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Crisp J-20 pictures

When the F-22 was designed, it had to be a good dogfighter with a gun no less because American didnt want to take the chance that visual range engagements are a thing of the past. Since then the lesson learned is that indeed BVR does seem to be as its hyped up to be. Furthermore F-22 pilots complain that they would be even more dominant with greater internal missile loads.
It then seems quite logical to design the J20 as a bigger missile ship than the F-22. Its internal bays are probably designed with larger next generation ramjet missles like the the PL-21 in mind, rather than limited to petite missiles like the AMRAAM.

J20 is a specialized air supremacy fighter like the F-22. It also makes perfect sense to design the J20 as a air supremacy fighter since China will have a JSF or B-2 to carry out the bomb role.
J16 is not a specialized air supremacy fighter like the J20. It is most likely a true multirole fighter. Capable of carrying larger and more numerous air-to-air missiles, as well as having a F-35 role. Having an all in one capability makes sense for two reasons. One being a common platform would be cheaper. Had China gone for a J20 like specialist they may not be able to afford to build a significant number. Second, as a Flanker operator, PLAAF is already used to having a large fighter with multi-mission capability. J16 is designed to replace the multirole Flankers, just as the J20 is designed to replace the pure air supremacy J10.
J16: a strike fighter (Shenyang Aircraft Corporation)
J20: a air supremacy fighter (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation)
J14: not exist (a carrier-based fighter//J15 has won the battle with the J14) J14 is two single engine plane, like J10
H8: a Stealth Bomber(Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation)

The pictures of the H8:



J-16 is not a strike fighter, but a supplement developed from the J-11B. It's not meant to be in front line service.

The J-14 (or J-12 or J-18) is an air superiority fighter developed by SAC. It is said to be bigger than the J-20. Deagel.com says that it is single engined.

J-20 is a strike fighter. The heavy payload, the fuel load, and the maneuverability sacrifices prove this.

The H-8 bomber is a stealth bomber.
J-16 is not a strike fighter, but a supplement developed from the J-11B. It's not meant to be in front line service.

The J-14 (or J-12 or J-18) is an air superiority fighter developed by SAC. It is said to be bigger than the J-20. Deagel.com says that it is single engined.

J-20 is a strike fighter. The heavy payload, the fuel load, and the maneuverability sacrifices prove this.

The H-8 bomber is a stealth bomber.

I can't agree with you :rolleyes:

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J16: a strike fighter (Shenyang Aircraft Corporation)
J20: a air supremacy fighter (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation)
J14: not exist (a carrier-based fighter//J15 has won the battle with the J14) it is double engine J10
H8: a Stealth Bomber(Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation)
The current PLAAF Commander Xu Qiliang arrived at Huang Tianba Airport in Chengdu by special plane.
The first flight time should be very near.

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I am afraid you may cant understand it. Chinese dont like talking, we like doing silently and let the result speek for us unlike some country only know talking.
J16: a strike fighter (Shenyang Aircraft Corporation)
J20: a air supremacy fighter (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation)
J14: not exist (a carrier-based fighter//J15 has won the battle with the J14) it is double engine J10
H8: a Stealth Bomber(Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation)

J-14 was never meant to compete with the J-15 as carrier based jet. The J-14 is also not an official designation. The SAC stealth fighter (which is different from J-16) is supposedly larger than the J-20. Deagel.com also reports it to be single-engined.

The SAC stealth fighter may be called J-14, J-12, or some other designation. But the point is, SAC will probably unveil a full 5th-generation stealth fighter (might be a light stealth fighter) along with the backup J-16.

J-20 is not an air supremacy fighter. If it was, it would not have been larger than both the T-50 and the F-22, and it would not have incorporated such a large internal weapons bay and fuel load that would undoubtly impede its maneuverability and agility. Clearly, the engine plan and the big fuel load point to the conclusion that the J-20 is aimed towards supersonic cruises at long ranges. That is what strike fighters do, not air defense fighters. Read Australia Airpower website for more info.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Chinese aren't capable of building a multirole aircraft capable of air superiority while having a large weapons bay at the same time.

J-14 was never meant to compete with the J-15 as carrier based jet. The J-14 is also not an official designation. The SAC stealth fighter (which is different from J-16) is supposedly larger than the J-20. Deagel.com also reports it to be single-engined.

The SAC stealth fighter may be called J-14, J-12, or some other designation. But the point is, SAC will probably unveil a full 5th-generation stealth fighter (might be a light stealth fighter) along with the backup J-16.

J-20 is not an air supremacy fighter. If it was, it would not have been larger than both the T-50 and the F-22, and it would not have incorporated such a large internal weapons bay and fuel load that would undoubtly impede its maneuverability and agility. Clearly, the engine plan and the big fuel load point to the conclusion that the J-20 is aimed towards supersonic cruises at long ranges. That is what strike fighters do, not air defense fighters. Read Australia Airpower website for more info.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Chinese aren't capable of building a multirole aircraft capable of air superiority while having a large weapons bay at the same time.

think! why does it have canards! the critical part of maneuverability is not only mass but the control surfaces! if it was a bomber, then why does it need canards, there is absolutely no advantage for bombers to have canards. while yes, additional mass increases inertia, the plane is longer by 1.8 m which is less than 10% different than PAKFA and F-22.
think! why does it have canards! the critical part of maneuverability is not only mass but the control surfaces! if it was a bomber, then why does it need canards, there is absolutely no advantage for bombers to have canards. while yes, additional mass increases inertia, the plane is longer by 1.8 m which is less than 10% different than PAKFA and F-22.

Canards are for increased maneuverability, but that does not mean it's an air defense fighter. We've seen lots of examples of strike fighters using canards (such as J-15, Su-34, Su-35BM, etc). Canards are added because it boosts the maneuverability without impeding the weapons and fuel load. Why not add something that has no major side effects? Since fighter-bombers still need to escape from hostile situations, yes, maneuverability is needed and canards are the way to do it.

The mere size and weight of the J-20 is inconsistent with many air defense fighters. Even a 10% difference between the T-50 and F-22 means a huge addition of weight and compromised maneuverability. If it is a true air superiority fighter, then there is no need for the overly huge weapons bay, airframe, and fuel load.

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