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China 'To Target 1,800 Missiles at Taiwan In 2012'

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During my search i came across some news regarding tata....

TATA appear to be largest INDIAN employer in europe
Some important figure from TATA got into trouble for complaining British manager for being lazy......
Thats what i said CHEAP LABOR(manufacturing) is more readily available in China than India...

India has more skilled labor(services and IT), and thus we get companies flociking to setup branhes here in india as opposed to China...



^^^^ Biggest IT park in ASIA... Information Technolgy, is different from call centers,,, please don;t be so naive!!!! WE ARE NOT INFERIOR TO ANYONE
tata‘s revenue is far less than 100 billion last year. it will be dwarfed if compare to china's giant enterprices such as icbc, sinopec, shenhua, china mobile etc.

AGAIN those are state owned enterprises... GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED Business.... TATA, RELIANCE are PRIVATE!!!

SO there is no comparision between tthem
lol why do you thank me.............the key word is INDIAN employer. Continue searching...........
actually indian labor is even cheaper but they are less educated and even more lazy or lack of efficiency resulting in the overall less competitive compare not only to china but also to vietnem, sri lanka etc.
what's wrong with partial state own company? bmw is state owned, vw is state owned. you wanna compare the private sector, ok. tata was found in 19 century and its revenue is about 50 billion while huawei founded within 30 years and having a revenue of 30 billion and with a growing speed of 30%.
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Top 100 UK Employers

this is what i found so far, will keep searching....

According to that list, the largest private employer in Britain, is HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.)

Since the NHS (National Health Service) is part of the UK Government.

TATA is not in the top 100
You know, i was once a diehard supporter of the peaceful reunification, but the reality is against my personal wish. Today, a lot of Taiwanese are very unpatriotic and have been jumped into the China bashing bandwagon, they have forgotten who is their ancestor and are ashamed of their Chinese identity. They don't have any feeling of the Chinese pride.

The KMT party is simply too short-sighted, Ma should immediately talk about the reunification with CCP when he was elected in 2008, instead he was trying to flatter the separatists in order to win their support. If Ma can be re-elected in 2012, then i truly hope he can start to talk about the reunification, the deadline would be 2016. If he still refuses to do that, then Taiwan would face PLA in the battlefield! It is not we are warmongers or kinslayers, but CCP has to protect China's sovereignty and its glory. Because now Uncle Sam will try everything to support the Pan-Green separatists once they regain the power from the incompetent KMT, they would try to declare the independence of Taiwan in order to jeopardize the development of the Mainland China. If that has happened, then CCP would have no choice, but using the military intervention to defend its sovereignty.

Don't blame the Mainland China if that happened, CCP simply can't let Taiwan splitted from its Motherland, if that truly happened, then it would be the doomday fro CCP and a domino effect that would cause the independence of Xinjiang and Xizang. And we have to defend the land of our ancestor. Hopefully, you can understand us.

Let me preface this by saying i belive in peacefull reunification.
You say you have to conquer Taiwan for the sovereignty and glory of China i think a military soultion would do neither.

If we take this down from a nation level to a personal level.

Imagine Taiwan is a daughter that wont listen to her parents and has run away, do threats work to get her back, do you find her beat her drag her back home and expect her to love you? Do you kill her to maintain your honor? Or do you say we love you we want you to be with us and when you are ready to come home we are here for you?

Taiwan is part of China, nothing changes that all that is required for full reunification is patientce till the people there realise that, all threats and sabre rattling do is give amunition to the separists.
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