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Clean chit to Modi in Guj riot cases: sources

Very aptly put by the Indian folk singer in Part 3:

Kaun bataye kisse poochein?
Sab toh hain, insaan kahan hai?
Karam kahan? Imaan Kahan?
Khuda kahan, Bhagwan kahan,
Are sach poocho toh, insaan kahan?
Mera Pyaara Hindustaan kahan?
Kaun bataye, kisse poochein
Sab toh hain, insaan kahan hai?

I see your humanity failing, because I fail to understand the glee and the joy expressed over this genocidal maniac getting the clean chit by Indians. It's a failure of the human race that such a mentality exists where people justify economic gains against massive murders, gutting of pregnant bellies - so what? The stock market went up a few points...

Insaan kahan hain?
please have some information muslim population in gujrat is highly supportive of bjp.... they are highly developed than any of the muslims of rest of south asia

This is why Jinnah envisioned the two nation theory. In united India Muslims could only have either wealth or identity but not both. Gradually over time people will fall in love with the wealth as they cannot fight for the identity until the wealth factor is maxed out. ie: economic crisis of some sort. Already the discussions among Indian Muslims about loss of identity in rapidly growing India is gaining strong grounds. Modi and Babri Masjid verdicts are doing the final dressing over this.

I'm confident Modi's desire to be PM will never see the light of day as India's voters cannot be this supportive of genocidal maniacs.

But then the voters at large are focused on "wealth at any cost" then any genocidal maniacs can win PM elections considering the large standing of his like minded voters.
This is why Jinnah envisioned the two nation theory. In united India Muslims could only have either wealth or identity but not both. Gradually over time people will fall in love with the wealth as they cannot fight for the identity until the wealth factor is maxed out. ie: economic crisis of some sort. Already the discussions among Indian Muslims about loss of identity in rapidly growing India is gaining strong grounds. Modi and Babri Masjid verdicts are doing the final dressing over this.

But then the voters at large are focused on "wealth at any cost" then any genocidal maniacs can win PM elections considering the large standing of his like minded voters.
I have tons of Gujju friends (Indian Gujju that is), Muslims spew such venom at India, not just Modi, at all of India for what they have allowed to happen in Gujarat.

I tell them openly to their face, that I don't ever hate any people, but I hate what Gujaratis stand for, they all vote and elect him every time - for money sure, but I'd sooner die of hunger than vote him for him. Thus it is very hard not to have a problem with Gujjus as a people.
Has the clean chit by supreme court official now? Anyhow we can't have double standards for different people, if he gets a clean chit, that is it. No point in pointing finger at the judiciary.

Gujrat riots were not the first or the last riots in India

An intensive research conducted by Zenab Banu of Gujarat on the cause and effect of communal riots since 18th century (which was a topic of her Ph.D. thesis), wherein she had analyzed and documented major Hindu-Muslim riots spread over 250 years, shows that in over 95 % cases the riots were initiated by Muslims. Her thesis has been published in a book entitled 'Politics of Communalism' (1978).
I have tons of Gujju friends (Indian Gujju that is), Muslims spew such venom at India, not just Modi, at all of India for what they have allowed to happen in Gujarat.

I tell them openly to their face, that I don't ever hate any people, but I hate what Gujaratis stand for, they all vote and elect him every time - for money sure, but I'd sooner die of hunger than vote him for him. Thus it is very hard not to have a problem with Gujjus as a people.

You stole the words I have been refraining to post here out of mod fear. I have learned the same by spending time with Indian Gujjus in KSA.
C'mon Mr. Jaffery's open killing is well documented step by step. His house was brought under siege after he gave refuge to all the Muslim women and Children of the neighborhood. From there he called everybody, from Mr. Modi to New Delhi... An MP got no help from the government just because he was a Muslim opposition MP. Modi's goons took him out in the most vicious way. When he went out to negotiate with those BJP animals, they just gutted him into pieces.

Who were they?

The case was so fraudulent. They dismissed Mrs. Jafri's testimony since she couldn't identify the mutilated bodies by seeing them. I mean forget Mr. Jafri, whom Modi's BJP stripped and then chopped off limb after limb and then burnt him to a crisp - they gutted her neighbor who was completely mutilated, the neighbors pregnant daughter in law's belly was gutted and her fetus was laid to display on the floor - how is she to precisely identify such mutilated bodies?

The Indian court should have done dental records check up or DNA match up to identify the bodies. Her testimony described the events, I mean what is the BJP defence argument? It didn't happen?

Going through the court proceedings anyone can tell she was put forth a hostile court and in any other country such ridiculous round of questioning would have called for objection - sustained. But not here. I mean why don't you ask her to name the now infamous goons who were there doing the gutting. The people who have admitted to their crimes on camera? Documentary after documentaries exist about these criminals openly admitting their crimes.

Only one word to describe this verdict - Laanat!

asim.. quote of mine you picked up, was meant to be a laugh, with no malice intended!
coming back to ur point.. this is more of a political case than the one it should have been , which is of human sufferings!! you are entitled to have your openion & diagnose the case the way you want. i'm sure all your fellow muslims view the incident the way you do. that's 'cause you guys see this in relegious perspective rather than that of human one. don't forget it's not just the muslims who lost their lives, so did people of other relegions. i'm sure their families too may have some henious stories of their own to tell. unfortunately it gets lost in thin air when flag bearers of our secular democracy starts measuring the value of a human life based on its relegion.
when it comes to Mr Modi.. you & the rest of muslims including the indian ones may have their own openion & you have the freedom to have one. i have mine one too.. if the country's highest court thinks that he is not answerable to the charges, who am i or you to dispute that. after all it's the same court which appointed the commission to investigate charges against him!!
Politics - BJP has permitted to let go RAJA 2G scam cuz SC verdict against modi can be bought down,
Narendra Modi will be successful in his future political campaigns.
Narendra Modi will be successful in his future political campaigns.

I doubt it, He is still seen by many as murderer both hindus, christians and muslims- even though some people might vote for him - There is huge lot of corruption inside BJP and congress will take advantage of it.

So not in next 10 years.
I never said that I would have followed the law in such a case. In such a situation, what ever you would do, would be only reactionary and you would be no different I guess. The court may found me guilty, as I myself, but I just answered how I would react based on my natural instincts.
your being reactionary to the crime is coz you too dont have no faith in indian judiciary and system which always falter in delivering the justices.Point in case is Phoolan devi.

If I were not at the scene I would have followed the same course. If I don't know who the killers were, how can I chase them?
Gujrat riots are not simply murder is well thought out political genocide.And for that the head of the state is always responsible.

So either we have no Jagjivan Ram's around or the courts have become more proactive, efficient and prudent. What are you doing on a forum?

If only, like you, they believe justice has not been served. If otherwise, is it not their responsibility to come out and protest in whatever way they can to see that justice is delivered to them? You know the Jessica Lal case right?
neither we india have jagjivan rams today nor courts have become efficient.its that system has overwhelmed indians so much that they seek to compromise even on death.As for today death of fellow indian in india is just like as if some worm has be quashed so it doesnt matter in real life as you say.
but here instead of protest
you simply forgot kasav 26/11 accused,he got a chance to prove himself and every word by word is known to world as it was fair trial .. But look at lakhvi trial and others in media it just shown lakhvi enters the courtroom and vooos!nobody knows what happend inside but he surely won a house arrest plea which is hilarious isn't it ?
Really not a joking matter and I find the use of such smileys highly offensive - so would the Muslim population of Gujarat.

I agree. Personally find it distressing to see such lack of understanding/concern, even if it is from my good friend.

Narendra Modi is not necessarily good PM material. The PM's job as I have pointed out in my posts on different threads, is not just that of an administrator. If that was the case then the Cabinet secretary should suffice. The PM should not be one who will always be seen with suspicion by a large section of this country. Modi's economic management & personal honesty are not in question but his ability to carry the whole nation is. Even if there is no direct culpability in the riots, he bears at the very least, the badge of being incompetent when faced with test of handling the riots. His refusal to admit some responsibility, even if only on moral grounds & apologise to those affected by the riots continues to be a large blot on his person. Atal Behari Vajpayee was able to command the respect of all sections of society even if he was from the BJP because they saw in him, an essentially decent man who cared for them no matter what the political position of his party. Narendra Modi is unfortunately no ABV nor is Gujarat reflective of all India. Nitesh Kumar, for these very reasons would be a much better PM candidate.
Really not a joking matter and I find the use of such smileys highly offensive - so would the Muslim population of Gujarat.

Speak for yourself Asim, Not for the Muslims Gujrat.

'Opportunity for Muslims to prosper in Modi's Gujarat' - The Times of India

Gujarat | DeshGujarat.Com Archives “Figures suggest, 65% of Muslim voters voted for BJP in Kathlal”

Muslims shower blessings,praises on Narendra Modi in his office(Video) - Sulekha coffeehouse Forums

But to each his own. I won't support genocidal maniacs no matter if they gave me any amount of riches.

Exactly --- every one to his own.ou may not want the riches.But the Gujarati Mulsims never thought that way.They also wanted to take part in the sucess story called Gujarat and did not want to be left behind as prisoners of some misplaced fear.

To quote the Holy Prophet: "O my uncle! by God if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until God has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it."

No offense --- but it is irrelevant to us.

Oh well if he does become PM, we can proudly say Zardari is no longer the worst head of state to have ever come around.

Now that is truly offensive to us.The difference betweeen a puddle (Zardari) and an ocean (Modi)
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