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The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind

Yes the Americans should be the last to lecture anyone on Human rights.

What about slavery in USA and whipping the African Americans. LOL!

It's called Civil War and over 600,000 Americans died over that topic.
Yes the Americans should be the last to lecture anyone on Human rights.

What about slavery in USA and whipping the African Americans. LOL!
Blacks are being genocided in America daily.

Blacks live in violent drug fueled ghettos to keep the blacks down and out
blacks are then sent to violent rapist prisons and when released they go home to violent drug fueled homes in 3rd world conditions
blacks are also shot dead on the streets for hardly any reason and cops often plant drugs on blacks to send them to prison for decades

black americans are having their culture/history/future being taken away from them in America and thats genocide!

why can't white people just give the land back to its original inhabitants and just move back to Europe? Give Australia/NZ/Canada/America back to the natives who you have murdered and genocided for centuries and go back to where you come from!
Check this out,



The uneducated don't realize that even in 1788 when the US Constitution became the official frame work of governance the US was just a handful of states. The bulk of the landmass was still either held by colonial powers OR ungoverned.

It took another 100 years for all the states to join the union. The US did not even exist at the time the holocausts happened.
My ancestors migrated to the US in the late 1880's from Sweden - so my genes are a 100% guilt free.

Funny thing is that Russia were also involved in this as well.
where's 687907907 Hollywood movies about this like they do for nazi ? Oh they had one, it's called pocahontas,a native indian woman falling in love with wannabe white knight from Europe,the saviour of natives. Happy thanksgiving weeehoooooo!!!!!
where's 687907907 Hollywood movies about this like they do for nazi ? Oh they had one, it's called pocahontas,a native indian woman falling in love with wannabe white knight from Europe,the saviour of natives. Happy thanksgiving weeehoooooo!!!!!

Haven't seen any American or any other foreign films that covers over it. Maybe they will make one in the future.
Thanks to scope who posted this gem. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-cia-is-a-terrorist-organization.692808/

And CIA (under alternate names of NED and 5Eyes) tried the same in Hong Kong.
May those in Hong Kong financed and paid and directed by NED be made to dance under lamp posts, together with those that financed and directed them.

I should have added Muricans as evil as that Japanese Unit 731 as well as the gruesome details in the video below revealed.

please, the unit 731 you think of today is an inversion of anti Japanese propaganda,where the so called evidence picture are from well documented plague in manchuria and other parts of china,later stolen and misquoted by anti japanese propagandist ,don't do a real genocide dirty by using it as prop for some fake shit political propaganda with zero reliable evidence.The native Indians deserves better than people using their great tragedy for imaginary claims.

Funny thing is that Russia were also involved in this as well.

I like how the Chinese always specify the US but not the other 50 or so countries in the Western hemisphere.

Also i like how the title is 500 years yet all the author talks about is the US which nobody paid attention to until 1620 which is over 100 years after Columbus...and those first 100 years is when all the death was happening in the Americas due to smallpox in the 1520's.
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