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Clean chit to Modi in Guj riot cases: sources

Modi cannot wash off his hands from Gujarat Riots in 1992.
Simply because he was Head of State.
He was Just like Emperor NERON who played his musical instrument when entire Rome was burning
Wait a minute, why is everyone joining in bashing ajtr? There are many Indians disappointed in this verdict. Tell me something - the court may have dismissed the case for insufficient and inconclusive evidence, but does that cleanse your image of the man? He should have resigned on moral grounds, regardless of his innocence. Comparisons to the Congress and 1984 is of no use since they are no angels either.

Resigned on Moral grounds and left Congress to destroy one more Indian state and keep the Muslim population there always underdeveloped and as vote banks.

Maharashtra sliding into BIMARU lot? - The Times of India

@ Karthic Sri: Request you to edit your previous messages. There is nothing to celebrate here. Even if he was innocent, he has to take moral responsibility for what happened to the many Hindus and Muslims who died in the riots. Don't forget, people died and families were destroyed. He doesn't qualify to be called a good leader if he can't take care of his people.

Why Should I edit ?? Why should I be ashamed to support a man who has been given a clean chit by a Supreme Court appointed/supervised SIT panel ?

It is you people who should be ashamed of not being able to see the truth through all the unified propaganda unleashed against him on the media and not even able accept a the verdict due to your pre-conceived notions against him.

My point stays.
And we give clean chit to LeT, now road is clear for Masood Azhar to become Prime Minister of Pakistan. :yahoo::yahoo:

Yeah please do it ---- And then dont blame RAW and Afghans for any bombblasts in your country.

BTW Masood Azhar is of the JeM (A UN banned Terrorist Org)
Speak for yourself Asim, Not for the Muslims Gujrat.

No offense --- but it is irrelevant to us.

Now that is truly offensive to us.The difference betweeen a puddle (Zardari) and an ocean (Modi)

You too speak on your behalf and use "me" instead of "us".
How so ever good he does with Gujrat, his hands are blood tainted.
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Why Should I edit ?? Why should I be ashamed to support a man who has been given a clean chit by a Supreme Court appointed/supervised SIT panel ?

It is you people who should be ashamed of not being able to see the truth through all the unified propaganda unleashed against him on the media and not even able accept a the verdict due to your pre-conceived notions against him.

My point stays.

Lost case Karthic, you would never get how much power politics hold and how they influence judiciary system in india.History is in front of you. You have power,money and support of blind followers like you that give them steering to to ride justice cart.
I have tons of Gujju friends (Indian Gujju that is), Muslims spew such venom at India, not just Modi, at all of India for what they have allowed to happen in Gujarat.

I tell them openly to their face, that I don't ever hate any people, but I hate what Gujaratis stand for, they all vote and elect him every time - for money sure, but I'd sooner die of hunger than vote him for him. Thus it is very hard not to have a problem with Gujjus as a people.

Fine then what is your problem when the Hindus spewed Venom on the Muslims when 58 of the Karsevaks were burnt down by a Muslim mob in Godhra.

According to your logic isnt that too justified ?
You too speak on your behalf and use "me" instead of "us".

I am an Indian and he is not.

How so ever good he does with Gujrat, his hands are blood tainted.

If you are so damn sure,Prove it.

I have no reason to believe your words over the words of the eminent words of the Supreme Curt appointed Commision.Period.

Lost case Karthic, you would never get how much power politics hold and how they influence judiciary system in india.History is in front of you. You have power,money and support of blind followers like you that give them steering to to ride justice cart.

I dont read much into it except for a conspiracy theory of how everyone conspires againt Muslims.

First I saw it in the Ayodhya case now in this. Carry on --- there is no available cure for this.
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c'mon every corprate house is strong supporter of modi ji. He is not only a great adminstrator but also a strong personality too. Cong and its dirty politics is known to everyone . SIT WAS CONSTITUTED BY CONG GOVT BUT MODI FACED THEM PEACEFULLY,THEY EVEN GRILLD HIM FOR 8HOURS BUT STILL HE REMAIN CALM AND COMPOSED . Just compare the muslim community development in gujrat and rest of the states....... He gotta serious potential to be our prime minister.
It's not a question of proof.

When a company gets clobbered in the stock market, the CEO takes responsiblity.
When a military operation goes horribly wrong, the commander takes responsibiliy.

The massacres happened under Modi's watch. The police and senior law enforcement officials were directly involved. Modi was at the helm and he should resign. That's the least he can do rather than rot in jail, as he rightly should.

You are willing to give Modi credit for Gujarat's economy, why not hold him responsible for its state-sanctioned massacre?
I agree. Personally find it distressing to see such lack of understanding/concern, even if it is from my good friend.

Narendra Modi is not necessarily good PM material. The PM's job as I have pointed out in my posts on different threads, is not just that of an administrator. If that was the case then the Cabinet secretary should suffice. The PM should not be one who will always be seen with suspicion by a large section of this country. Modi's economic management & personal honesty are not in question but his ability to carry the whole nation is. Even if there is no direct culpability in the riots, he bears at the very least, the badge of being incompetent when faced with test of handling the riots. His refusal to admit some responsibility, even if only on moral grounds & apologise to those affected by the riots continues to be a large blot on his person. Atal Behari Vajpayee was able to command the respect of all sections of society even if he was from the BJP because they saw in him, an essentially decent man who cared for them no matter what the political position of his party. Narendra Modi is unfortunately no ABV nor is Gujarat reflective of all India. Nitesh Kumar, for these very reasons would be a much better PM candidate.

Sorry my friend,contrary to what you think it was never meant to ridcule the Innocent Muslims who died in the riots. When I expect others to empathise with the Hindus killed ,I know its incumbent on me to empathise with the Mulsims killed.And I do

But all I am saying,apart from the 'its-too-obvious' from our cross-border friends,the bedrock of the Indian judiciary is 'Innocent until proven guilty' and Modi has been found to be one.

The observations on Teesta and other assorted NGOs must be an eye opener on how there was a concerted effort to implicate a man by whatever means possible (by hook or by crook).

So if he is not guilty then why should hee not be accpetable to all - Is it me at fault for liking him because he is not guilty,or others with jaundiced eyes who hate him because of their pre-conceived notions.

And for your benefit I will add this - One of the Prime Miniseterial Candidates along with Nitish.
may i know why our beloved neighbours so conceren about modi and gujrat ,dont you think your hands are already full or cant simply handle your own problems. Just take it easy its indian internal matter and nobody making noise except you people.
cong is just shity party except few personalites like mms,sonia,antony,parnab ,jairam,cidanbaram and kamal nath else everybody is tainted and corrupt. What they did for bhopal and sikh riots ??still they roaming free.

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