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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

you mean hazrat isa and hazrat muhammad too??

Muhammad is postulated to be an epileptic. Have problem? Take it up with History department of Ohio university and Christopher Hitchens.

But i think you were a Socialist. Why are you defensive about muhammad? I am not defensive of the fact that most of Paganic prophets/priests were on weed. Even today most of Babas consume Ganja.

@SarthakGanguly @DRAY @he-man @wolfschanzze Girgit kabhi na kabhi apna rang to dikhata hi hai.
You need to put a person in medically induced coma in order to save him from Rabies. Looks like he suffered from brain damage due to Oxygen deficiency during the procedure.
He frequently exhibits his brain damage symptoms here,Must be still undergoing rehab in special school for gifted people, its hard to regenerate and undo Nervous damage. :(
All our prayers are with him.
Academics contend that most of them were either Druggies or Epileptic.

Take your pick.
now that will be anti-Semitic thing to say. Israelis boast to have over 100 thousand prophets.
one should avoid saying such things if he doesn't want to become an outcast and a social pariah
Muhammad is postulated to be an epileptic. Have problem? Take it up with History department of Ohio university and Christopher Hitchens.

would the university have the same generous comment about Jesus and other Israeli prophets? not only its staff will be sacked and incarcerated but the university might be disbanded and raised to the ground.
Anyone with a different faith will always mock and dismiss other faiths and their founders as falsehood and lunacy.
Muhammad is postulated to be an epileptic. Have problem? Take it up with History department of Ohio university and Christopher Hitchens.

christopher hitchens is a retard... i could defeat him within fifteen minutes... epilepsy does not explain the genius of hazrat muhammad... was mr. hitchens present in that time?? even if hazrat muhammad was epileptic, you are a fool to discredit his teachings... is divorce rights for ladies an unjust things?? or is your janam-janam-ka-saath hinduism marriages a good thing??

But i think you were a Socialist. Why are you defensive about muhammad?

the teachings of jesus and the true islam of hazrat muhammad are early socialism... from the mongols to napoleon... they were fascinated by these teachings.

Even today most of Babas consume Ganja.

those baba sitting by the filthy ganga and imbibing ganja are a parasite upon humanity.

anyway, i have reported your post.
now that will be anti-Semitic thing to say. Israelis boast to have over 100 thousand prophets.
one should avoid saying such things if he doesn't want to become an outcast and a social pariah

Semetic or non-semitic, most of the prophets/priests,as noted in religious texts show telltale sign of drug abuse or epilepsy.

I have read the whole analysis in a book about pre-history. Would post if i could find an internet link.
He frequently exhibits his brain damage symptoms here,Must be still undergoing rehab in special school for gifted people, its hard to regenerate and undo Nervous damage. :(
All our prayers are with him.

i asked you a simple question in post# 481... why ignore it??
Semetic or non-semitic, most of the prophets/priests,as noted in religious texts show telltale sign of drug abuse or epilepsy.

I have read the whole analysis in a book about pre-history. Would post if i could find an internet link.
Naaa lets stay on topic here.. division of India as copied by the Chinese Think tank
Muhammad is postulated to be an epileptic. Have problem? Take it up with History department of Ohio university and Christopher Hitchens.

But i think you were a Socialist. Why are you defensive about muhammad? I am not defensive of the fact that most of Paganic prophets/priests were on weed. Even today most of Babas consume Ganja.

@SarthakGanguly @DRAY @he-man @wolfschanzze Girgit kabhi na kabhi apna rang to dikhata hi hai.
Its nothing but a facade of socialism and liberalism, underneath we know what moves the cogs and wheels.
He is trying the modernist islam approach lure that some in western world bite it, mostly its atheists,orphans and those who come from broken families or been in a abusive relation.
Because these people are easy prey who are always looking for someone for solace.
Most of the time these people work in groups, like in case Roterham child abuse gangs.
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