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Bro we have tried on them. We were more modest to them. But today they are giving us threat of civil war. They are killing people, doing violence, damaging lots of properties.
They also not agree our independence and our country.
People have spoken and they are treated as terrorist in our country.
So no way to move forward with anti BD power any more. We will ban their party.

There is a way to treat them by not creating terror or anti BD elements find it and deal with them :cheers:
Who told you they have got 5% support. Hammerfist was telling this based on 2008 vote. According to me they have got only 0.4% of support. They do politics like affliate business. They got 4-5% vote bcoz they gone with bnp. If they get 25% vote thats also not impossible. Credit goes to bnp.

It is impossible to know the percentage of jamaati votes. They do not contest from everywhere, only 30 seats. Their votes go to bno from where they do not conrest.
You should work with only Bangladeshi people, why do you need to make Indian understand?
What do you owe to them? Do they call you when they talk about their internal matters?

He made the post as part of a civilized discussion.

He is a leftist idealist, he has no ground realities and been away from Bangladesh for a very long time.

A purely speculative observation.
Mujib is a traitor and a war criminal because of him millions died
calling jamaati leaders war criminals is bullshit
if they did fight for Pakistan they did so because they were loyal to there country
and at that time there country was pakistan
People born and raised on this land are the sons of this land. These people are being killed everyday on the streets on broad day light by security personnel with the help of govt. backed student wing who are supposed to protect them .

People having no faith on a tribunal gathered at a place with the demand of hanging war criminals of a specific party being protected by security personnel .

Media is shamelessly working for the govt. supporting a fascist gathering, hiding many happenings that go against govt. interest.

All these are fascism. One shibir activist born in 80 doesn't have anything with pre 71 era and has the freedom to join a legitimate party. These kids are being slaughtered on the street and it's not touching any fascist mind. In such scenario if they dive to protect their kids resulting similar loss of the fascist, will simply lead to civil war.

On a side note guys, on Pilkhana day our army guys are gathering at press club with a demand for a fair trial. There will be a mourning for the fallen heroes and a march past at the end. MHJ posted it on Defence Power of Bangladesh FB page. People who are willing and have free time, please try to join. I can't though...I'm a servant.
People born and raised on this land are the sons of this land. These people are being killed everyday on the streets on broad day light by security personnel with the help of govt. backed student wing who are supposed to protect them .

People having no faith on a tribunal gathered at a place with the demand of hanging war criminals of a specific party being protected by security personnel .

Media is shamelessly working for the govt. supporting a fascist gathering, hiding many happenings that go against govt. interest.

All these are fascism. One shibir activist born in 80 doesn't have anything with pre 71 era and has the freedom to join a legitimate party. These kids are being slaughtered on the street and it's not touching any fascist mind. In such scenario if they dive to protect their kids resulting similar loss of the fascist, will simply lead to civil war.

On a side note guys, on Pilkhana day our army guys are gathering at press club with a demand for a fair trial. There will be a mourning for the fallen heroes and a march past at the end. MHJ posted it on Defence Power of Bangladesh FB page. People who are willing and have free time, please try to join. I can't though...I'm a servant.

1. I have said I am opposed to violence against any Bangladeshi.

This includes the deaths of Jamatis (excluding convicted war criminals). I hope you say the same about the girl, Lucky, who was hospitalized which the Jamati-supporters on this forum were gloating about.

2. "Civil war" (i.e. nationwide riots in the cities) will only lead to more deaths.

In the long run we must eradicate the culture of political violence and terrorism which the Awami League are by far the biggest perpetrators of.
Not really.

Jamati-sympathizers on this forum have been promoting their narrative here for years.

Normal Bangladeshis know that things are different in real life, so I just want to let Indians know this too. I have also tagged Pakistani posters such as somebozo, SHAMK9 and others at times.

I doubt Indians approve when I say Bangladesh should have ballistic parity with India.

Hammer-fist you're again making me bound to tell that you know nothing on the ground. I noticed that many others here told you the same thing. It's a clue for you that really there might be something you lack the ground reality. Normal Bangladeshis know very well that both BAL, BNP are the main thugs, still they cast their vote for them. Jamat has different perspective, in a sense Hasina the witch also supports Jamat..she visited Golam Azam for pre election dua in 96....do you get the meaning? Jamat has a big place in people's mind for religion...this is the fact. And current happenings in BD are completely political, If war criminals are to be targeted, they are affluent in all parties BAL being the no. 1. Do you see any of them being arrested...no...because it's political arrest.

Also don't get puzzled with the gathering at Shahbagh where police are providing the security, govt. is supporting them otherwise I tell you if some school kids of 3rd grade gather there with a demand for their school uniform, they will be treated well with batons, pepper spray and even bullets. The hypocrites there are well aware of this very fact, so they're skipping points like bringing one war criminal minister under trial.
just like the speculation of his 'mainstream bangladeshis'? why are you using double standards then? is your alliance with india due to your religion?

Asif...doesn't your law school teach you that you can't attack one on the line of religion :angry: ?
@PlanetSoldier , no point arguing against hammer. That guy have extreme militant like bias towards what he think is "right". He gets his news from BDnews & Daily star, if not Times of India. Intentional ignorance and arrogance. Dekhew na dekhar Van ar ki.
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First of all i am really surprised to see that a street protest in BD will decide the fate of some criminals...I am not sure how come sane posters like Hammer First and couple of other guys are in support of this move.

Here is my observation.

1- Rule of law of the court should be held as final deciding factor in your constitution. Do not change the rule of law just execute your political opponents.

2- The people who are protesting in Shabang should realize that if people donot like JI then exercise your ballot and donot vote for JI and the parties who are allied with JI...With this process, JI will die its natural death..You donot need to forcefull invoke a certain sentiments just because it does not suit you..

3- This will be politically suicidal move if AL bans JI...Because of this move, the perceptional loss in the mind of the people for AL will be more than the loss for JI with the ban imposed on it..See...it might happen that after the ban JI will change the name and just raise another political outfit with the same ideology...So with the ban ....name of JI will be banned but the ideology will get a lot of media attention which will increase its popularity.A classic example can be taken about Lal Masjid episode in Pakistan...

4- With the ban...JI will potray itself as a political martyr rather than the criminal convict itself...

5- Of course it will be altogether a different issue, if there is an internal understanding between JI and AL where in reality nothing as such ban will happen, but due to this media publicity against JI, AL in turn doing a favor to JI at this point of time, which AL can ask for a return favor from JI in the coming election...In politics....nothing seems to be impossible.

Not only this , Some renowned People like dr. younus, Fazle Hasan Abed (BRAC) are quiet..

Renowned law makers like this man (respected by all)

already voiced dissatisfaction with Shahbag as its against law. You cant pressurize any court to give death punishment....

But the fascist mob of Shahbag (they have a fb account, twitter account) declared all of them ******* for their silence... Anyone who didnt go there are ******* in their eyes....

In reality only artists, players went there who need publicity .. I am not sure how much Ashraful know about law and politics....
@PlanetSoldier , no point arguing against hammer. That guy have extreme militant like bias towards what he think is "right". He gets his news from BDnews & Daily star, if not Times of India. Intentional ignorance and arrogance. Dekhew na dekhar Van ar ki.

He seems to be rational on many things, that's why giving a little effort to cut the curtain.
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Hammer-fist you're again making me bound to tell that you know nothing on the ground. I noticed that many others here told you the same thing. It's a clue for you that really there might be something you lack the ground reality. Normal Bangladeshis know very well that both BAL, BNP are the main thugs, still they cast their vote for them. Jamat has different perspective, in a sense Hasina the witch also supports Jamat..she visited Golam Azam for pre election dua in 96....do you get the meaning? Jamat has a big place in people's mind for religion...this is the fact. And current happenings in BD are completely political, If war criminals are to be targeted, they are affluent in all parties BAL being the no. 1. Do you see any of them being arrested...no...because it's political arrest.

Also don't get puzzled with the gathering at Shahbagh where police are providing the security, govt. is supporting them otherwise I tell you if some school kids of 3rd grade gather there with a demand for their school uniform, they will be treated well with batons, pepper spray and even bullets. The hypocrites there are well aware of this very fact, so they're skipping points like bringing one war criminal minister under trial.

1. I have said the Awami League has more rezakars in their party than any other, read my posts before lecturing me. I notice you always defend the pro-Jamatis on here but are silent when people like Al-Zakir or M_Saint insult people's families.

2. I have also said both the BNP and Awami League are corrupt (by the way if I had to vote for one, it would be the BNP).

Read my posts properly or stop deliberately pretending you haven't read what I've said and misrepresent my views.

I support Shahbagh because it is a rejection of the Jamati ideology, which is something I as a Bangladeshi am democratically entitled to do i.e reject their ideology (just as you are entitled to support it).

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