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China's Inner Mongolia 'under heavy security'

i suppose you can debate, with '0' chinese history and 100% wiki researches as i said long time ago you are indeed a professor``:)

with your disgusting personal agenda you arent going anywhere with your funny theories`:P

Nah he's arguments are a joke, look at his rebuttal to maxx most doesn't event make any sense. As said he lives in a Tin can around his head.

No, some corrections required: (1) He is Sir Ray the "mentor" not a professor. :lol:
(2) He's not a joke, he's a "MODERATOR", are you asking for a ban? Oops, sorry, not really, it ain't PDF here though.:partay:
It is funny that a dead man scared you so much even after decades of his death, even his thoughts and ideas, that helped guiding Chinese people to overcome the darkest age of ours, were abandoned but politely preserved on the shelf by most of our people today.
They are scared of Mao because he crushed the boastful Indian army in 1962. Poor Indians were so scared they thought they were going to be subjugated for another few centuries, this time by China.
i suppose you can debate, with '0' chinese history and 100% wiki researches as i said long time ago you are indeed a professor``:)

with your disgusting personal agenda you arent going anywhere with your funny theories`:P

You must be blind!

Or you are deficient in recognising the English alphabets and make it a complete word.

Nothing personal.

Just facts.

Rebut if you can.

The links are not Wikipedia as anyobe who can read the English alphabets can make out!

But then I understand that English is not your forte.
They are scared of Mao because he crushed the boastful Indian army in 1962. Poor Indians were so scared they thought they were going to be subjugated for another few centuries, this time by China.

You are also blind.

I am the only one (non Chinese) who has stated on this forum that but for Mao (many mistakes he may have made), China would not be where she is.

Talking of subjugation, it is you who are subjugated! The world says so!

I had asked you if Wus were Hans.

You seem to avoid answering that.

Just correct my 0 of Chinese history.

Why were the Wu Hu tribes moved into Jin China?

Were they the Chinese labourers used to rebuilt the economy destroyed during the Three Kingdoms period?

If Wu were Hans then why was there the Disaster of Yongjia where the Wu Hu forces captured Luoyang, the Jin capital and massacred so many civilians and ministers as also the Crown Prince?

Did this not lead to the ruin of the Han-majority Jin Dynasty, and the re-establishment as the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

So, the Wu are Hans!
You are also blind.

I am the only one (non Chinese) who has stated on this forum that but for Mao (many mistakes he may have made), China would not be where she is.

Talking of subjugation, it is you who are subjugated! The world says so!

I had asked you if Wus were Hans.

You seem to avoid answering that.

Yes they are. We have a Wu member right here, ChineseTiger. Ask him if you want to be sure, but I don't think you will because you know his answer.
Tiki Tam Tam, Talking about assimilation, China might still be dwarfed by your new spiritual lord, the USA.

And clearly you don't have your own judge, lay out of those western garbage don't earn you a title.
If yu cannot classify Han as bad apple, then how come the next sentence?

Anyway, let it be.

The first sentence refers to the whole Han people, which is more than 92% of All Chinese.

How hard is it for you to understand?

Did not a lot of indian members jump out saying that you cannot classify indian people as this or that kind of bad people even some gruesome criminal acts done by certain indians?
You are also blind.

I am the only one (non Chinese) who has stated on this forum that but for Mao (many mistakes he may have made), China would not be where she is.

Talking of subjugation, it is you who are subjugated! The world says so!

I had asked you if Wus were Hans.

You seem to avoid answering that.

Just correct my 0 of Chinese history.

Why were the Wu Hu tribes moved into Jin China?

Were they the Chinese labourers used to rebuilt the economy destroyed during the Three Kingdoms period?

If Wu were Hans then why was there the Disaster of Yongjia where the Wu Hu forces captured Luoyang, the Jin capital and massacred so many civilians and ministers as also the Crown Prince?

Did this not lead to the ruin of the Han-majority Jin Dynasty, and the re-establishment as the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

So, the Wu are Hans!

..... please help delete this reply!!! :hitwall:
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