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Combat Aircraft Projects & Designs - Index in 2nd post

the picture showed a lot of fighters of that era , so i posted the pic -- i didnt post it to take a jab at any nationality - hence no requirement of authenticity -maybe the 1974 war-
dont open a new thread on it windjammer hahahaha!

i got it from here
Indian Perception
There you go enlighten yourself........ :)
At least one kill is documented and it was achieved during the Yum Kippur war in 1973 and not 1974 as you perceived.
On 23 October 1973, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif on deputation to Egyptian Air Force (EAF) was flying a EAF MiG-21 in a defensive combat air patrol (CAP) over Egypt when he was vectored towards an intruding Israeli Air Force (IDF/AF) F-4 Phantom. In the ensuing dogfight, Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom.

PAF vs IAF - Naseeb.com
^i meant 1973-74 conflict verses the 67 conflict-- based on the picture -------- but if 1 year mispelling on my part makes you feel better , well thats ok with me -- the phantom kill was also posted by me on the surb site which i posted , however that link didnt tell the name of the pilot
^i meant 1973-74 conflict verses the 67 conflict-- based on the picture -------- but if 1 year mispelling on my part makes you feel better , well thats ok with me -- the phantom kill was also posted by me on the surb site which i posted , however that link didnt tell the name of the pilot

Yaar, i am not critical of you, just letting you know that it happened in 1973 so you can amend your detailed records.
Besides there were no Phantoms involved in the 67 conflict. It was also reported that in 1973, the Phantoms were such a new acquisition in IAF, that some of them were reportedly flown by US personnel, a fact that Israelis went out of their way to rescue downed Phantom pilots.
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Q-6 is one of unrealized projects strike aircraft of the People's Republic. It was designed by Nanchang Aircraft Factory was renamed later in the Hongdu Aviation Industry Group.The project has developed a long time, but never reached the stage of creating prototypes. The program was initiated in the mid-70s, based on the experience of China's participation in the Vietnam War, namely on the basis of fighting near the Paracel islands, when the Chinese Air Force were unable to provide air support to friendly forces. The aircraft was also to be able to attack naval targets.
In June 1976, senior engineers were summoned to Beijing for a meeting to expedite the development of new aircraft. Have been proposed options for the aircraft version of the shock J-8II, was also the beginning of designing low-altitude attack aircraft JH-7, an analogue of such cars as the Su-24, F-111 and "Tornado" (but this was a project for a far-reaching perspective) and was proposed project Q-6, which decided to develop as the most quickly implemented.. Shortly before the start of the program, China has MiG-23 from Egypt, and so for the new aircraft was invited to a variable sweep wing.
By February 1979 the total project was completed. The initial draft was based on the MiG-23BN, but Air Force and Navy also demanded from the aircraft the ability to actively defend itself. It required the mandatory installation of radar, which was not provided on a purely shock version.And then decided to create a project based on the MiG-23MS. It was decided to use the avionics of the F-111 (it probably is a technological espionage) adapted to Q-6, which eventually led to long-term development and the cancellation of the project.Initially, the size of the aircraft had to be close to the MiG-23MS, but the Chinese electronics industry at the time could not guarantee the minimization of the size of the equipment and as a result of fuselage the size was close to the Su-24. Studies have also shown that the side air intakes will be ineffective and Q-6 became the first Chinese project in podfyuzellyazhnym air intake. Большие трудности вызвало также крыло изменяемой стреловидности и его механизация. Great difficulties also caused the wing sweep and its mechanization. Китайская промышленность не справлялась с заказом. Chinese industry could not cope with the order. И масса, и размеры получались на 12 % больше и тяжелее, чем аналогичные системы на МиГ-23, сокращая тем самым полезную нагрузку, ёмкость топливных баков и боевой радиус действия машины и явившись ещё одним фактором отмены этого проекта. And the weight and size were obtained in 12% larger and heavier than similar systems in the MiG-23, thus reducing the payload capacity of fuel tanks and combat machines and the range of another factor appearing to cancel the project. В 1981 году планировалось установить в качестве двигателя WS-6, но стало ясно что тяги 71 кН (122 кН на форсаже) будет недостаточно. In 1981 he planned to install in an engine WS-6, but it became clear that the thrust 71 kN (122 kN in afterburner) will not be enough.
В 1983 году был предложен модернизированный вариант WS-6G тягой на форсаже 138 кН, но и этот двигатель был не осилен китайской индустрией. In 1983 he was offered a modernized version of WS-6G thrust in afterburner 138 kN, but this engine was not will master the Chinese industry. Его ресурс составлял всего 50 часов. His life was only about 50 hours. В качестве радара должен был использоваться аналог американской системы AN/APQ-110 используемый на F-111 и придающий самолёту способность вести полёт с огибанием рельефа местности. As radar was used in the American system of analog AN/APQ-110 used on the F-111 aircraft and gives the ability to fly with rounding terrain. Но и это оказалось китайцам не по зубам. But it was too tough for the Chinese. В 1989 году их вообще перестало интересовать крыло переменной стреловидности и это, вместе с трудностями упомянутыми выше, привело к окончательной отмене проекта. In 1989, they stopped at all interested in the variable sweep wing, and this, together with the difficulties mentioned above, led to the cancellation of the final project.



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