10 rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Sutudri, Parusni, Asikni, Marudvrdha , Vitasta , Arjikiya , Susoma.

Rishi Agastya is recorded as going south of the Vindyas and establishing himself there. Rishi Agastya is considered as the father of Tamil language and has written the book on Tamil grammar.

There are plenty of Sangam literature that talk about the governance of the kingdom as per the rules of dharma.

These are the facts, but you are free to assume anything you want.

Also I have made my observations of the yuga based on Saptarsi calendar, but there are alternative purans that mention the yugas as per millions of years. I have not denied it. I have based my observations on the Saptarsi calendar and I have stated it as much.

Again read my post.... I wrote 5 rivers of Punjab, Indus and Saraswati (Ghaghar Hakra) which total 7.
Point you ignored was that Septa-Sindhu was not referred to the whole of subcontinent; but to a small part of it at a certain point in time.

South of Vindya, the influence of Sinskrit or Vedic teaching can be traced to about first century B.C. or first century C.E.

Saptarsi calender is a modern interpretation to fit certain elements in term of new findings.
'India' was nothing more than a geographic term. Like Africa for example.

Before that, empire's and dynasty's fought over the lands for centuries.

Todays country known as the 'Indian union' was established from British colonial rule.

So the Idea of a 'unified indian republic' is very new.

Yes to convince yourself, it can be a geographic term. For me Pakistan even today is a geographic term.

Will you accept that. So I kindly ask you to provide proof what world thinks, not what you think, be it geographic term or non existing term. Anybody can say anything, but for others it needs to be valid. Everywhere people have had empires & fights in ancient times. Even today countries are fighting.

India was called Bharat. And the indigenous people of Bharat were called Santhanas or Dharmik, who follow the original first religion Sanatana Dharma. A staunch follower will be called Dharmatma or Sadhu/Rishi also. The entire of India, practiced Hinduism or the Sanathana Dharma. That's from Afghanistan to Burma, extending to Indonesia, Columbia. Later on Buddism developed & was practiced, which is similar, but focused into Meditative & yogic part of Hinduism. Jainism also took shape but it didn't spread strongly & limited within certain parts of India. Go google Bharat varsh or Bharat Khand - It extends to Turkey on the East & Indonesia on the west. I never made claims ever all that is India. Alexander invaded India in 326 BC. Greeks referred to Indians as Inde/Indi even at that time.

Sanatana Dharma is is the original name of what is now popularly called Hinduism or Hindu Dharma. The terms Hindu and Hinduism are a development AD, while the more accurate term is Sanatana Dharma. It is a code of ethics, a way of living through which one may achieve moksha (enlightenment, liberation). It is the world's most ancient culture and the socio, spiritual, and religious tradition of almost one billion of the earth's inhabitants. Sanatana Dharma represents much more than just a religion; rather, it provides its followers with an entire worldview, way of life and with a coherent and rational view of reality.

Only the names changed Bharat became Hind or Hindustan or Inde or India. People beyond Indus were all referred to as Indus/ Hindus/ Indo which the outsiders gave the name. for our religion. So Sanatana Dharma became Hindus. We still use Bharat for India locally. For outside world it's India

So India always was there way beyond your imagination. All the records go past BC & vedas go 5000 to 10000 years BC minimum. The rest of the historic pre dates cannot be established by proofs since it vanishes with time. But it's vastly being researched by western countries more keenly than Indians themselves.

Go look for Ram Sethu or Adam's bridge. It's the bridge Ram constructed which was a couple of decade ago found by NASA & Dwarka of Krishna, the dried up Saraswati is almost showing traces all mentioned in our holy texts way way back before Christ.

"The country(varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
- Vishnu Purana

The Srimad Bhagavat Purana mentions(Canto 5, Chapter 4) - "He (Rishabha) begot a hundred sons that were exactly like him... He(Bharata) had the best qualities and it was because of him that this land by the people is called Bhârata-varsha"

The Bhāratas were also a vedic tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, notably participating in the Battle of the Ten Kings.

The realm of Bharata is known as Bharātavarṣa in the Mahabhārata(the core portion of which is itself known as Bhārata) and later texts. According to the text, the term Bharata is from the king Bharata, who was the son of Dushyanta and Shakuntala and the term varsa means a division of the earth, or a continent.

The term in Classical Sanskrit literature is taken to comprise the present day territories of Indian subcontinent. This corresponds to the approximate extent of the historical Mauryan Empire under Emperors Chandragupta Maurya and Emperor Ashoka (4th to 3rd centuries BC). Later, political entities unifying approximately the same region are the Mughal Empire (17th century), the Maratha Empire (18th century) and the British Raj (19th to 20th centuries).


Leave alone the gypsy & other findings. One of the strong proofs of Hindus & Indus civilization excavation is the Swastika. Which is still used as a sacred symbol at homes & business places by Hindus.
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Yes to convince yourself, it can be a geographic term. For me Pakistan even today is a geographic term.

Will you accept that. So I kindly ask you to provide proof what world thinks, not what you think. Everywhere people have had empires & fights.

India was called Bharat. And the indigenous people of Bharat were called Santhanas or Dharmik, who follow the original first religion Sanatana Dharma. The entire of India, practiced Hinduism or the Sanathana Dharma. That's from Afghanistan to Burma, extending to Indonesia, Columbia. Later on Buddism developed & was practiced, which is similar, but focused into Meditative & yogic part of Hinduism. Jainism also took shape but it didn't spread strongly & limited within certain parts of India. Go google Bharat varsh or Bharat Khand - It extends to Turkey on the East & Indonesia on the west. I never made claims ever all that is India. Alexander invaded India in 326 BC. Greeks referred to Indians as Inde/Indi even at that time.

Sanatana Dharma is is the original name of what is now popularly called Hinduism or Hindu Dharma. The terms Hindu and Hinduism are a development AD, while the more accurate term is Sanatana Dharma. It is a code of ethics, a way of living through which one may achieve moksha (enlightenment, liberation). It is the world's most ancient culture and the socio, spiritual, and religious tradition of almost one billion of the earth's inhabitants. Sanatana Dharma represents much more than just a religion; rather, it provides its followers with an entire worldview, way of life and with a coherent and rational view of reality.

Only the names changed Bharat became Hind or Hindustan or Inde or India. People beyond Indus were all referred to as Indus/ Hindus/ Indo which the outsiders gave the name. for our religion. So Sanatana Dharma became Hindus.

So India always was there way beyond your imagination. All the records go past BC & vedas go 5000 to 10000 years BC minimum. The rest of the historic pre dates cannot be established by proofs since it vanishes with time. But it's vastly being researched by western countries more keenly than Indians themselves.

Go look for Ram Sethu or Adam's bridge. It's the bridge Ram constructed which was a couple of decade ago found by NASA & Dwarka of Krishna, the dried up Saraswati is almost showing traces all mentioned in our holy texts way way back before Christ.

"The country(varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
- Vishnu Purana

The Srimad Bhagavat Purana mentions(Canto 5, Chapter 4) - "He (Rishabha) begot a hundred sons that were exactly like him... He(Bharata) had the best qualities and it was because of him that this land by the people is called Bhârata-varsha"

The Bhāratas were also a vedic tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, notably participating in the Battle of the Ten Kings.

The realm of Bharata is known as Bharātavarṣa in the Mahabhārata(the core portion of which is itself known as Bhārata) and later texts. According to the text, the term Bharata is from the king Bharata, who was the son of Dushyanta and Shakuntala and the term varsa means a division of the earth, or a continent.

The term in Classical Sanskrit literature is taken to comprise the present day territories of Indian subcontinent. This corresponds to the approximate extent of the historical Mauryan Empire under Emperors Chandragupta Maurya and Emperor Ashoka (4th to 3rd centuries BC). Later, political entities unifying approximately the same region are the Mughal Empire (17th century), the Maratha Empire (18th century) and the British Raj (19th to 20th centuries).


Leave alone the gypsy & other findings. One of the strong proofs of Hindus & Indus civilization excavation is the Swastika. Which is still used as a sacred symbol at homes & business places by Hindus.

'India' is what the sub-continent was referred to - Its just a regional term.

The country we have today called the 'indian union' was established in 1947 before that, its people where ruled by those empires.
'India' is what the sub-continent was referred to - Its just a regional term.

The country we have today called the 'indian union' was established in 1947 before that, its people where ruled by those empires.

It wont go in your head, because for Pakistan India has not history. You are a jealous, impossible lot.

I asked you, please provide proof of what you say, I don't have to believe what you think. What you believe can't be reality. I don't make statements of my own. For everything I say i provide proof.

So show me where it's proven it's just a regional term.

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