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Clean chit to Modi in Guj riot cases: sources

I see that you come from that emotional lot. I perfectly am ashamed for any riot that have happened in the country. But why only riots should let you hang your head in shame? I am more pained by crimes against children. Where is your "shouting" voice for them?

I live in a realistic world and such I do not see anything in perfection, there is no good and bad in this world, there is only relative good and bad.

There are many dimensions to real-world complex cases, in which, the best way forward might never be the perfect way. The social world has grown intricate for such simplicities. Always try and see for workable solutions, not perfect solutions, because there is no such thing in today's world.
In denying any thing or suggesting any victim to humbly compromise on justices on any crime just coz courts are corrupt is not the the ideal way of say in reality these things happen.Justice are served only in real world not some imaginary world.its only when people like to take things as it is or taking it lying down then only justice becomes an illusion.

can give you many examples of it.
1.jessica lal murder case.
2.sanjeev nanda case.
See how soon you suggested the assassination as the right justice coz in above example you are the victim.And how conveniently you have sidelined judiciary.

I never said that I would have followed the law in such a case. In such a situation, what ever you would do, would be only reactionary and you would be no different I guess. The court may found me guilty, as I myself, but I just answered how I would react based on my natural instincts.

and ironically you retract assassination as sort of justice for other victims.

If I were not at the scene I would have followed the same course. If I don't know who the killers were, how can I chase them?

For them you suggest indian courts.If moraji desai ,jagjivan ram had humbly accepted the Allahbad courts decision and wouldn't have come on to streets against indira gandhi's emergency then now you would be sitting under some dictator with curb on your freedoms and fundamental rights.

So either we have no Jagjivan Ram's around or the courts have become more proactive, efficient and prudent. What are you doing on a forum?

People who lost their near and dear ones are totally dejected with indian systems and will be shattered by the opinions of people like you on their miseries ,advising them to compromise on justice and forget every thing.

If only, like you, they believe justice has not been served. If otherwise, is it not their responsibility to come out and protest in whatever way they can to see that justice is delivered to them? You know the Jessica Lal case right?
Justice are served only in real world not some imaginary world.its only when people like to take things as it is or taking it lying down then only justice becomes an illusion.

can give you many examples of it.
1.jessica lal murder case.
2.sanjeev nanda case.

Exactly my point, what are the people who suffered loss in riots are doing?

And if you think justice is whatever you have already made up in your mind, then I would strongly refer you to a dictionary.
Ehsan Jaffery was not some common man he was Ex-MP and Ex-MPs are always provided with security cover.And its obvious on that fateful day instruction from higher up till modi security-men didnt protect him.Hand of head of the state modi is quite obvious in it.
Who wants some baseless \"obvious\" answers...people will give value only when proof is shown.
Ok. So this is what it all comes down to, First it was Babri Mosque case and now Gujrat riots. How right was Iqbal when he wrote this some 70 years ago while commenting on scholars who were against the creation of Pakistan:

Mullah ko Jo hai Hind mein Sajdey kii Ijaazat
Nadaan yeh samajhta hai ke Islam hai Azaad !
yeah those piles of bodies were not enough for you to puke and hang you head in shame.you need more bodies to get convince.For that matter of fact why only gujarat,not even mumbai not even bhagalpur not even darbhanga not even meerut,hathras and many others riots in which indian courts never punished any one will ever convince you.

yeah sure....only a person of your credential can put every thing above the modesty of the family's daughter-in-law hiding behind those pledges.Thats why no doubt you need more dead bodies to convince you

Gujarati under modi are like what Germans were under hitler.

Does ur head hang in shame when America committed the drama of WMD in Iraq, when the any terrorist kills or blows himself up or is it just for India??

I would like to hear from u a realistic answer??
Really not a joking matter and I find the use of such smileys highly offensive - so would the Muslim population of Gujarat.

But to each his own. I won't support genocidal maniacs no matter if they gave me any amount of riches.

To quote the Holy Prophet: "O my uncle! by God if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until God has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it."

Oh well if he does become PM, we can proudly say Zardari is no longer the worst head of state to have ever come around.

please have some information muslim population in gujrat is highly supportive of bjp.... they are highly developed than any of the muslims of rest of south asia
Mr. Jafri was killed in the most heinous way and he died protecting, quite physically, Indians from rioters till his last breath. How unfortunate that his killer has been let off so easily.

How many videos exist on Youtube where violent criminals are admitting that Nardendra Modi gave them the green signal to kill Muslims - they too till this date have not been put behind bars so what will happen to Narendra Modi?

I'm confident Modi's desire to be PM will never see the light of day as India's voters cannot be this supportive of genocidal maniacs.

Oh comeon Asim, you know that all people do not believe in half truths..

Let there be as many videos present on youtube or where ever the hell it may be, but the point is nothing and absolutely nothing has been proved and quite rightfully so.

The champion "secular" players like the Congress and the Left parties have eggs on thie faces so as the so-called "Progressive" and "Secular" media and stalwarts like Barkha Dutt and Rajdeep Sardesai.

Any one who is opposing Modi has to prove it in the court and unless that happens no amount of "secular" bullshit is going to sway him from his position.

Even as we speak now, we know the H'nble Supreme Court observations on Ms Teesta Setalvad and his ilk and has recorded in no "uncertain" terms that the case being sub-judice the papers and petition files should have in no way ended up on the desks of Intenrational Human Rights organizations.

And today, we really have great reasons to rejoice the observations of an "extraordinary" investigation team (SIT) which has given him the clean chit in the Gulbarg Society Case.

This is one of the tightest slaps on the face of these "secularists" "minority vote-baiters" and "Islamic apologists".

And yes Mr Asim can you please clarify what do you mean by giving "green signal" to the rioters to "kill" "muslims"?

Going by your great, self-righteous and profound logic, I am afraid I cant believe that he also gave "green signals" to kill the Hindus.

For your information 300 hindus were also killed in the riots apart from the 58 who were burnt alive in Godhra...:welcome:
Has the clean chit by supreme court official now? Anyhow we can't have double standards for different people, if he gets a clean chit, that is it. No point in pointing finger at the judiciary.

Gujrat riots were not the first or the last riots in India and the fact remains that from Sajjan Kumar, Tytler and tons more nobody (I believe no politicain till date) has been convicted. In fact other than the said case Modi is no. 1 CM in India and Muslims have voted overwhelmingly for BJP both in Gujrat muncipal elections and Bihar assembly elections but some people just can't move on
i think this pdf conspiracy theory virus is contagious. started infecting indian members as well??:D:D
C'mon Mr. Jaffery's open killing is well documented step by step. His house was brought under siege after he gave refuge to all the Muslim women and Children of the neighborhood. From there he called everybody, from Mr. Modi to New Delhi... An MP got no help from the government just because he was a Muslim opposition MP. Modi's goons took him out in the most vicious way. When he went out to negotiate with those BJP animals, they just gutted him into pieces.

Who were they?

The case was so fraudulent. They dismissed Mrs. Jafri's testimony since she couldn't identify the mutilated bodies by seeing them. I mean forget Mr. Jafri, whom Modi's BJP stripped and then chopped off limb after limb and then burnt him to a crisp - they gutted her neighbor who was completely mutilated, the neighbors pregnant daughter in law's belly was gutted and her fetus was laid to display on the floor - how is she to precisely identify such mutilated bodies?

The Indian court should have done dental records check up or DNA match up to identify the bodies. Her testimony described the events, I mean what is the BJP defence argument? It didn't happen?

Going through the court proceedings anyone can tell she was put forth a hostile court and in any other country such ridiculous round of questioning would have called for objection - sustained. But not here. I mean why don't you ask her to name the now infamous goons who were there doing the gutting. The people who have admitted to their crimes on camera? Documentary after documentaries exist about these criminals openly admitting their crimes.

Only one word to describe this verdict - Laanat!
If so many NGOs, lawers, eminent citizens fighting against Mr Modi did not work then what would?

I am not anti Modi (I am not anti anybody) but cant believe that he is not guilty when there is so much circumstantial evidence. I would blame the investigating agency first before blaming others.

Learn the truth about your progressive Gujarat. You won't be the first people of the world to foolishly believe a hell to be a paradise. Ahmakon ki jannat - fool's paradise.
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Before it was Sajjan kumar and Tytler (Anti Sikh riot) and now Modi. Lack of justice will lead to people losing faith in system.

Could not watch the above video for long. Too depressing.
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