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CIA terrified of Ghazwa e Hind...All Pakistanis must see this!

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Actually more than once..India has already had multiple Muslim presidents (rulers).. :).. Gazhwa e Hind is old news now.. Now America is doing Gazhwa e Pak... Handle that first..

Here I am posting on this forum, sitting in an air-conditioned room with no American in sight. Ghazwa-e-Pak (as per your logic) is a no-go for now.
The people in the video are assuming that recruitment's in the ranks of the TTP and Taliban, Al Qaeda will go up based on Korasan and Gazwa Hind, which anyway you look at it is bad for the region as a whole. This terrorist infestation will get a boost. I cannot see how a moderate Pakistan can hold up against this influx and the region will be run over by extremist elements and their ideologies. Talibanisation will definitely be on the cards.

This is a direct threat to Afghanistan and Pakistan, there will be direct attacks on establishments in these two countries, the terrorist threat will fuel extremism in the Uighur cause in China, there will be more terrorist attacks on India, they will also fuel the Chechen rebels in Russia. American installations in Asia, Northern Africa and ME will be targeted. And the world will declare this region as a hotbed of terrorism. There is no real danger to India on an invasion level - terrorists cannot conquer countries without popular support from the people - But loose nukes in their hands is a real threat.
One Sikh/Hindu ruler vs Pakistan and the people of Kashmir? Indian logic at it's best.
Oh maybe you forgot the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits, do you even know about the history of Kashmir?

For your kind information, the people of Kashmir who got killed and raped were Muslims too.. So it is somehow ok to kill and rape Muslims?
Here I am posting on this forum, sitting in an air-conditioned room with no American in sight. Ghazwa-e-Pak (as per your logic) is a no-go for now.

Not with you.. I am only going to speak nonsense against nonsensical posts.. With you I agree 100% :)
And you are a side product of that ..so you should be eternally thankful to that phenomenon ..

O boy, am I thankful to that phenomenon? Hell yes I am; I don't have to purify myself in the disgusting Ganga anymore :lol:

Oh and you are telling me you were part of the ruling class, how ingenious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm telling you Muslims ruled you Hindus for centuries; something you can't deny unless the Ganga has already corrupted your thinking abilities :coffee:
Whether I was part of that 'ruling class' or not doesn't really matter anymore :disagree:
Gtfo troll.

Your nation is facist state and a bastard child of Colonial Britain. I say this knowing full well of your nation's hegemonic policies.

:lol: this is the best you got ?? C'mon dude, dont lose temper..
One can't help but wonder , If educated good english speaking Pakistanis believe in this and harbour such thoughts what about the majority of that country ? I don't think us Indians really have an idea what kind of stuff are dealing with .

Majority you are talking about doesn't have access to Internet. Gazwa-e-hind is only limited to cyber warriors. Days of a Spartacus coming out of slave camp to take out Roman army, is gone. It's only the wet dreams of deluded few...

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Gtfo troll.

Your nation is facist state and a bastard child of Colonial Britain. I say this knowing full well of your nation's hegemonic policies.
Who else would we expect to know what Indian Policies are... :lol::lol:

You certified troll!
Gtfo troll.

Your nation is facist state and a bastard child of Colonial Britain. I say this knowing full well of your nation's hegemonic policies.

yes we r, then face it if u dont want another 1971.
Oh maybe you forgot the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits, do you even know about the history of Kashmir?

For your kind information, the people of Kashmir who got killed and raped were Muslims too.. So it is somehow ok to kill and rape Muslims?

Pandit or not Pandit; Muslims have been an overwhelming majority in Kashmir for centuries. Have you forgotten how unpopular that Sikh/Hindu ruler was even during British times? So much for representing his people :laugh:
O boy, am I thankful to that phenomenon? Hell yes I am; I don't have to purify myself in the disgusting Ganga anymore :lol:

I'm telling you Muslims ruled you Hindus for centuries; something you can't deny unless the Ganga has already corrupted your thinking abilities :coffee:
Whether I was part of that 'ruling class' or not doesn't really matter anymore :disagree:
yeah the same Muslims who got you converted and god knows what all.. Anyways you are more proud of killers and rapists, what can be expected of you!
Not with you.. I am only going to speak nonsense against nonsensical posts.. With you I agree 100% :)

Trolling and counter trolling are counter productive, you guys will get nowhere with this except on the 'Wall of Shame' thread.
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