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Danish Cooking School Tells Muslim Students To Eat Pork Or Dont Graduate

The schooll administration should pay for this. And i would like to personally ask the imam who gave permission to the students where in the Quran it says pork and alcohol is permissible.

He is another of those "available on ebay" Mullah..!

The schooll administration should pay for this. And i would like to personally ask the imam who gave permission to the students where in the Quran it says pork and alcohol is permissible.

He is another of those "available on ebay" Mullah..!
Danish school fined for forcing Muslim to eat pork

March 24, 2012 01:47 AM

The Daily Star

BEIRUT: A Danish vocational school has been ordered to pay a fine to a Muslim student of Lebanese origin after expelling her when she refused to eat pork, Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman said Thursday.

The school has been ordered by the Danish Equal Status Council to pay the student a 75,000 Danish kroner ($13,389) fine after the council ruled that forcing Muslim students to eat pork was discrimination, according to the paper.

Trine Bramsen, a politician from the ruling Danish Social Democrat Party, supported the ruling, and said that Muslim students should be allowed to graduate from school without having to taste pork.

THE DAILY STAR :: Breaking News, Lebanon News, Middle East News & World News)

Danish minister intervenes in culinary school scandal

Danish Education Minister Christine Antorini has intervened in a scandal concerning allegations that a culinary school in Denmark was forcing its Muslim students to taste pork and wine, both banned in Islam, if they want to graduate.


Antorini also said that officials from the ministry had spoken with the principal of the Copenhagen Hospitality College. In her letter, she congratulated Korkmaz on pursuing a culinary career, and clearly stated that students who refused to taste certain foods due to dietary restrictions arising from faith or illness, such as an allergy, cannot be forced to do so.

Danish minister intervenes in culinary school scandal

So much for Danish people being hardcore racists and bigots.:whistle:
Danish school fined for forcing Muslim to eat pork

March 24, 2012 01:47 AM

The Daily Star

BEIRUT: A Danish vocational school has been ordered to pay a fine to a Muslim student of Lebanese origin after expelling her when she refused to eat pork, Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman said Thursday.

The school has been ordered by the Danish Equal Status Council to pay the student a 75,000 Danish kroner ($13,389) fine after the council ruled that forcing Muslim students to eat pork was discrimination, according to the paper.

Trine Bramsen, a politician from the ruling Danish Social Democrat Party, supported the ruling, and said that Muslim students should be allowed to graduate from school without having to taste pork.

THE DAILY STAR :: Breaking News, Lebanon News, Middle East News & World News)

Danish minister intervenes in culinary school scandal

Danish Education Minister Christine Antorini has intervened in a scandal concerning allegations that a culinary school in Denmark was forcing its Muslim students to taste pork and wine, both banned in Islam, if they want to graduate.


Antorini also said that officials from the ministry had spoken with the principal of the Copenhagen Hospitality College. In her letter, she congratulated Korkmaz on pursuing a culinary career, and clearly stated that students who refused to taste certain foods due to dietary restrictions arising from faith or illness, such as an allergy, cannot be forced to do so.

Danish minister intervenes in culinary school scandal

So much for Danish people being hardcore racists and bigots.:whistle:

it shouldn't have happened in the first place....
Forcing somebody to eat what they don't want to eat is wrong on many levels....
Danmarks name appears over and over again in cases of religious bigotry specially against Islam.

This time the minister intervened and that is appreciable..But lets see who takes upon themselves to take revenge from Muslims for "Forcing their values on Danish society" .
Some other Dane will come up with another Novel method of tormenting Muslims,they are good at that.
Well i have seen many muslims drink wine.. So its not a big deal...
But studying in a cooking school in europe in this case denmark, students gotta understand, that there is a huge market for pork in europe...
U will be placed in a good hotel in europe, if u know how to cook pork...
Between how u know it will be tasty, without tasting...
Maybe he should have tried other schools... The school authorities should not have forced too/....
Its funny in a very sad kind of way. Boys and girls, here's the good news...you are all about to graduate. All you gotta to do is chunk down that lil' piggy right there.

Trolls from Denmark :P
Totally a sick retarded country they should learn to respect the religious sentiments of other religions.
Why would a Muslim get into a culinary school in a Christian country knowing well that pork is a staple food and wine a must have?

As if world is not already a fked up place in the name of religion, we need to have religion in the kitchen as well.

You should know well what you are doing...

Another thing --

Why is it that I am seeing the same guys, who bash other religions on other threads, lining up in queue to criticize when a Muslim is brought to question??
Totally a sick retarded country they should learn to respect the religious sentiments of other religions.

You can't change the rules half way to the game. If this guy was concerned about his religion he should have taken admission in a Muslim Culinary School.
I wouldn't get into culinary school in a European country in the first place, and for this reason that an establishment serving wine could render my entire salary illicit, and because the whole concept of exploiting basal human characteristics to make money has little place in Islam. Still if I do find myself in one, I'd expect to taste pork, since even though I can technically cook and serve it without tasting it and this could be a halaal practice, but those damn cooks, they taste everything for QC!
its the right move.. their college their rules.. you want to graduate do what is expected of you .
one needs to leave religion aside in a place of learning.
Any idea how culinary schools (Govt Owned ones like Indian Institute of Hotel Management) function in India with both beef hating Hindus & pork hating Muslims as their students.
Actually, in Islam, there is leniency for eating pork in certain circumstances.

"He has made unlawful for you only (carcass) that which dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful."

Though it is up to each person.

Personally, I would never eat pork. There is no leniency for it in my religion(They are considered f!lthy animals in Judaism) and if someone tried to force it upon me, i would sue their a**.
its the right move.. their college their rules.. you want to graduate do what is expected of you .
one needs to leave religion aside in a place of learning.

Its against religious freedom and their country claims to give religious freedom.

What if someone force you to eat beef in your university?

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