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As expected saying the ugly truth about Pakistan is "racism". Tell your fairy tails about peaceful co-existence in Pakistan to the Shiite, the Christian and Hindu minorities in Pakistan, tell that to the Ahmedies, and to women in FATA under the terror of Taliban and religious groups.

Arabs who are Israeli citizens have more rights than any Pakistani in Pakistan, Palestinian in Gaza are treated much better by Israel than Pakistanis by their own defence establishment.

Ya we know all their right internet is full of video you shouldn't ask me to post them.
Ya we know all their right internet is full of video you shouldn't ask me to post them.

You can post as many videos you want, they will hardly prove anything. I hope for you and for your countrymen that you will receive the same considerate approach by your own military like the Israeli military constantly shows towards the Palestinians.

No matter what reality is, you will continue to believe the lies which you are comfortable with, like the lies you tell yourself about your country.
You can post as many videos you want, they will hardly prove anything. I hope for you and for your countrymen that you will receive the same considerate approach by your own military like the Israeli military constantly shows towards the Palestinians.

No matter what reality is, you will continue to believe the lies which you are comfortable with, like the lies you tell yourself about your country.

I have admitted that there were mistakes done in past and INSHALLAH they will not be repeated in future ,

we do not discriminate with people Hindus are judges in our supreme court , dr abdus salam was qadani scientist from pakistan , Christians also live here happily .

but your county's core ideology is based on racism , so that a specific race could survive only.
I have admitted that there were mistakes done in past and INSHALLAH they will not be repeated in future ,

we do not discriminate with people Hindus are judges in our supreme court , dr abdus salam was qadani scientist from pakistan , Christians also live here happily .

but your counties core ideology is based on racism , so that a specific race could survive only.

In Pakistan minorities are constantly terrorise, so who are you kidding? Your only non-Muslim minister was assassinated just recently. What about the Ahmedies? Why there are not allowed to exercise their religious without any threats? What about women in FATA? Why do they need to suffer from discrimination and from oppressive laws?

In the "racist" state of Israel 20% of the citizens are non Jewish! And yes, they have full rights, much more than a Pakistani citizen.

You country's mistakes continue as we speak, nothing was ever fixed and the situation is only getting worst. So for the sake of your country you all should abandon the denial status you are like to be and ignoring the dire situation of Pakistan.
In Pakistan minorities are constantly terrorise, so who are you kidding? Your only non-Muslim minister was assassinated just recently. What about the Ahmedies? Why there are not allowed to exercise their religious without any threats? What about women in FATA? Why do they need to suffer from discrimination and from oppressive laws?

In the "racist" state of Israel 20% of the citizens are non Jewish! And yes, they have full rights, much more than a Pakistani citizen.

You country's mistakes continue as we speak, nothing was ever fixed and the situation is only getting worst. So for the sake of your country you all should abandon the denial status you are like to be and ignoring the dire situation of Pakistan.

Ahmedies are non muslim by consitiution and they have full liberty to live their life according to their will by law ,
Second question of yours is stupid all religions exist and allowed.
Women if FATA your third question , FATA is tribal area they live according to their tribal values, further more things are changing now GVT is taking steps to remove ignorance.

One should have courage to face reality and admit mistakes which you people never had.

Ya it should be your lunch time go eat some Palestinian people flesh.
Ya it should be your lunch time go eat some Palestinian people flesh.

Only someone from a country which has more terrorists than any other country in the world, including terrorists who behead people and molest human bodies, can even think on this revolting idea.

I see the truth hurts you, good!!!
Only someone from a country which has more terrorists than any other country in the world, including terrorists who behead people and molest human bodies, can even think on this revolting idea.

I see the truth hurts you, good!!!

Now you don't have any logical argument , your words are making no sense.
Ahmedies are non muslim by consitiution and they have full liberty to live their life according to their will by law ,
Second question of yours is stupid all religions exist and allowed.
Women if FATA your third question , FATA is tribal area they live according to their tribal values, further more things are changing now GVT is taking steps to remove ignorance.

One should have courage to face reality and admit mistakes which you people never had.

Ya it should be your lunch time go eat some Palestinian people flesh.

Ahmedies and other minorities are under constant terror threats. You blame Israel for racism, but in Pakistan according to the constitution the head of state and head of government must be Muslims. This is not racism? Hindus and Christians and Ahmedies do not deserve equall rights?

You do not deny the inferior situation of women in FATA, although women suffer in all of Pakistan because they are considered inferior. FATA is an autonomous region but part of Pakistan. Why no one protest on the violation of human rights in this region? Women are not human?

You government never do anything and never will, nor your precious Army and ISI and their generals only feather their own nest and taking care their own interests on the expense of ordinary Pakistanis. Your entire country is so corrupt that even your own government do not bother to deny it.
Ahmedies and other minorities are under constant terror threats. You blame Israel for racism, but in Pakistan according to the constitution the head of state and head of government must be Muslims. This is not racism? Hindus and Christians and Ahmedies do not deserve equall rights?

Yes they are some threats from extremists but these extremist have been funded by america during afghan war,
Head of state is elected through voting , personally am against this restriction it was imposed in a dictators era, but its irrelevant is current discussion.

You do not deny the inferior situation of women in FATA, although women suffer in all of Pakistan because they are considered inferior. FATA is an autonomous region but part of Pakistan. Why no one protest on the violation of human rights in this region? Women are not human?

already answered that question.

You government never do anything and never will, nor your precious Army and ISI and their generals only feather their own nest and taking care their own interests on the expense of ordinary Pakistanis. Your entire country is so corrupt that even your own government do not bother to deny it.

we are trying to remove corrption every time america bribes dictators and derails democracy.

Not to deviate from the bottom-line Pakistan is not a racist country where as Israel is one.
Yes they are some threats from extremists but these extremist have been funded by america during afghan war,
Head of state is elected through voting , personally am against this restriction it was imposed in a dictators era, but its irrelevant is current discussion.

already answered that question.

we are trying to remove corrption every time america bribes dictators and derails democracy.

Not to deviate from the bottom-line Pakistan is not a racist country where as Israel is one.

I wish for minorities in Pakistan to enjoy just half of the rights of Israeli Arabs who have more rights than you as a citizen in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Continue to blame the US and Israel in you own failures and as usual your government will do nothing. What America got to do with the economic empire of the Army and better life conditions in cantonments of officers? What America got to do with the looting of land by the generals? Why Washington is to blame for your government failure to control the armed forces like in any normal country?

The first step in the healing process in abandon the denial status, nothing could happen unless the people of Pakistan look strait on reality and stop blaming everyone but themselves in the failures of their own country.
I wish for minorities in Pakistan to enjoy just half of the rights of Israeli Arabs who have more rights than you as a citizen in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

thanks for your wish, we are giving them full , where as your school girls go i write msg on weapons to fire on people what a shame you people have corrupted kids with your hatred.


BIG SHAME for you people.
thanks for your wish, we are giving them full , where as your school girls go i write msg on weapons to fire on people what a shame you people have corrupted kids with your hatred.


BIG SHAME for you people.

This is the best lie you got? Come on, you can deteriorate much lower.

Not surprisingly when reality from Pakistan is too hard to face you run away to tell lies about Israel.
This is the best lie you got? Come on, you can deteriorate much lower.

Not surprisingly when reality from Pakistan is too hard to face you run away to tell lies about Israel.

no its not the best , it was only argument in the discussion , am not against jewish people but brutal policy of their government. Sorry if i said any thing wrong or it hurt you.
no its not the best , it was only argument in the discussion , am not against jewish people but brutal policy of their government. Sorry if i said any thing wrong or it hurt you.

I will let you benefit from the doubt. It is clear that your knowledge about Israel is very partial. You can easily find objective resources of information which are not related to anti-Israeli propaganda which is so popular among Muslim communities. I can assure you that Israel has no policy of intentional killing and hurting innocent Palestinians, but unfortunately sometime they are being hurt unintentionally when Israeli security forces are fighting against Palestinian terrorists who try to launch terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
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