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Chinese navy to actively maintain peace and stability of Indian Ocean

What are you smoking?
I thought China was not interested in becoming the world's next superpower police.

Not interesting to be superpower police but just enough to handle India should be fine for us.:smokin:
Your choke point is useless against China, if hostility happend and if India use these island as military fortress to carry blockage operation, then its will first to get bombarded and annexe by PLAN invasion units, every tactician or strategist will do that.

Once we secure theses islands, we will use as our outposts to fight Indian navy, no need to mention that we will raid from Tibet plateau...unless Indian assume that it navy is egual to U.S navy :rolleyes:

1.) There are over thousand Islands in Andaman and Nicobar chain.
2.) They are home to Indian tri service command, that means they are not only home to Indian Navy, but also have IAF bases(Su-30MKI bases) and army bases.
3. There is reason, why malacca strait is know as choke point..It is narrow stretch water space between Indonesia(Sumatra) and Malyasia running more than five hundred miles culminating in Singapore strait.

4.There can be no feasible Naval deployment from East Asia ..as not only are Malacca narrow, they are also shallow(no submarine movement can take place),
They are the worlds busiest strait.
Ships crossing the strait can be easily seen by naked eye ..from any one of neighboring countries.
A Naval fleet or a CBG crossing the strait would be discovered many hundred miles before they reach their destination.

So you have many problems if you want attack Indian stronghold in the Andaman and Nicobar ..

1. You can not achieve an element of surprise.
2. You can not deploy your submarine force.
3. You can not deploy many units at one time or resupply them
4. You will be out numbered and without air cover..fighting a well dug in force, which familiar with area and can resupplied easily from Indian mainland (no that it needs to, it is self suntanning Archipelago .
don't you know, they have other way to bring submarines to IOC? This alternate route was proposed in recent times by none other than great Chinese scholar and think tank called SinoChallenger and per him the objective of riding to Indian ocean can be easily achieved by putting the Chinese subs in Brahamaputra and ride it all the way to Indian Ocean.

easy isn't it? I think Sinochallenger deserves a Chinese Nobel prize for the brilliant thinking..
don't you know, they have other way to bring submarines to IOC? This alternate route was proposed in recent times by none other than great Chinese scholar and think tank called SinoChallenger and per him the objective of riding to Indian ocean can be easily achieved by putting the Chinese subs in Brahamaputra and ride it all the way to Indian Ocean.

easy isn't it? I think Sinochallenger deserves a Chinese Nobel prize for the brilliant thinking..

LOL...I have the hardest time believing, a fellow homosapien can be that dumb.
Always having a go at each other.... Sad part is people who dont raise vibration and step into 4th dimension will perish.... Thats the secret.... Just got 2 years to master the vibration of spinal cord.... Spread love and peace.... Think positive. Do meditation and yoga.... Do good karma....
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If we can put Naval and Air Force bases in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, its game over for India. The great news is, all 3 of those countries desperately want our presence in that region. The more hegemonic and aggressive India gets, the more likely China will build those bases.
China should care about ever increasing saturation of SCS. A good look at their map will show all madrassa graduate security experts about their real range.

People who are posting links about Indian FM accepting China in our backyard are simple minded people who directly feed on media news word by word.

As far as Sri Lanka is concerned then only one member who was toned down few day back is typically suffering from some inferiority complex posting one liner flame baits like members of another countries we see here. Rest of the Sri Lanka might not be that impulsive like he is.

One bangladeshi (false flag Pakistani we all know) was beating Chinese drums that China will be operating 2 ACCs against India in next 10 years. Oh we are scared....our navy is not going to commission any boats from now........oh we are doomed.
If we can put Naval and Air Force bases in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, its game over for India. The great news is, all 3 of those countries desperately want our presence in that region. The more hegemonic and aggressive India gets, the more likely China will build those bases.

Buddy welcome to reality! Its time to stop being nationalistic and start being realistic. I dont think any of the countries you mentioned above will entertain having Chineses troops on their home ground.

Something people here often forget is that though there is so much strain in relations btw India and its neighbors u must not forget we all share common roots and origins here the Chinese are more foreign to us.

Even with Pakistan we might treat each others as rivals but if democracy prevails there and the Pakistan Army is weakend then peace will prevail btw India and Pakistan!

Its only a matter of time good government is needed in Pakistan may be Imran Khan is the solution hopefully.
1.) ....

So you have many problems if you want attack Indian stronghold in the Andaman and Nicobar ..

1. You can not achieve an element of surprise.
2. You can not deploy your submarine force.
3. You can not deploy many units at one time or resupply them
4. You will be out numbered and without air cover..fighting a well dug in force, which familiar with area and can resupplied easily from Indian mainland (no that it needs to, it is self suntanning Archipelago .

You just assume that we can't do anything, as I said before if Indian stronghold in the Andaman and Nicobar are threat to our ship, we will conquer and annexe its, our defense budget is much higher than India, and now all attentions and resource are concentrated on our navy...you made your bet that you can defense it, we will make our bet to annexe its if the war occur. Than just don't cry on U.S shoulder again as 1962 for reinforcement...LMAO

don't you know, they have other way to bring submarines to IOC? This alternate route was proposed in recent times by none other than great Chinese scholar and think tank called SinoChallenger and per him the objective of riding to Indian ocean can be easily achieved by putting the Chinese subs in Brahamaputra and ride it all the way to Indian Ocean.

easy isn't it? I think Sinochallenger deserves a Chinese Nobel prize for the brilliant thinking..

That's not a bad idea as using Brhamaputra on Chinese favor, we send water mines and let its flow downstream toward Indian territory, the water mine will hit India fishing boats or electric DAM :woot: Sinochallenger sure deserve a Nobel prize as brilliant tacticians.
You just assume that we can't do anything, as I said before if Indian stronghold in the Andaman and Nicobar are threat to our ship, we will conquer and annexe its, our defense budget is much higher than India, and now all attentions and resource are concentrated on our navy...you made your bet that you can defense it, we will make our bet to annexe its if the war occur. Than just don't cry on U.S shoulder again as 1962 for reinforcement...LMAO

Fighting a war away from your country is not that easy as it sounds. PLAN has not grown much that it can attack India with its naval Armada. Your Navy is no wonder a potent weapon to guard your nations sovereignty, but has not grown to an extent where it can create a tension miles away from her home.
Fighting a war away from your country is not that easy as it sounds. PLAN has not grown much that it can attack India with its naval Armada. Your Navy is no wonder a potent weapon to guard your nations sovereignty, but has not grown to an extent where it can create a tension miles away from her home.

That how Nerhu thought of Chinese army, he and Indians Generals just assumed that China wouldn't be able to fight a war thousand miles away from the heart land and China was plagued with famine.

for the question if Chinese navy will be able to handle Indian Navy, on the battlefield will settle the score, I don't want to brag the Chinese capability but base one the resource we put into the Navy, I will make my bet on China.
That how Nerhu thought of Chinese army, he and Indians Generals just assumed that China wouldn't be able to fight a war thousand miles away from the heart land and China was plagued with famine.

for the question if Chinese navy will be able to handle Indian Navy, on the battlefield will settle the score, I don't want to brag the Chinese capability but base one the resource we put into the Navy, I will make my bet on China.

Any patriotic person would bet on his nations capabilities, you and I are not different either. Today Neither Nehru nor Mao are alive or share any opinion on Govt Policies and having a war upon mutually accepted maps are nothing to be proud of anyways.
if Indians want to choke malacca straits ,which is an international waterway,they have to take on the whole world and Chinese navy won't allow that to happen,beside,it's not that easy to do that task,and in that event,Chinese PLA from land can certainly cut India to two within hours and Indian can kiss goodbye to their Northeast.
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