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China may give india a taste of it's own medicine

@ sathruvinasakh

I think you are overestimating our capabilities to a large extent against china.
Their weapon systems r still superior to ours both in quality and quantity.

Mate,I know the ground realities.
A war on the himalayan terrain is no easy job for China just like it did with tibet which is a plain plateau.Again I am highlighting the point that US screwed us in the 62 war .Nehru being a naive listened to US instead of listening to his generals.If India did have took the steps according to what the Generals of both IA and IAF told, we would have scored a decisive victory.
I can easily understand that people are simple scared with the chinese display of weapons and systems and their defence budgets.
At the end of the day ,reality only bites and hurts.
Underestimating ones power will also lead to the defeat.At this given point of time have a clean picture of the command orbat of both China and India at the border and near the border.If its a conventional war between India and China it has to be a war between respective armies and airforces.Since China cant dare to venture into IOR and no Naval war will be won by china.IN will take control of the IOR and trade routes in no time and blocking of PLAN right at the next of malacca straits.

And again since the war has to be between armies and airforces,now draw a sketch of terrain and the deployments(recent ).Both armies were almost of same calibre.which means that a decisive victory can only be achieved with the support of respective airforces.
Hence the airforces are the ones that play a major role,count on both sides.Count on the availability of aircrafts in the region.IAF can mobilise its forces in hours ,Can china does the same? and even if so it has to mobilise them from the far east to far west.
If any chinese aircraft be it a bomber/fighter can cross the border during a war time ,I will give up my nationality.
I am certainly sure that China is not even 50% sure of its air campaign in the north-east borders of India. With trade in the IOR almost coming to 0 China will be held up more with domestic and economic frustration . Unlike India it certainly cant get the support of other countries except pak.And Pak being heldup with domestic wars,I certainly dont have the stomach to venture into another Indo-Pak conflict(which is highly unlike considering the US policies towards PAK)

Bottom line is that,in the next Indo-china war-India will keep all its forces at work instead of only sending few battalions of soldiers to the border.
Mate,I know the ground realities.
A war on the himalayan terrain is no easy job for China just like it did with tibet which is a plain plateau.Again I am highlighting the point that US screwed us in the 62 war .Nehru being a naive listened to US instead of listening to his generals.If India did have took the steps according to what the Generals of both IA and IAF told, we would have scored a decisive victory.
I can easily understand that people are simple scared with the chinese display of weapons and systems and their defence budgets.
At the end of the day ,reality only bites and hurts.
Underestimating ones power will also lead to the defeat.At this given point of time have a clean picture of the command orbat of both China and India at the border and near the border.If its a conventional war between India and China it has to be a war between respective armies and airforces.Since China cant dare to venture into IOR and no Naval war will be won by china.IN will take control of the IOR and trade routes in no time and blocking of PLAN right at the next of malacca straits.

And again since the war has to be between armies and airforces,now draw a sketch of terrain and the deployments(recent ).Both armies were almost of same calibre.which means that a decisive victory can only be achieved with the support of respective airforces.
Hence the airforces are the ones that play a major role,count on both sides.Count on the availability of aircrafts in the region.IAF can mobilise its forces in hours ,Can china does the same? and even if so it has to mobilise them from the far east to far west.
If any chinese aircraft be it a bomber/fighter can cross the border during a war time ,I will give up my nationality.
I am certainly sure that China is not even 50% sure of its air campaign in the north-east borders of India. With trade in the IOR almost coming to 0 China will be held up more with domestic and economic frustration . Unlike India it certainly cant get the support of other countries except pak.And Pak being heldup with domestic wars,I certainly dont have the stomach to venture into another Indo-Pak conflict(which is highly unlike considering the US policies towards PAK)

Bottom line is that,in the next Indo-china war-India will keep all its forces at work instead of only sending few battalions of soldiers to the border.

woulda, coulda shoulda, say what you want about india in 62, how it could have won if only so and so happened... point is that it didnt, and say what you want about the future, everyone coming to help india, china cant deal with its own problems, blab, blab, you say the war, if it happens, will depend solely the airforce(i would beg to differ but i'll roll with it for now) and that India can apparently mobilize in hours, well you know what? every knows that china has been build a lot in border area, though its best planes are in the east that does not mean the west is forgotten, also in terms of a war happening there is surly tension leading up to it and surly you dont think that the chinese government would ignore the western side of the country. and you know what? be prepared to give up ur nationality because in a war with relativity equal air-forces, penetration into enemy airspace is quite common, whether one can stay there for long is another question, and you are absolutly right about underestimating an opponents power can lead to disaster, but you fall into that trap when you assume that lost of trade with india will cause significant "frustrations" in china yet care not to see its effects on india, and that with the exception of pakistan that for some reason the rest of the world will come to the aid of india, this for one is laughable, the west will definitly call for peace but as far a totally supporting india, not unless those world leaders are insane.

the point is that a war is bad and that a war near the border is a major head-arch for both at best, but contrary to ur beliefs indian generals have said themselves that in an event of war the Chinese could rush the border before India could regroup to begin the push back all the while hampered by terrible infrastructure. and also in terms of a border conflict this will indeed count alot on the airforce but ground forces are important too, on paper it may look equal but one bad move can change everything, and if the war spreads ie: attack on the Tibetan railroad, then its a go for raining missiles in new delphi.
Pakistan has never asked China to come to our defense. Unlike India whose pathetic excuse of an army was getting its *** kicked in Kargil and had to go begging to Israel to please help them out. :rofl:

Pakistan has stood up to India and kept it at bay for 62 years. India has never reconciled itself to Pakistan's existence. It still burns up India that Pakistan even exists. Indian media's non-stop obsession with Pakistan is proof enough.

Oh, we love watching when the bombastic Indian media gets a diplomatic thrashing, and jingoistic Indians bow obsequiously to the Chinese to assure them not to take the Indian media too seriously.

It's one of the best shows in town. :pop:

My comment was in response to the Indian claim that "if China does X to us, then we will do the same to Bangladesh (or Pakistan)".

A priceless insight into the Indian mindset.

:lol: once again, you're one to talk.

Are you sure about Pakistan not begging for help? How about 1971 when the US deployed a carrier group in the bay of bengal, not that it stopped us from dismembering you, or in 1999. Never mind, I don't need to go there, Pakistan survives on aid so lets not talk about begging. Also, I think you haven't read enough about the '65, '71 or '99 war.

Pakistan is not the victim, it is the aggressor. The tribal invasions, operation Gibraltar and Kargil were initiated at your end, not ours. Furthermore, Pakistan has failed to 'keep India at bay' given how it lost half its territory and population thanks to us. And stop pretending, Pakistan is burning from the inside out, yet the majority of your army is deployed on the eastern front. Talk about obsession. We aren't shooting ourselves in the foot.

India knows how to deal with China, don't talk about bowing down to people. I hope you understand, I don't want to talk about Pakistan's current predicament, many lives have been lost so I'll leave it at that.

You urgently need to get off your high horse friend. India has its faults, the only difference between us is that we are secure enough to admit them and you (Pakistanis) aren't. I hope I don't have to direct you to anymore conspiracy theories, I'm sure your media has bombarded you with enough of them. Come back and talk when Pakistan has the gonads to deal with its demons like a normal, responsible nation. I trust you have read the article about Pakistan negotiating with tribal leaders in Waziristan.
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:lol: once again, you're one to talk.

... not that it stopped us from dismembering you, or in 1999. ... Furthermore, Pakistan has failed to 'keep India at bay' given how it lost half its territory and population thanks to us.


India knows how to deal with China, don't talk about bowing down to people. I hope you understand, I don't want to talk about Pakistan's current predicament, many lives have been lost so I'll leave it at that.

I trust you have read the article about Pakistan negotiating with tribal leaders in Waziristan.

Spitfire you are not. But a jackass - you sure wear that designer label proudly, sister. The problem is your type - white, brown, or yellow. The percentage of your types in India will determine how soon India will be dismembered - by internal forces, with or without an external kick - as surely as night follows day.

The percentage of your types in America will ... well, by the time retribution comes there may not be an India for your NRI jack@ss to return to!

India may know how to "deal" with China, but has it learned to "deal" with the RSS? Joke of the century is that a Saffron-American Jack@ss brigand who goes to Mumbai to kiss the sandals of Raj Thackeray has the gall to point fingers at Pakistanis negotiating with the tribal elders.

The tribals need to contained. The Feudals need to be convinced that their ways must change. Gunships and jirga meetings are both useful tools.

Spit-flying clowns are not - wherever they are found.
If any chinese aircraft be it a bomber/fighter can cross the border during a war time ,I will give up my nationality.

Interesting ... not only is this Wiccan gleaning all this expertise from her "star charts". But instead of staying and fight, she will "give up" her nationality?

Mmmm, at least she does have the option - and we know India allows dual-citizenship. There is more to what meets the eye here. But we know that already - anybody can fly any flags on this ship here.

This is the reason I currently do not favour PRC to endorse dual citizenships, unlike the professor.

But still, when total war ensues, all she is willing to do is to "give up her nationality". What's next, whitening lotions?

With Joan of Arc as this, India can sleep soundly ...

Victory is assured. The Chart says so.

Let the dam construction begin.
Spitfire you are not. But a jackass - you sure wear that designer label proudly, sister. The problem is your type - white, brown, or yellow. The percentage of your types in India will determine how soon India will be dismembered - by internal forces, with or without an external kick - as surely as night follows day.

The percentage of your types in America will ... well, by the time retribution comes there may not be an India for your NRI jack@ss to return to!

India may know how to "deal" with China, but has it learned to "deal" with the RSS? Joke of the century is that a Saffron-American Jack@ss brigand who goes to Mumbai to kiss the sandals of Raj Thackeray has the gall to point fingers at Pakistanis negotiating with the tribal elders.

The tribals need to contained. The Feudals need to be convinced that their ways must change. Gunships and jirga meetings are both useful tools.

Spit-flying clowns are not - wherever they are found.

Excellent post! I will look forward to more interesting gibberish from you. You got your fingers on Indian public's pulse by mentioning RSS and Shiv Sena in the same breath. Kudos.
Oh please do come up with more inane thoughts!
Excellent post! I will look forward to more interesting gibberish from you. You got your fingers on Indian public's pulse by mentioning RSS and Shiv Sena in the same breath. Kudos.
Oh please do come up with more inane thoughts!

Now let's not gang up on the messenger, shall we Gubbi kiddo? :azn:

Patriotic NRIs will save India! :cheers:
Mate,I know the ground realities.
A war on the himalayan terrain is no easy job for China just like it did with tibet which is a plain plateau.Again I am highlighting the point that US screwed us in the 62 war .Nehru being a naive listened to US instead of listening to his generals.If India did have took the steps according to what the Generals of both IA and IAF told, we would have scored a decisive victory.
I can easily understand that people are simple scared with the chinese display of weapons and systems and their defence budgets.
At the end of the day ,reality only bites and hurts.
Underestimating ones power will also lead to the defeat.At this given point of time have a clean picture of the command orbat of both China and India at the border and near the border.If its a conventional war between India and China it has to be a war between respective armies and airforces.Since China cant dare to venture into IOR and no Naval war will be won by china.IN will take control of the IOR and trade routes in no time and blocking of PLAN right at the next of malacca straits.

And again since the war has to be between armies and airforces,now draw a sketch of terrain and the deployments(recent ).Both armies were almost of same calibre.which means that a decisive victory can only be achieved with the support of respective airforces.
Hence the airforces are the ones that play a major role,count on both sides.Count on the availability of aircrafts in the region.IAF can mobilise its forces in hours ,Can china does the same? and even if so it has to mobilise them from the far east to far west.
If any chinese aircraft be it a bomber/fighter can cross the border during a war time ,I will give up my nationality.
I am certainly sure that China is not even 50% sure of its air campaign in the north-east borders of India. With trade in the IOR almost coming to 0 China will be held up more with domestic and economic frustration . Unlike India it certainly cant get the support of other countries except pak.And Pak being heldup with domestic wars,I certainly dont have the stomach to venture into another Indo-Pak conflict(which is highly unlike considering the US policies towards PAK)

Bottom line is that,in the next Indo-china war-India will keep all its forces at work instead of only sending few battalions of soldiers to the border.

Nice analysis. But what about our poor infrastructure compared to that built by the Chinese on their side of the border. Their mobilization of troops will be rapid given the excellent facilities they have constructed over a period of time, while India has been neglecting the north east like the plague!
Secondly, we may have the Cold Start doctrine in the Wast, but what doctrine does our armed forces have considering the Eastern front? CSD doesnt make sense there. So is it going to be like the Holding Corps like structure as in Sundarji Doctrine?
What about our Air Force? What if we cannot establish aerial superiority in the eastern front given China's massive airforce?
Given that China's navy is mostly a brown water navy, for today, what if they decided to take a risk, venture into IOR and catch our navy unawares?
Now let's not gang up on the messenger, shall we Gubbi kiddo? :azn:

Patriotic NRIs will save India! :cheers:

Lol gramps, unfortunately your message was so pathetic, I had to talk to the messenger. I have read some of your previous posts. But that one post was not good. C'mon, you are better than that, why did you do that?
I thought I could expect better form you than a stupid comment.
Lol gramps, unfortunately your message was so pathetic, I had to talk to the messenger. I have read some of your previous posts. But that one post was not good. C'mon, you are better than that, why did you do that?
I thought I could expect better form you than a stupid comment.

Everybody has a bias and this messenger is no exception. But expectations? :what: Let's not carry it too far kiddo. Not after Boy Grey tried to pimp himself publicly to me.

This place gets strange. Enough keyboard pingpong with "star charts", "j@ck@sses" of all stripes, and other NRI Saffron Youth brigands.

:wave: till next time, kiddo.
it won't be that difficult to built a water channel from tibet to Bangladesh if needed.

First and Foremost, I sincerely doubt even you beleieve in the non-sense you mentioned and secondly even if the chinese took your advise and built a canal to BD Via Myanmar bypassing india where do you think the waters will come from??

1)there are about 200-300 million square KMs desert or extremely dry area in china(roughtly one third of the whole country). frankly speaking, even 100% of the Brahmaputra water will be diverted, it will be still far from enough to meet the chinese need.
So cunning by India to try to pretend Bangladesh would suffer, lol we all know who is worried first and most ..

I mean really we all know , China is a very humane country it would never restrict unlimited amout of water it will probly save Bangladesh from , floods in worse case scenario

Bangladesh only needs 10% of amount of water it normally gets which results in FLOODS all around the year
So cunning to push forward the , little East Pakistan , into the mix.

I mean really we all know , China is a very humane country it would never restrict unlimited amout of water it will probly save Bangladesh from , floods in worse case scenario

Bangladesh only needs 10% of amount of water it normally gets which results in FLOODS all around the year

Indian masterminds will try their best to short change Chinese , power projects, I mean - here we have great China building a means to stop floods in Bangladesh , and look how the cunning articles make it look bad ... amazing
So cunning to push forward the , little East Pakistan , into the mix.

I mean really we all know , China is a very humane country it would never restrict unlimited amout of water it will probly save Bangladesh from , floods in worse case scenario

Bangladesh only needs 10% of amount of water it normally gets which results in FLOODS all around the year

Indian masterminds will try their best to short change Chinese , power projects, I mean - here we have great China building a means to stop floods in Bangladesh , and look how the cunning articles make it look bad ... amazing

No worry there. If it didn't work, we will find something else to deal with them Indians. By aligning themselves with the US, India has made her precious little country a state enemy #1 for China. No, you Indians don't jump all over me and say: hey, we are simply trying to profit from this very political environment.

Try to think about this way, in the old times if a country is trying to swap out the usage of dollars, guess what uncle Same would do them?

You alignment with US is as serious as the above to China.

No, I still don't have a problem to say: India/China Bhai Bhai. :rofl:
Spitfire you are not. But a jackass - you sure wear that designer label proudly, sister. The problem is your type - white, brown, or yellow. The percentage of your types in India will determine how soon India will be dismembered - by internal forces, with or without an external kick - as surely as night follows day.

Pull your walking stick out of yourself for a moment so you can pay attention.

India isn't going anywhere.

The percentage of your types in America will ... well, by the time retribution comes there may not be an India for your NRI jack@ss to return to!

If you're done fantasizing about India falling apart, let me remind you that we've been through worse and we're still here today. The percentage of my 'types' in America will only add more strings to the next aid package to Pakistan.

India may know how to "deal" with China, but has it learned to "deal" with the RSS? Joke of the century is that a Saffron-American Jack@ss brigand who goes to Mumbai to kiss the sandals of Raj Thackeray has the gall to point fingers at Pakistanis negotiating with the tribal elders.

1. Christian.

2. Read: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Congress leading in India states

Hindu fundamentalists = irrelevant.

The tribals need to contained. The Feudals need to be convinced that their ways must change. Gunships and jirga meetings are both useful tools.

Negotiating is one thing, letting them run around with AK 47s and challenging the state is another. The state must be in charge, not some tribal. Pakistan needs to grow a pair and establish its authority in what it claims to be its own territory.

Spit-flying clowns are not - wherever they are found.


I meant spitfire, but I haven't gotten around to changing it yet.
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