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Chinese Arrogance at its best !!!!

then why he directd it to me,I didnt post the the top post,an Indian did.

No mate...theres small misunderstanding here...what mech meant was he was refering to the thread starters source [OP] you thought he was refering to the other post of nytimes. Anyways i hope now you understand. :cheers:
China trying very hard to show case its Supah Paaawer Status...
But countries like Vietnam and Philippines have brought China back to its place i.e., less than a regional power...lol!!!!:laugh:
I think that you got it wrong and you must wait a bit before sending the congratulations. In fact, the Global Times opinion has originally nothing to do with India. The editor is actually looking to send the Philippinos to the moon for trying to call their water their own.

May be you are upset with the opinion of Indians in defense of the Philipinnes right over its own water = East / West Sea.

Read my post again. Did I sound upset? No, I was amused that's all.
The US is deliberately baiting China through proxies. The Chinese government is smart enough not to take the bait and make rash moves, but the biggest problem will be controlling domestic sentiment to "save face". That may, in fact, be the real US motive -- to create internal troubles for the CCP.
The US is deliberately baiting China through proxies. The Chinese government is smart enough not to take the bait and make rash moves, but the biggest problem will be controlling domestic sentiment to "save face". That may, in fact, be the real US motive -- to create internal troubles for the CCP.

Unless Global Times is a US gov sponsored newspaper, there is only party here which is baiting the Chinese gov, that is their own newspaper - The Global Times..:laugh:
The US is deliberately baiting China through proxies. The Chinese government is smart enough not to take the bait and make rash moves, but the biggest problem will be controlling domestic sentiment to "save face". That may, in fact, be the real US motive -- to create internal troubles for the CCP.

You could be right. But macro view, 2 factors will nullify the hypothesis:

1. Vietnam or Phillipinnes did not throw the stake on all of East / West or South Sea as it is being called. It is actually the communist party that is claiming all of it. Vietnam and Phillipinnes can be easily seen to move for saving their territorial soveriegnity.

2. Communist party does not bother about local opinion as our friend Cardsharp rightly pointed out. It is actually the fear of the contagion of the rightful belligerance that the communist party is worried about.
Read my post again. Did I sound upset? No, I was amused that's all.

Fair. To send enemies howling to the moon must be quite an amusement then! But of course that isn't the point. Is it? Just like this opinion in Global Times has nothing to do with India. :)
Unless Global Times is a US gov sponsored newspaper, there is only party here which is baiting the Chinese gov, that is their own newspaper - The Global Times..:laugh:

I was referring to the various military alliances being signed by the US in the region, as well as the newfound assertiveness by these regional countries, egged on by the US.

You could be right. But macro view, 2 factors will nullify the hypothesis:

1. Vietnam or Phillipinnes did not throw the stake on all of East / West or South Sea as it is being called. It is actually the communist party that is claiming all of it. Vietnam and Phillipinnes can be easily seen to move for saving their territorial soveriegnity.

Yes, but they are being very assertive in their claims all of a sudden. Part of it is the expiration of the UN moratorium on claims, but there is also the US assurance of support for challenging China.

2. Communist party does not bother about local opinion as our friend Cardsharp rightly pointed out. It is actually the fear of the contagion of the rightful belligerance that the communist party is worried about.

The government still cares about the general mood in the country.
Yes, but they are being very assertive in their claims all of a sudden. Part of it is the expiration of the UN moratorium on claims, but there is also the US assurance of support for challenging China.

Of course the US egging on is helping. Afterall if someone gets a willing benefactor for his just cause, who will not take advantage of it. I am sure the biggest worry of Communist party today will be the fear of contagion of this sentiment amongst other nations in the region. The old "one stick alone and more in a bunch" story!

And nothing says that US would not want that contagion. Just give and take / adjusting the books on mutual scores I am sure. But the squeeze here is on the communist party clearly and that is what is being reflected in the Global Times desperate foolishly arrogant threat to punish Phillipinnes!

The government still cares about the general mood in the country.

There is a difference between care and being wary of losing the CCP jobs. :)
I don't think there was a need for such a post and if you really think that China don't have guts or capabillity for taking an action then don't think you really live in this world.

Action against whome? Tiny PHILLIPINES? They should take action against india, japan and vietnaam. Japs and vietnaam are well known fearless fighters. They just don't give life. They believe in one thing that is 'i die then i take you all with me'. Yes they are well known suiciders. They protect their motherland like no other. That's the reason china always scared of this nations. Picking on tiny philippines who doesnt even have any capablitys shows china's mentality. Easy target huh? Well not really.... Philippines has american support and america has every asian country support (leaving pak, north korea and burma.). China is most scared of india.... China needs capablity against WORLD (most nations dont like china. Most of them are major powers.) while india just need to tackle two nations and we have enough capablity to do that. China is trapped. They thought they can be superpower but forgot they taking on a country named as america who knows how to bring down COMMUNIST NATIONS. China already started feeling the heat. Keeps threatning countries but lacks b*ols to really attack....
The US is deliberately baiting China through proxies. The Chinese government is smart enough not to take the bait and make rash moves, but the biggest problem will be controlling domestic sentiment to "save face". That may, in fact, be the real US motive -- to create internal troubles for the CCP.

They already took the bait. Threatning every nation around it. That's idiotic. Have you seen map of china sea? Jeez they claiming it fully. As if there is no other country around it. China lost its thinking power.... That's what happens when one guy rules 1.3 billion people. Russia knows very well what america is but china is little spoiled brat. They still don't know what next move would be from the uncle sam. China's biggest threat is india, japan, vietnaam, australia, america and even RUSSIA who recently warned china two times.... China said it will build capablitys on all sides of it border. Well thats cheap right? See? That's how america would crush china. Make them spend more and finaly move in. China doesn't even know what new weapons uncle same build and building. None of other country knows. When osama binlanden got killed i saw one which we didnt see before or not known much about it. China is trapped but am shocked the way china behaving. China behaving exactly the way uncle sam wants china to behave....
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