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DNA of Indonesian/Chinese/Japanese/Northen Indian/Southern Indian/Bengali and others

interesting, so Bengalis have more genetic similarity with East Asians in the broad sense of 47% than with Southern Asians of 43%, maybe Bengalis should really look to Southeast Asia or East Asia. Leave South Asia exclusively for the Indians, haha.
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It's inaccurate data if you ask me example the Koreans are altaic people and not related with the Chinese but rather with the Turkic people. Just because of neighourhoodness dosen't always mean close blood relations. They are initially a group of people just like the manchu people who travelled from Central Asia since the Altaic people are nomads and travel far and ended up in the Korean peninsula. So them having 94% Eastern Asia is incorrect they should have like 90% Central Asia
Their languages happened belong to the the altaic or Turkic group. As matter of fact, there are evidence discovered last year that original Turkic people used to live in some area of Northeast China or Manchuria, and the Turkic languages of the countries originated in Northeast China. Korea is just next to Northeast China, people from there migrated to Korea. Besides, Koreans look very much like Chinese esp Norther Chinese, Koreans dont have much resemblance of mordern day so called Turks in Turkey, what is the evidence that they are the same prople except their languages are classified in the same Turkic group. There were also waves of Chinese migrated from interior China to the Korean penInsula in the past few thousands years as recorded in Chinese history.
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Their languages happened belong to the the altaic or Turkic group. As matter of fact, there are evidence discovered last year that original Turkic people used to live in some area of Northeast China or Manchuria, and the Turkic languages of the countries originated in Northeast China. Korea is just next to Northeast China, people from there migrated to Korea. Besides, Koreans look very much like Chinese esp Norther Chinese, Koreans dont have much resemblance of mordern day so called Turks in Turkey, what is the evidence that they are the same prople except their languages are classified in the same Turkic group. There were also waves of Chinese migrated from interior China to the Korean penInsula in the past few thousands years as recorded in Chinese history.
Korean and Japanese were only proposed as possible members of the Altaic language family group, there’s not a consensus yet. So it’s not “fact” yet that they are a part of the family.

There is no evidence that Eurasians originated from a South Asian refugia 65,000 years ago. A lot of the stuff in this map is just made up. Guesswork basically.
There is no evidence that Eurasians originated from a South Asian refugia 65,000 years ago. A lot of the stuff in this map is just made up. Guesswork basically.
Do you have better map to show ? I think it doesnt mean Eurasian come from South Asian, but some South Asian just add to the Eurasian DNA.

The migration theory of South Asian migrating to Eurasian does seem dubious since India has already had huge landmass and better climate.

More likely Central Asian who is migrating and this is indeee has more backing. Roman impire for example is believed by credible Historian may come from the migration of Central Asian people where the land is not as good as Europe in term of agriculture thus we see Central Asian population is not many despite it occupy large land mass like Kazaktan


Probably the data is not accurate, The difference can not be this big, I have several ethnic Mongol friends, they look exactly like every Han Chinese.
Their data should come from Outer Mongolia, that is, Mongolia.
Now there are many people in Mongolia who intermarry with Central Asians and even Russians.So there may be a lot of Central Asian and European blood mixed into the gene.
There are not so many marriages between Mongolians in China and Central Asia and Europe.
I don't get the part for the Japanese, they are supposed to have a large chunk of Aynu DNA, but it doesn't show in this diagram

View attachment 923250

Ainu people I believe is Polynesian. More likely they are just banished by those Samurai and the population is unlikely large unless if there is proof that Ainu has adopted modern agriculture farming like Chinese and Austronesian.

Polynesian DNA I think has more similarity with Austronesian (that is seen as part of South East Asian DNA).

From my perspective, Japanese has more Austronesian component since it is near Taiwan Island. Some large chunk of Japanese does have skin tone that is similar like Indonesian, something that I see on Japanese women when I visited many time an apartment in South Jakarta where many Japanese live. In contrast, I never met any Korean in Indonesia who has skin tone like Indonesian.
Their data should come from Outer Mongolia, that is, Mongolia.
Now there are many people in Mongolia who intermarry with Central Asians and even Russians.So there may be a lot of Central Asian and European blood mixed into the gene.
There are not so many marriages between Mongolians in China and Central Asia and Europe.

Mix married between Central Asian and European may be represented in this video. We can see the degree on this random and limited sample.

Ainu people I believe is Polynesian. More likely they are just banished by those Samurai and the population is unlikely large unless if there is proof that Ainu has adopted modern agriculture farming like Chinese and Austronesian.

Polynesian DNA I think has more similarity with Austronesian (that is seen as part of South East Asian DNA).

From my perspective, Japanese has more Austronesian component since it is near Taiwan Island. Some large chunk of Japanese does have skin tone that is similar like Indonesian, something that I see on Japanese women when I visited many time an apartment in South Jakarta where many Japanese live. In contrast, I never met any Korean in Indonesia who has skin tone like Indonesian.
Here are some Japanese singer/celeb that has clear ainu features, and they are not that rare as you can find quiet a lot among Japanese stars.

images (76).jpeg


images (75).jpeg
Japanese + Austronesian (Indonesian) mix

Yuki Kato (Indonesian citizen)




With her Japanese ethnic father

Yuki Kato.jpg
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I am surprised because from what I have witnessed, Bengali work attitude is more relaxed compared to South Indians.
Very unlike East Asians.
Maybe I am wrong, because Bangladesh economy is surging ahead.
Have to be hard working to do that.
In this report, is Bengali referring to Bengali in Bangladesh?
The work culture of Indian Bengalis sucks due to communist rule in Bengal for many decades. Union rules made sure people could not be fired or pay dockred for laziness. It's not genetic.
The migration theory of South Asian migrating to Eurasian does seem dubious since India has already had huge landmass and better climate.

Yeah India has always been a population sink rather than source (until recent times). There's this strange fetish among amateur anthropology and genetics enthusiasts online about everything Eurasian having originated in India which I find annoying because there's no archeological or archaeogenetic basis for that.

I don't get the part for the Japanese, they are supposed to have a large chunk of Aynu DNA, but it doesn't show in this diagram

View attachment 923250

Japanese don't have direct Ainu DNA. What they share in common is Jomon DNA, whch constitutes roughly 15% - 20% of Japanese genome. Ainu likely have much more Jomon ancestry than Japanese, but they also have some Siberian-like ancestry from Eastern North Asia that Japanese lack.
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Yeah India has always been a population sink rather than source (until recent times). There's this strange fetish among amateur anthropology and genetics enthusiasts online about everything Eurasian having originated in India which I find annoying because there's no archeological or archaeogenetic basis for that.

Japanese don't have direct Ainu DNA. What they share in common is Jomon DNA, whch constitutes roughly 15% - 20% of Japanese genome. Ainu likely have much more Jomon ancestry than Japanese, but they also have some Siberian-like ancestry from Eastern North Asia that Japanese lack.
Dravidan is old human ethnicities, we can see from human migration root and also their skin tone, so it is still possible some of them migrate in ancient time. Dravidan does have some similar DNA with European about 20-30 % and has close linguistic relation as well

But the main source of European must be coming from African directly since the distance between 2 continents are not much. In the ancient time I think African continent and Europe is still united.

This is why I said Dravidan is not the source, but they does give additional DNA component to current European people.
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