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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

WTH.. The same old news is doing rounds again and again.. What's the use people beating the same sh!t again and again..
Yeah! This crap was posted way back in 2009!! Seems the OP has completely run out of ideas, for which one needs to have some brain cells in working order!
the only division (or sort of) I will like to see (in my personal opinion) is making Kashmir a buffer state and a neutral one like Switzerland which is friendly to both countries and is a basis for mutual benefit instead of being a military Hub. but saying that is a wishful thinking due to amount of hostility and damage done to each other due to its dispute.

what you propose has been there for ten years now... ( Al Gaddafi speaks - English / Kashmir: The Definitive Solution )... what has not realized this simple solution is nationalist idiots on all sides... they want to keep fighting like five year olds.

1. What is your nationality?

2. What is your religion?

Simple questions; expecting clear answers. :)
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