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Clean chit to Modi in Guj riot cases: sources

Really not a joking matter and I find the use of such smileys highly offensive - so would the Muslim population of Gujarat.

But to each his own. I won't support genocidal maniacs no matter if they gave me any amount of riches.

To quote the Holy Prophet: "O my uncle! by God if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until God has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it."

Oh well if he does become PM, we can proudly say Zardari is no longer the worst head of state to have ever come around.
great news ....the honest guy has been left.....he was always innocent:smitten::victory:
Dont act like quote book. I have read them before.

Then apply it when thinking.

Enough of your brain farts, you asked for voice of supreme court when i provided you the first original voice, you tried to run away and started laughing on video from youtube.

Dont act any wiser than the eminent panelists of the commision and the learned SC judges.

In five minuted using a free software I can change the voice of the video and make it tell that it was Aliens from Mars who killed the Muslims.

Do a service and dump that Youtube video in the bin.:tdown:

I know things dont get in your head or maybe you dont want them to come.
Now least interested in banging my head on wall. Pathetic :tdown:

Funny that I thought about the same thing ---Any ways check your eyes with the nearest opthalmologist because they are too jaundiced.

p.s.:Personal insults only come into the post whe you dont have anything left to argue.I see that in you.So dont bother.
I doubt it, He is still seen by many as murderer both hindus, christians and muslims- even though some people might vote for him - There is huge lot of corruption inside BJP and congress will take advantage of it.

So not in next 10 years.

Doubt or no doubt!
none of it matters in politics.Just like our president.If some one told me in the past that he will be your President in future I always doubt that.The doubts of common people, their likes or dislikes never matter.
Official figures from a government which let the crime happen.

Are you that naive or you act like one ?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gujarat riot death toll revealed
The government told parliament that 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed, 223 more people reported missing and another 2,500 injured.

It was responding to a written question from an unnamed MP.

This reply was given in the Rajya Sabha by Junior Home Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal (Congress)

So with all due respect peddle your BS elsewhere !
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Then apply it when thinking.

Dont act any wiser than the eminent panelists of the commision and the learned SC judges.

In five minuted using a free software I can change the voice of the video and make it tell that it was Aliens from Mars who killed the Muslims.

Do a service and dump that Youtube video in the bin.:tdown:

Funny that I thought about the same thing ---Any ways check your eyes with the nearest opthalmologist because they are too jaundiced.

Personal insults only come into the post when you dont have anything left to argue.I see that in you.So dont bother.

You proved your point in your post itself.:azn:
You proved your point in your post itself.:azn:

Are you suffering from Gajini syndrome ?? Look back in our dialogue who got personal first (brain farts etc) and then talk.

I just proved I dont take kindly to personal attacks when provoked as I practise a "No first use" policy :wave:
Doubt or no doubt!
none of it matters in politics.Just like our president.If some one told me in the past that he will be your President in future I always doubt that.The doubts of common people, their likes or dislikes never matter.

Do you seriously think he can do anything in national politics? He could be a strongman in Gujrat, but success at national level requires lot more consensus and lot less rhetoric.

BJP will never win without an alliance, and hence cant project Modi as PM. They even did not allow him to campaign in Bihar, where they rule along with JD.
Are you suffering from Gajini syndrome ?? Look back in our dialogue who got personal first (brain farts etc) and then talk.

I just proved I dont take kindly to personal attacks when provoked as I practise a "No first use" policy :wave:

You are proving it even more..haha
What else i say, they were brain farts isnt it, first supreme courts voice was your guiding path and than i showed you video with supreme courts original voice, you laughed on youtube video and said, i could do same editing and voice make over..

So who's voice was fabricated one? Karan thapar?:lol::lol:
Again in mess, because modi responded that what supreme court said is only View no written.:lol:
Now dont open another brain fart, that it was fabricated plot of show or both voices were changed ...
I was right, you just dont let things move in your head. its like this :hitwall::hitwall: with you.
Take water and give some rest to farting grey matter.
I have seen all your content, no more waste of time on wall:wave:
rather i'll give you trivia....chose the people responsible for 26/11..

1.Indians and Govt of india
2. pakistanis and Govt of pakistan
3.usa and its agencies
4. all of the above.

Option 1. Indians and Govt of India.

Lashkar-e-toiba is a banned Indian organisations, albeit still functioning.
David Headley/dawod gilani is a half-pakistani. So could not implicate him.

Indians and Govt of india desperately wanted to harm its financial capital, so that it could incur some losses.

I never knew that you only understand the language of "Are you with us or against us".
It's not a question of proof.

When a company gets clobbered in the stock market, the CEO takes responsiblity.
When a military operation goes horribly wrong, the commander takes responsibiliy.

The massacres happened under Modi's watch. The police and senior law enforcement officials were directly involved. Modi was at the helm and he should resign. That's the least he can do rather than rot in jail, as he rightly should.

You are willing to give Modi credit for Gujarat's economy, why not hold him responsible for its state-sanctioned massacre?

The same logic fits for 26/11 too. Why didn't president and prime minister of pakistan take moral responsibility and resign right after admitting that the crime was committed by its non-state actors.
Learn the truth about your progressive Gujarat. You won't be the first people of the world to foolishly believe a hell to be a paradise. Ahmakon ki jannat - fool's paradise.

It is something we should always remember.:frown:
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