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Chinese Arrogance at its best !!!!

They already took the bait. Threatning every nation around it. That's idiotic. Have you seen map of china sea? Jeez they claiming it fully. As if there is no other country around it. China lost its thinking power....

I don't know if China is unique in that. These areas are claimed by a lot of countries and everybody is threatening everybody else to stay away.

It's kind of funny in a dangerous kind of way.

It's mine.
No, it's mine.
No, you're both wrong, it's all mine...
Action against whome? Tiny PHILLIPINES? They should take action against india, japan and vietnaam. Japs and vietnaam are well known fearless fighters. They just don't give life. They believe in one thing that is 'i die then i take you all with me'. Yes they are well known suiciders. They protect their motherland like no other. That's the reason china always scared of this nations. Picking on tiny philippines who doesnt even have any capablitys shows china's mentality. Easy target huh? Well not really.... Philippines has american support and america has every asian country support (leaving pak, north korea and burma.). China is most scared of india.... China needs capablity against WORLD (most nations dont like china. Most of them are major powers.) while india just need to tackle two nations and we have enough capablity to do that. China is trapped. They thought they can be superpower but forgot they taking on a country named as america who knows how to bring down COMMUNIST NATIONS. China already started feeling the heat. Keeps threatning countries but lacks b*ols to really attack....

Your logic is so funny… If China is indeed most scared of superdupe India, why the heck China picked up India in 1962?

This eloquently proves that India is more useless than tiny countries such as the Philippines.

Real attack? You already forget 1962! Damn it!
From the opening post I don't see a Chinese Arogance, but the opposit. when a disputed sea is there, you have to resolve it with dialogs or try to share with the other party. Instead Philapines is the one that has given a new name to the sea and have shown its arrogance (because US is backing it).
China to my understanding here is being provoked by the west via Philaphines, the government of philapines is so dumb to see that its being used by the west.
"Chinese Arrogance at its best !!!!"

Yes, it is the truth...
They already took the bait. Threatning every nation around it. That's idiotic. Have you seen map of china sea? Jeez they claiming it fully. As if there is no other country around it. China lost its thinking power.... That's what happens when one guy rules 1.3 billion people. Russia knows very well what america is but china is little spoiled brat. They still don't know what next move would be from the uncle sam. China's biggest threat is india, japan, vietnaam, australia, america and even RUSSIA who recently warned china two times.... China said it will build capablitys on all sides of it border. Well thats cheap right? See? That's how america would crush china. Make them spend more and finaly move in. China doesn't even know what new weapons uncle same build and building. None of other country knows. When osama binlanden got killed i saw one which we didnt see before or not known much about it. China is trapped but am shocked the way china behaving. China behaving exactly the way uncle sam wants china to behave....

Indian propaganda is amazing… and Indian thinking is fabulous. “China threatens every nation around it” Don’t think India or Vietnam are the only countries that around China. You guys are too myopic.

China has fair relationship with Russia and Mongol; It has good relationship with Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Laos, N Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Indian propaganda is amazing… and Indian thinking is fabulous. “China threatens every nation around it” Don’t think India or Vietnam are the only countries that around China. You guys are too myopic.

China has fair relationship with Russia and Mongol; it has good relationship with Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Laos, N Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Thanks to your rotten education system, your knowledge of geography is horrendous. And your arrogance is more than Chinese Global Times: India is nowhere in China’s threat list. India is a joke in China’s thread list.

Dude, you need attend a serious class about today’s geopolitics. And do NOT attempt to squeeze India into China’s top threat list to self-inflate your importance.

China uses India as a money making machine for the moment. Priod.
From the opening post I don't see a Chinese Arogance, but the opposit. when a disputed sea is there, you have to resolve it with dialogs or try to share with the other party. Instead Philapines is the one that has given a new name to the sea and have shown its arrogance (because US is backing it).
China to my understanding here is being provoked by the west via Philaphines, the government of philapines is so dumb to see that its being used by the west.

Man, if your types of wise Indians with deep insight control Indian politics, China would be easily caught in a decade!

But, are you good in the arts of bribery? -- just a joke
Why lndians are so infatuated with China instead of trying to develop their poorly performed economy,you are being further lagged behind every single passing day.
Thank y for showing concern. Why not china follow int law of seas and leave our friends in se asia alone to develop their economy with the nat resources in their region?

The title is apt. If anyone has problem with title then welcome to pdf. welcome to wild side. Introduce urself.
Indian propaganda is amazing… and Indian thinking is fabulous. “China threatens every nation around it” Don’t think India or Vietnam are the only countries that around China. You guys are too myopic.

China has fair relationship with Russia and Mongol; It has good relationship with Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Laos, N Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
Laos is always aware of CHina, don't forget Laos pro VN during 1979 war bcz CHina attacked Laos before that. Burma is trying to get rid of CHina and shake hand with VN just now :cool:
Thank y for showing concern. Why not china follow int law of seas and leave our friends in se asia alone to develop their economy with the nat resources in their region?

The title is apt. If anyone has problem with title then welcome to pdf. welcome to wild side. Introduce urself.

haha,poor guys like hold each other together for safety,but you are really too poor.but anyway you are destined to be together .
haha,poor guys like hold each other together for safety,but you are really too poor.but anyway you are destined to be together .
Youre showing ur true character... rich boy,. What grade r u studying btw?
Man, if your types of wise Indians with deep insight control Indian politics, China would be easily caught in a decade!

But, are you good in the arts of bribery? -- just a joke
Do you think the leaders of India are having a vengence to neighboring countries, I don;t think so. Its because of the leaders and buracracts that we have on either side of the borders that we have a steady but slow peace process is going on.
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