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Did AQ Khan help India's Nuclear Programme?!

i never really understood why all pakistanis hate jews...

It is very simple: like their Arab friends they believe they were meant for greatness and glory, but in reality they are in the bottom of human development (according the their own experts). So, they hate anyone who is successful. That is why they hate the West and Israel too.
There is no evidence that AQ Khan helped in India's Nuclear Program.
India exploded its first nuclear device in 18 May 1974.
While Pakistan exploded its first nuclear device in May 1998.
India was already advanced in Nuclear Program.
Very Fragile thread. No meaning.
It is very simple: like their Arab friends they believe they were meant for greatness and glory, but in reality they are in the bottom of human development (according the their own experts). So, they hate anyone who is successful. That is why they hate the West and Israel too.

I know how deeply you hate muslims !! the most important thing is that to notice what you have written in your public message underline the posts!! its really reveals your pshychy that you people are considering pakistan as a potential threat for the Israel . What i think is that Arabs needs some gutts to get rid of you people and let you force away back to poland and russia and the places where you people came here .:smitten:
It is very simple: like their Arab friends they believe they were meant for greatness and glory, but in reality they are in the bottom of human development (according the their own experts). So, they hate anyone who is successful. That is why they hate the West and Israel too.

You mean Pakistanis hate those nations who are successful , this is pure stupid thought , many Pakistanis do hate isrealis , but you know why after seeing their atrocities on Palestinians nothing else.

regarding your signature

"If the Arabs, the Turks or the Iranians, God forbid, give up Islam, the Arabs yet remain Arabs, the Turks remain Turks, the Iranians remain Iranians, But what do we remain if we give up Islam?" A Pakistani scholar, 1970's."

First off all you cant remove islam , second we are 5000 year older nation IVC , coming back to your question we will still remain pakistani , Pakistanis include all religious and other communities who live there happily , we don't do massacres like you zionists do neither we are racist like you people are by giving right to vote only to jewish people, in my country every religion is welcomed , further more forget arabs and iranis when taking to pakistanis no foreign nation could threat we have enough power to survive and banish the enemy including your western sponsors.
It is very simple: like their Arab friends they believe they were meant for greatness and glory, but in reality they are in the bottom of human development (according the their own experts). So, they hate anyone who is successful. That is why they hate the West and Israel too.

We condemns Human Violations in Palestine and Lebanon. During the 2006 war in Lebanon, You(Israel) fired large numbers of cluster bombs in Lebanon, containing an estimated more than 4 million cluster submunitions. 1 million of cluster sub-munitions remained unexploded. Unexploded cluster munitions killed or injured an average of 3-4 people per day.
This is one Example of your Cruelty. You killed 100s of children from unexploded cluster muntitions.
Here is proof Cluster munition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

You people killed 10 innocent people In Gaza flotilla raid. Mostly are from Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH). You people Used commandos on Human rights Activist who had no Gun.

There are 1000s Example of Human violation of Israel on children and civilians.
You People have No heart.
Most cruel People in the world.
This is the reason, We hate Israel.
Ayman Al Zawahiri will become US President before AQ Khan helps Indian nuclear program.
Most people did not read the news properly.
While it agrees that 1974 program was indigenous, it was based on plutonium, which is difficult to extract, and rapid increase of inventory is difficult.
It suggests that India could be a beneficiary(without knowledge of AQ Khan) of the proliferation activities of AQ khan.
It draws conclusion from the uranium enrichment facility India used for 1998 tests, which is similar to pakistani(and the one AQ khan got from).
We can agree or disagree on the conclusion, but just wanted to write down the basic facts before we argue about them.
The problem with Khan and people like you is that you want to plunge the world into WWIII with the belief that Islam will be on the winning side.

Problem with u and ur friend is that u thinking ppl u are killing has no right to attack back and will be called terrorist if do so. Yes we belive in Islam will be on winning side just look in Afghanistan how bunch of montain ppl with almost noting giving NATO run for there lifes and u know better in last war in Lebonon......
No really . Y are we even discussing this . Have u seen the source .Its freaking Playboy.com they dont know a **** abt defence all they know is how to sell the magazine by selling the the izzat of ladies .
^Sir, you doubt it, that means there is a possibility of AQ Khan selling nuke tech to India.
You mean Pakistanis hate those nations who are successful , this is pure stupid thought , many Pakistanis do hate isrealis , but you know why after seeing their atrocities on Palestinians nothing else.

regarding your signature

"If the Arabs, the Turks or the Iranians, God forbid, give up Islam, the Arabs yet remain Arabs, the Turks remain Turks, the Iranians remain Iranians, But what do we remain if we give up Islam?" A Pakistani scholar, 1970's."

First off all you cant remove islam , second we are 5000 year older nation IVC , coming back to your question we will still remain pakistani , Pakistanis include all religious and other communities who live there happily , we don't do massacres like you zionists do neither we are racist like you people are by giving right to vote only to jewish people, in my country every religion is welcomed , further more forget arabs and iranis when taking to pakistanis no foreign nation could threat we have enough power to survive and banish the enemy including your western sponsors.

I know that the ugly truth upset some of the Pakistanis in this thread, so they turn in their distress into slandering and attacking Israel. However, these lies will not change the simple truth: Pakistan is against the West and perceive it, and mainly the US, as its rival. the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis are anti-Western and wish for its descendent. Western values of free society are not and will not be acceptable on most of Pakistanis.

Like their Arab brothers, Pakistanis believe their country was meant for greatness and they feel constantly humiliated and frustrated because of India's empowerment and from the current global situation that Europe and the US leads the world in all spectrum. Israel managed to join them and become a developed country although its starting point was even lower than some of its Arab neighbours. Almost all the Arab countries failed to develop, and like Pakistan are failed states with autocratic regimes and degenerated societies.

You can continue with your foolish attacks on Israel which are based on lies that you feel comfortably to believe because you do not like to face the hard reality. You do not like to admit in the failures of your country and examine with yourself what went wrong because of the negative actions of your own society.
You can continue with your foolish attacks on Israel which are based on lies that you feel comfortably to believe because you do not like to face the hard reality. You do not like to admit in the failures of your country and examine with yourself what went wrong because of the negative actions of your own society.

I admit we have done many blunders , hope we will not do it in future ,

but at-least we are not racists like Israelis are we care of human right we give all communities right to vote live happily with peace, not like killing daily GAZA people as breakfast dinner and lunch . Keep living in your racist fascist country and keep murdering people .
I admit we have done many blunders , hope we will not do it in future ,

but at-least we are not racists like Israelis are we care of human right we give all communities right to vote live happily with peace, not like killing daily GAZA people as breakfast dinner and lunch . Keep living in your racist fascist country and keep murdering people .

As expected saying the ugly truth about Pakistan is "racism". Tell your fairy tails about peaceful co-existence in Pakistan to the Shiite, the Christian and Hindu minorities in Pakistan, tell that to the Ahmedies, and to women in FATA under the terror of Taliban and religious groups.

Arabs who are Israeli citizens have more rights than any Pakistani in Pakistan, Palestinian in Gaza are treated much better by Israel than Pakistanis by their own defence establishment.
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