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China damming Brahmaputra river may prove disastrous for Bangladesh

Unfortunately Bangladeshi people are becoming such kind of idiot day by day!

TBH , they also want sky powers to help us removing Hasina!

But if they wouldn't rely on Devine help to remove Hasina , USA even wouldn't have to interfere!

Only BNP alone can't do anything against BAL that is actually backed by police , administration, and oligarchs!

People need to come to street! But people won't come ,rather they except angels from the battle of badr help them!

However if 1 million people will march towards Ganobhaban , Hasina is a gone case! But people don't have this courage , personality , dignity, and spirit!
Note one point that you can differentiate between a BNP and a BAL supporter. BnNP supporters are docile and soft. They are. good in election. They would come and vote if a correct situation is created. I mean, an election under a neutral govt. BAL cronies will lose steam then.

An election under BAL will enhance the power of the cronies. There will be another midnight election. These cronies will stop the BNP voters from casting votes even if the election is conducted daytime.

For example, a 500 strong BAL Bahini would come to each voting center before 6:00 am and would stop the voting process by delaying technic. Tired voters especially the women voters would leave the place.

BAL must not be in power during the election. They will just hijack the results. If the country fails this time, it will be totally another North Korea where Great leaders and Dear leaders would be presiding over its final demise.

No Sky Power can help it.
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You are talking to a false-flagger Indian. It's clear he shills and roots for India.

He is a faker...
You are talking to a false-flagger Indian. It's clear he shills and roots for India.

He is a faker...

Change your flag, I already reported and ignored you.

BD is richer than India - we all know this.

These accounts - Killuminati and Blue Ocean, are false flagger Indians. I will explain later why I say so. Newly hatched accounts - extolling the glory of India.

Ignore them brother....

Change your flag, I already reported and ignored you.

BD is richer than India - we all know this.

These accounts - Killuminati and Blue Ocean, are false flagger Indians. I will explain later why I say so. Newly hatched accounts - extolling the glory of India.

Ignore them brother....
To an imbecile asshole named @Bilal9, anyone who speaks his mind is an Indian by birth. He claims so, when he loses a debate.

A debate needs a sharp knowledge on the present and past events, Do you claim yourself such a person? You come with false flags. One has been rectified, the other one is waiting to be rectified.

Rectify it and come to challenge others with your attitude like a Frog in abSmall well.

What external knowledge do you claim to possess when your speciality revolves around India-bashing,

You claim Indian labors in BD remit $50 billion per year. You do not even know simple math. By your incessant bragging, I thought you know math, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus and the likes.

Can you find the value of X if the equation is 4X^2 - 15X + 10 = 0?? Very simple for a Pundit like you who claims India steals $50 billion from BD by exporting goods every year.

Without an answer, I find you are just a fake like your flag identity.
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Note one point that you can differentiate between a BNP and a BAL supporter. BnNP supporters are docile and soft. They are. good in election. They would come and vote if a correct situation is created. I mean, an election under a neutral govt. BAL cronies will lose steam then
Well , I agree! BNP supporters and also grassroot folks are actually not that bad and fanatics as BAL supporters! BAL supporters posseses the same quality of jamat shibir , let alone the grassroot level cadres!

The real reason that make me frightened that if BNP won election , Tareq Chora will be the PM !

I don't think he has the ability to become mayor of a local pourosabha! And khaleda Zia should have been only cooking for her husband and children , she lack any quality to become a successful PM!

An election under BAL will enhance the power of the cronies. There will be another midnight election. These cronies will stop the BNP voters from casting votes even if the election is conducted daytime.

For example, a 500 strong BAL Bahini would come to each voting center before 6:00 am and would stop the voting process by delaying technic. Tired voters especially the women voters would leave the place.

Agree , completely agree!

BAL must not be in power during the election. They will just hijack the results. If the country fails this time, it will be totally another North Korea where Great leaders and Dear leaders would be presiding over its final demise.

No Sky Power can help it.
However a different sky power maybe useful and that's America! Although for their own interest, still it will serve our interest too , to get freedom from the fascist regime!

Did you read a book named , "আফগান যুদ্ধে আমি বদরের ফেরেশতা দেখেছি?" Written by a retarded fundamentalist who literally believe it!

However the angles of badr of these book are none other than American soldiers/ spies who destroyed Soviet tanks and spread the rumor that the angels of badr destroyed it for Afghan Mujahideen!

When you can use religious zeal , you can easily control some kind of people!

However to wipe out Hasina , USA doesn't need to use religious zeal , as Hasina is no match for Soviet , hence divine help ( by Americas actually) isn't required, although our people are expecting divine help every single day!.

Few slaps are enough to get this job done!
Recently, I have been suggesting that Indians buy some robots. Don't fill your mind with shit.

View attachment 946167

Yep.. Chinese ppl are the robots.
Yep.. Chinese ppl are the robots.
well. Chinese robots are all good at this.


Chinese robots are good at many things. Which one do Indians like?
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