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Democracy gives India edge over China, say experts

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What a joke! There's no democracy here. It is just that people here are hardworking despite pathetic government policies and that is why we're emerging.

There is zero government contribution to the success of India as a nation.

Bro you really need to study politics and policy making in your undergrad. Trust me you lack in this field. For a start just read

Influence of Government Policies on Automobile Industry
Sooner or later though China is going to have to open up- as the population gets richer and more educated the current oppression will not be tolerated by them any longer.

Can you tell me how I'm being "oppressed"?

I've gone to several protests and rallies criticizing CPC corruption. And I haven't been arrested for posting disparaging messages on Facebook either?

What freedoms do I lack? I've been all over the world, the only place where certain classes of people are considered sub-human by their fellows are the Dalits, who can't even walk within 20 feet of a high-caste person.

In terms of social development indicators, India is 40 years behind China (according to The Economist).

Life expectancy, child mortality, maternal mortality rate, access to sanitation, malnutrition... India is behind Bangladesh in all these development indicators.

Something has failed in India, and this time you can't blame democracy. Democracy was India's advantage, but you failed to use your advantage, and now you have more poverty/malnutrition than Sub-Saharan Africa.
Life expectancy, child mortality, maternal mortality rate, access to sanitation, malnutrition... India is behind Bangladesh in all these development indicators.

even though you are rude I always considered you an informative member. I am disappointed :p. India is ahead of Bd in every field. :lol:. I love it when respected chinese members spew crap just for trolling and then say India started it.
even though you are rude I always considered you an informative member. I am disappointed :p. India is ahead of Bd in every field. :lol:. I love it when respected chinese members spew crap just for trolling and then say India started it.

LOL, sorry buddy, but I always have the facts at hand.

Even when I am responding to Indian trolling, as started by Jbond in this thread (who is now banned). :azn:

Bangladesh and development: The path through the fields | The Economist


As you can see, Bangladesh clearly beats India on ALL these social development indicators.

Something has failed in India, and it is not democracy. Democracy was India's advantage, but despite this advantage they have fallen behind pretty much every other developing economy in the world.
Can you tell me how I'm being "oppressed"?

I've gone to several protests and rallies criticizing CPC corruption. And I haven't been arrested for posting disparaging messages on Facebook either?

What freedoms do I lack? I've been all over the world, the only place where certain classes of people are considered sub-human by their fellows are the Dalits, who can't even walk within 20 feet of a high-caste person.

In terms of social development indicators, India is 40 years behind China (according to The Economist).

Life expectancy, child mortality, maternal mortality rate, access to sanitation, malnutrition... India is behind Bangladesh in all these development indicators.

Something has failed in India, and this time you can't blame democracy. Democracy was India's advantage, but you failed to use your advantage, and now you have more poverty/malnutrition than Sub-Saharan Africa.

you forgot toilets and IQ .... made a mistake in copy-paste. :laugh:

CPC will pay you only 20 cents, instead of 25 cents. :tdown:
calling India a democracy is like calling a human dog```its a insualt to the very idea of democracy....India is probably the only relatively big economy that still has like feudal society

words of wisdom from "soon-zoo" of this forum. :laugh:

Let Indians be happy with such reports and while Let China dominate the world. :china:

with the help of "communism" which provides china the vital edge. :tup:

Can you tell me how I'm being "oppressed"?

I've gone to several protests and rallies criticizing CPC corruption. And I haven't been arrested for posting disparaging messages on Facebook either?
Your posts wouldn't have the potential to start riots and rallies either, I can bet........That is why the person in question was arrested.......:azn: Shiv Sainiks would have devastated Mumbai, if the arrest hadn't been made.
Freedom of Speech is one thing ,but it should come with some sense and awareness of what is happening around you.........You should know this better than any of us Indians, CD, being from the biggest communist state in the world. And you aren't arrested doesn't mean that no one in China is being arrested either........Many cases of such arrests have been highlighted in the past few years. I do not condemn or support them, I just want to make a point.
Can you tell me how I'm being "oppressed"?

I've gone to several protests and rallies criticizing CPC corruption. And I haven't been arrested for posting disparaging messages on Facebook either?

Good for you! How about asking the CPC where $2.79 trillion were gone in the last decade

Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009 were:

China: $2.74 trillion
Mexico: $504 billion
Russia: $501 billon
Saudi Arabia: $380 billion
Malaysia: $350 billion
United Arab Emirates: $296 billion
Kuwait: $271 billion
Nigeria: $182 billion
Venezuela: $179 billion
Qatar: $130 billion


What freedoms do I lack? I've been all over the world,

You should ask people of Xinjiang this question

What did they do to owe the privilege of being made a minority in their own region.


the only place where certain classes of people are considered sub-human by their fellows are the Dalits, who can't even walk within 20 feet of a high-caste person.

Does Indian law allow the above?

In terms of social development indicators, India is 40 years behind China (according to The Economist).

I recall correctly it was 2 indicators India was 36 years behind China.
Life expectancy, child mortality, maternal mortality rate, access to sanitation, malnutrition... India is behind Bangladesh in all these development indicators.

Bolded part is incorrect. As per 2012 Global Hunger Index values India 19% undernourished population vs Bangladesh having 26% for 2006-8


Besides Bangladesh is example of successful democracy in the subcontinent.

Something has failed in India, and this time you can't blame democracy. Democracy was India's advantage, but you failed to use your advantage, and now you have more poverty/malnutrition than Sub-Saharan Africa.

I see a Chinese member braying this every time with no factual backing.
No you won't as evident from the country you chose to immigrate to. YOU had a quicker flight to China. you chose western values and democracy is the no1 value. Btw - what china growth? you have no clue about that country , just the 50 cent version of it been given here. Hell- it's own premier ( previous one) called it a 3rd world country!

I personally did not immigrate to UK. My dad came to UK to study and stayed---- I had no choice in the matter but won't change it. He came to study in the UK as his father did, who did so due to the colonial influence of Britain.

Bangladesh is my second home and have visited china.

Bangladesh has democracy, it's often very chaotic but it is still a democracy. What I saw in china was order, a society being pulled in the same direction.

For developing countries maybe democracy is not necessarily the only vehicle for economic growth. From Bangladesh perspective, what do do people want.... It would be solid reliable present and a hopeful future. Chinese model may provide that better than democracy.

Democracy in developing world and democracy in the west is very different and in some way exactly the same in that the elite is unaccountable. I am one of the millions who marched in London against the war in Iraq.... Made not a bit of difference.... Democracy is not a cure for everything. I am not a communist and not particularly left wing. All I say is a country requires visionary leadership and china has got it.

I have not historically seen first hand chinas development as I have visited the country only once. But what I saw was a great country, an ordered country where everyone wants to progress. For Bangladesh it is a great country to emulate on.
From Bangladesh perspective, what do do people want.... It would be solid reliable present and a hopeful future. Chinese model may provide that better than democracy.

My friend, do not let India tarnish your perception of democracy.

Democracy CAN work very well in the developing world. It can be a big advantage to a developing country, if it is implemented right.

The current Chinese system (Socialism with Chinese characteristics) was designed specifically for China. I don't think it would work if other developing countries tried to use this system.
My friend, do not let India tarnish your perception of democracy.

Democracy CAN work very well in the developing world. It can be a big advantage to a developing country, if it is implemented right.

The current Chinese system (Socialism with Chinese characteristics) was designed specifically for China. I don't think it would work if other developing countries tried to use this system.
Your perception about India, is the one that is tarnished, I fear, my friend. Try puttting more than a billion people together, with variations in language, culture, color of skin, regionalism coming between every few million people, and then try to run this country...........I dare anyone to do what we here at India have achieved...........Such a huge amount of diversity, the likes of which you can't even imagine sitting in a homoethnic socity of China, is being managed and contended with at once, for the past 65 years is a miracle in itself............I doubt the whole of East Asia possess as much diversity in culture and thought as you can find in India itself....
So before criticizing India put yourself in this situation and think,if, and how you could have done better............GIve me one suggestion that could have had a better result keeping in mind every cultural, linguistic, regional, religious groups interests and I will admit that India is a failed democracy........
My friend, do not let India tarnish your perception of democracy.

Democracy CAN work very well in the developing world. It can be a big advantage to a developing country, if it is implemented right.

The current Chinese system (Socialism with Chinese characteristics) was designed specifically for China. I don't think it would work if other developing countries tried to use this system.

I completely agree with you. I am not anti democracy at all. I just like the way china has managed to lift itself up. It had visionary leadership which has guided the country so well. I want Bangladesh to learn from this. What we lack in Bangladesh is quality leaders with vision and the ability to translate that into action. China had that, democracy or centralised governance does not matter if a government can provide a law and order and a solid future to its citizens.... Most people would be content.
So before criticizing India put yourself in this situation and think,if, and how you could have done better............GIve me one suggestion that could have had a better result keeping in mind every cultural, linguistic, regional, religious groups interests and I will admit that India is a failed democracy........

I only criticize India when you guys start bashing us. Starting with Jbond in this thread (now banned) and followed up by all the other Indians.

Though if you want me to speak completely objectively, I have no problem with the concept of "democracy in a developing country". I think it can be a very good advantage, look at Brazil for instance.

But there are plenty of democracies in the developing world that have failed too, like Nigeria, Sudan, Columbia, etc. Or the Democratic Republic of the Congo!

Why shouldn't we look to the best examples instead?
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