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Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

Han Chinese account for more than 90 percent of the population and constitute the world’s single largest racial-cultural group. Our ethnic solidarity and historical superiority remain remarkable. we have great national cultural cohesion,China collapse theory is just a joke from western world , that’s all

They wished and dream day and night for that to happen but if they look at the mirror, they will found out that their countries are dominated by immigrants for most scientific and bussiness, and convert themself into muslim. such this guy...I wouldn't say desintegration but close to be converted.

But if the economy of China collapses because of foreign demand diminishing, I don't see how China is going to sustain its big population, like in the original post mentioned, Chinese population is aging, foreign demand will diminish, economic forecast doesn't look good.
But if the economy of China collapses because of foreign demand diminishing, I don't see how China is going to sustain its big population, like in the original post mentioned, Chinese population is aging, foreign demand will diminish, economic forecast doesn't look good.

Throughout Chinese history, only War and natural desaster are most harm to our nation, those incompetent official were either beheaded or kick out when the state saw the failures. As for aging populations and demand, the system will auto-regulated and self-readjusted...of course there will be moment of economy disturbance but not catastrophic as those to claim that will be.
But if the economy of China collapses because of foreign demand diminishing, I don't see how China is going to sustain its big population, like in the original post mentioned, Chinese population is aging, foreign demand will diminish, economic forecast doesn't look good.
silly man, economy goes up and down, if economy was key to Chinese nation staying together we wouldn't have had a continuous history of 5000 years. Just think about that for a moment before you post again.

In the last 100 years China has survived European domination and deaths of over 300million people via opium enforced trade, death of 100million through WW1 + WW2, death of 100million people through civil war and great leap forward but wait! foreigns not buying chinese sh1t means its all over? give us a effing break.
The only thing that could "fall" in China is the CPC itself. That too, not very likely. There is no question of any "disintegration" however. There might a bit of problem in Uighur and hui regions...sustained by pak elements........but nothing beyond China's ability to "contain".

funny, specially when coming from a guy who's country itself host the "Dalai Lama"
Oh look! We are falling so badly that our economy is doing the best it has in two years!

BBC News - China services sector sees growth pick up
BBC News - China manufacturing activity sees steady growth

Looks like China will be falling apart soon.

But if the economy of China collapses because of foreign demand diminishing, I don't see how China is going to sustain its big population, like in the original post mentioned, Chinese population is aging, foreign demand will diminish, economic forecast doesn't look good.
Simple, we are 100% self-sufficient in terms of providing for our own food. We are capable of manufacturing anything and everything our people need, having the largest industrial sector in the world. We susutained ourselves without much of an economy from the 1949 to 1989. You really think we'll have trouble when we are richer and stronger today?
Rather I see future unification with taiwan under CCP in line with the 1 country 2 system policy.
silly man, economy goes up and down, if economy was key to Chinese nation staying together we wouldn't have had a continuous history of 5000 years. Just think about that for a moment before you post again.

In the last 100 years China has survived European domination and deaths of over 300million people via opium enforced trade, death of 100million through WW1 + WW2, death of 100million people through civil war and great leap forward but wait! foreigns not buying chinese sh1t means its all over? give us a effing break.

Really? China wasn't even involved in WW1 how they get 100 million deaths.
Everyone has forgotten about Russia..Russia literally went bankrupt and Russian stock, bond, and currency markets collapsed in 1998..And they have more different ethnicities than China..But we didnt see Russia disintegrate..I respect STRATFOR but imho, this analysis is totally BS and pure fantasy
Really? China wasn't even involved in WW1 how they get 100 million deaths.
When did I say China lost 100million in WW1? Do you know how many people China lost between the years of late 19th century and early 20th century aka warlord era/rebellions
The foreign invasions during the 19th century didn't disintegrate China, the collapse of the last Dynasty didn't disintegrate China, WW 2 with over 20 million people killed didn't disintegrate China, the disastrous policy of the great leap forward didn't disintegrate China. Now a Turkish guy who trust that doomsday article believe China will collapse because our export driven economy is not sustainable due to the bleak world economy where there's less demand for Chinese products. Didn't some people here say that China will also collapse because Japanese factories in China will relocate and Japanese investment in China will drop due to the dispute it is having at the moment? Even Japan with 2 decades of stagnation and fast population decline hasn't disintegrated. Do you know what is certain? When your mum's p*ssy, yourself and your future generations disintegrate China is still here on this planet.
Another gordon chang shxt prediction???

"China’s economy, like the economies of Japan and other East Asian states before it, will reduce its rate of growth dramatically in order to calibrate growth with the rate of return on capital and to bring its financial system into balance. To do this, it will have to deal with the resulting social and political tensions," says STRATFOR's Decade Forecast.

It explains: "First, China’s current economic model is not sustainable. That model favors employment over all other concerns, and can only be maintained by running on thin margins."

"Second, the Chinese model is only possible so long as Western populations continue to consume Chinese goods in increasing volumes. European demographics alone will make that impossible in the next decade."

"Third, the Chinese model requires cheap labor as well as cheap capital to produce cheap goods. The bottom has fallen out of the Chinese birthrate; by 2020 the average Chinese will be nearly as old as the average American, but will have achieved nowhere near the level of education to add as much value. The result will be a labor shortage in both qualitative and quantitative terms."

"Finally, internal tensions will break the current system. More than 1 billion Chinese live in households whose income is below $2,000 a year (with 600 million below $1,000 a year). The government knows this and is trying to shift resources to the vast interior comprising the bulk of China. But this region is so populous and so poor — and so vulnerable to minor shifts in China’s economic fortunes — that China simply lacks the resources to cope."
STRATFOR'S TOP PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEXT DECADE: China Collapse, Global Labor Shortages, New American Dominance

but yes,,,present chinese system is bound to collapse ---it will no longer be there in its present form by the year 3013 --definitely - you can bet your horse on it......
funny, specially when coming from a guy who's country itself host the "Dalai Lama"

Tch...tch....Silly canard....

India recognizes Tibet as an integral part of China. TTP/Afg-Taliban/Pakistani Islamists does not recognize Uighur or Hui as Chinese. So you folks go on and "liberate". In most Islamic shariá administered countries (including pakistan) , it is punishable by death if someone declares himself/herself to be an ÄTHEIST". So no one does....not in public anyway.

Part of the reason why Chinese citizens get murdered/abducted in Pakistan, the citadel of Islam.
Rather I see future unification with taiwan under CCP in line with the 1 country 2 system policy.

Dont take it as an offence if some Taiwanese says he/she see's reunification of Bd and India in the future :coffee:
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