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China offers India fresh proposals to mend ties

Dude , you have to understand that 70 years is a flash in the pan when it comes to lives of nations and civilizations. In fact , Pakistan couldn't even survive the first 25 years . The remaining entity exists only because it is a Pakistani army kingdom,not because it's a country.

India existed because of British imperialism. India should not exist as a country as it should revert back to kingdom or empire prior to the arrival of British. As of now, India continues as a subject of the British empire as its people continue to suffer. People of India need freedom.

Kashmir as a country existed pre 48. What was the reason for u to invade !?? You started all this mess and now u want to held a referendum! !! What the hell

When will Mysore, Maratha and Hyderabad gain independence?
. . . . .
I'm not talking for the Taiwanese government, but as a common sense individual.
Let me make some sense, your from country almost no country recognize and yet still you question India creation...

Read the sentence again...do you see any common sense
Let me make some sense, your from country almost no country recognize and yet still you question India creation...

Read the sentence again...do you see any common sense

Stop personal attacks. I know that in India, you guys believe that a Dalit has no right to speak up against higher caste individual. But in this forum. Everyone has the right to speak as long as what they said is valid. An individual 's background is irrelevant. Any one can make my statement about India is not a legitimate country and they would be right. Learn from your Pakistani brother and form your own country instead of wallow in British imperialism.
Stop personal attacks. I know that in India, you guys believe that a Dalit has no right to speak up against higher caste individual. But in this forum. Everyone has the right to speak as long as what they said is valid. An individual 's background is irrelevant. Any one can make my statement about India is not a legitimate country and they would be right. Learn from your Pakistani brother and form your own country instead of wallow in British imperialism.
Person whose nationality is itself in conflict , is questioning other country internal issues.Atleast we have legitimate country...
Free trade will be of great benefits to both. I think india must engage in dialogue and milk this opportunity.
<<<<<<<<<disagrees , i guess we must reject all the so called lollipops from chinese . rather we must slowly cut the import s of chinese goods by developing domestic industry in a decade or so <make in india will help a lot > development wont halt if Bharat wont use chinese equipments and expertise for the development as there are many other options available ( bullet train will be an example ) . in my perception , china is the only enemy country Bharat has !
<<<<<<<<<disagrees , i guess we must reject all the so called lollipops from chinese . rather we must slowly cut the import s of chinese goods by developing domestic industry in a decade or so <make in india will help a lot > development wont halt if Bharat wont use chinese equipments and expertise for the development as there are many other options available ( bullet train will be an example ) . in my perception , china is the only enemy country Bharat has !
Cant afford another enemy .
Instead jointly we can make this region powerful and prosperous. China is not an enemy naturally. They are kind of forced opposition.
India need to see the opportunity because both need it for a brighter future.
. .
Should be taken seriously. We cant be enemies forever.

Agreed but how come i have hardly ever seen Indians displaying such approach when it comes to Pakistan? Just a question to all those here who are advocating to mend ties with China.

Same answer to both. It isn't and hasn't been India's choice for a long time.

With China, it is China that doesn't want to settle the borders. You know the status quo suiting the bigger power and no urgency to settle a border that is MAINLY going to benefit India more than Chinese themselves. Unless India can somehow get herself to hand over Arunachal Pradesh and give up claim on Aksai Chin. Even then, peace in the region, let alone friendship, isn't guaranteed given that India will be competing for the same resources and strategic space in regional and global affairs.

And Pakistanis, on their part, will say that rivers of milk, honey will flow as soon as India writes Kashmir off and hands the keys on a platter, while winking at their Islamist crowd to get ready for their 'unfinished' agenda.

As you can see, it isn't India's choice to maintain enmity with either Pakistan or China. India is only holding on to territories that belong to her with her dear life.
Agreed but how come i have hardly ever seen Indians displaying such approach when it comes to Pakistan? Just a question to all those here who are advocating to mend ties with China.
Pakistan is an enemy. China is just a rival, not an enemy.

Rivals can turn friends or even allies if the circumstances change. There is no enmity as such.

So if Indians have given up on Pakistan how come Pakistan remains main agenda everywhere we see, whether its Modi on foreign tour or Indian media, heck even Indians on PDF?
Indians across all shades of political thought and the intelligentsia have given up on peace with Pakistan.

That means, we know peace will not happen. Thus we prepare and anticipate the other eventuality which has a higher probability.

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