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China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

I just mentioned in my post above to another Indian member that we were not military power during WW2, there was no delusion about it. I call a spade a spade. (This is also why many a time I bashed some indian members simply because they love to brag and boast) And I give credit when credit is due. Americans did most of the fighting in the pacific. Soviet didn't.

In the Kwauntung battle, you had a vested interest. And that was 1939. If Soviet had continued to send troops to fight along side us, that's a different story. The fact is you were preoccupied with Hitler in Europe. Soviet did help with arms, I never deny that in my previous post either. It seems that your version of history is quite different from the internationally accepted one. Nothing personal.

Regarding Stalingrad, I believe I'd explained myself my twice.
By the way, on the border with the USSR Japan held dozens of divisions that might otherwise rob and kill the Chinese.
And where was the United States? They did not fight in China. Otherwise, the KMT would now rule, and the Communists would flee to Mongolia or Tuva.
Indians were subjugated for 800 years by the Central Asian conquerors and then for another 200 years by the British. They turned the Indians into slaves.

China killed 400,000 Japanese soldiers over eight years and took as our prize of victory Manchuria and Taiwan. Those places were not fully Chinese before the war. Our permanent UN security council in the UN is a testimony to the greatness of our civilization on Earth.
Chinese can treat the death of 14 million people as a sad event ... but in military terms, lets not pretend any "heroism" or "martyrdom".

There were millions of others who "ran away" successfully or were plain lucky.

Death =/= martrydom.

Otherwise, the people who died in cultural revolution or even sichuan earthquake would qualify for being called "martyrs". !!!

Martyrdom is about walking into the face of danger (knowingly) to a purpose, and in the process if you lose your life you become a martyr.

Martydom is not about a rock falling on your head by nothing but a piece of misfortune, and you succumbing to the effects of such divine rock.

To indians becoming slaves of the British was far more prestigious than fighting them. So pls don't go into the subject death and martyrdom, these are discussion are for free men and women, not slaves.
Indians were subjugated for 800 years by the Central Asian conquerors and then for another 200 years by the British. They turned the Indians into slaves.

China killed 400,000 Japanese soldiers over eight years and took as our prize of victory Manchuria and Taiwan. Those places were not fully Chinese before the war. Our permanent UN security council in the UN is a testimony to the greatness of our civilization on Earth.

Greatness of chinese civilization is all because at least one percent of chinese are DIRECT descendents of Genghiz khan. He directly impregnated the "comfort women" of his times.

The greatness is that of the mongolian civilisation; chinese just filling up as the slaves of their mongol masters:


After spanking by mongols, europeans came and spanked the chinese.. after that the japs spanked chinese (eh.. spanking is a very mild word for what japs did to chinese).
Hating the US while residing in the US,cool.And some people still wonder why the americans interned all the japanese-americans in camps during WW2.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the US. I dislike their arrogant against other country, especially China. Also I am in USA to fulfill my contract.
Greatness of chinese civilization is all because at least one percent of chinese are DIRECT descendents of Genghiz khan. He directly impregnated the "comfort women" of his times.

The greatness is that of the mongolian civilisation; chinese just filling up as the slaves of their mongol masters:

After spanking by mongols, europeans came and spanked the chinese.. after that the japs spanked chinese (eh.. spanking is a very mild word for what japs did to chinese).


The "one percent of Chinese" descended from Genghis Khan are ethnic MONGOLIANS who live in inner Mongolia in China, they are MONGOL citizens of China. China has 5.8 MILLION Mongolians, MORE than Mongolia itself, because China rules Inner Mongolia which is their homeland.

Almost no ethnic Han Chinese carry Genghis Khan's- or for that matter, the Mongol's signature Y chromosome marker, Haplogroup C.


By comparison, Hindu Indian women have always been in the harems of Turkic, Afghan, Arab, Portuguese, and British conquerors, in the tens of thousands.

As a reminder of your humiliation by their men, you are forced to reserve a seat for their genetic legacy in the Lok Sabha and give them quotas.

Anglo-Indian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, how did 14 million Chinese die in World War 2? I find that number to be just mind blowing.

Did the Japanese kill the 14 million Chinese alone? Was it done through carpet bombing? Was there a Chinese holocaust? Did they die through militant resistance to Japanese occupation?

China's population reaches massive numbers because of intensive agriculture. Its mostly starvation. It is very easy to kill millions because if you destroy the farmland millions will starve.

China had a high density population compared to Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Anatolia. Tamerlane massacred people in the hundreds of thousands in Syria and Iraq and Iran and devastated the cities and countryside.

If Tamerlane reached China and applied the exact same tactics in China, no more or no less than what he did in Syria or Iran, the death toll would be in the millions.

Because China's population is much higher than Syria and Iraq, and relies on an intensively cultivated area of farmland, once the farmland is destroyed and trade disrupted, its easy for millions living in cities and the countryside to starve in days.

If I burn a field a 100 acre field of wheat in America, i'm not going to affect anyone. America produces more food than it needs. But if I burn a field of the same area in China, then a family will starve.
I agree with USSR's huge contribution. Chinese here don't want to give credit to any of three USSR, US and Britain.

Japanese surrendered before the Allied Troops, not the Chinese troops because Chinese were incapable without the support of Allied Forces.


I agree with you completely buddy..I posted the same thing in another thread on Sino-Japanese war..they bragged about how China stopped Japan..I simply mentioned about how Japanese Army's political situation change after battle of Khalkhin Gol.I'm posting again...

China was fighing the Soviet Union at the same time it fought Japan.

The Soviet Union invaded Xinjiang with the support of their puppet governor Sheng Shicai in 1937. They drove out the 36th Division under the command of the Hui General Ma Hushan, and a Soviet army was stationed in Xinjiang at Hami.

While Japan invaded, China kept hundreds of thousands of soldiers in reserve to wrest Xinjiang back from the Soviet Union. The Hui warlord Ma Bufang and his Hui and Salar Muslim troops joined central government forces in infiltrating Xinjiang in 1941-1942 and forced Sheng Shicai to switch his alleigance back to China. The Soviet army in Hami was them expelled.

Over 100,000 soldiers, including elite Hui and Salar Muslim cavalry were stationed by the Chinese government in Xinjiang in 1943 as it came back under China's control.

The Soviet Union then instigated a Uyghur Communist uprising in the Ili Rebellion. The Uyghur Communist leader Ehmetjan Qasim was a Soviet Communist Party member and he started the Ili Rebellion in 1944. Uyghur Communist soldiers and Soviet Red Army forces invaded Ili in northen Xinjiang, and set up the Second East Turkestan Republic, which was a Soviet puppet state.

The 100,000 strong army was fighting against the Soviet Red Army and Uyghur rebels. The Soviet-Uyghur forces were stopped at Urumqi, and Chinese foces managed to expel pro-Soviet Uyghur rebels who tried to invade via Kashgar.

The conservative Uyghur population in the Tarim Basin Oasis were against the Soviets and pro China, unlike some of the pro Soviet Uyghurs in Ili. This is what stopped the Soviet advance before they could take Urumqi.

The Hui and Salar Muslims are fierce fighters and a division of them under General Ma Biao fought against the Japanese in eastern China. However, many of them were tied up in Xinjiang, fighting the Soviet-Uyghur army while Japan invaded.

Japan launched Operation Ichi-go at the same time as the Ili Rebellion, and during the entire war China was fighting on two fronts, against Japan and against the Soviets.

Rebiya Kadeer's father served in the pro-Soviet Uyghur Ili army during the Ili Rebellion. Some Uyghurs in Ili like Kadeer's family were brainwashed by the Soviets and indoctrinated with pro Soviet leanings, the Soviets operated a Russian school in Ili which Uyghur children attended and Kadeer admitted in her autobiography that some Uyghurs thought that Russian culture was superior and consciously imitated it. Some Uyghurs gave their children Russian names from during that period.
Low IQ is no excuse for being ignorant, or maybe you just wanna troll. Japan forces in China were land based. The war with US was naval. USSR formally declared war on Japan only in 1945 when they knew Japan had lost to the Americans. Go get some education in WW2 history and save yourself from further embarrassment.

For someone who brag about high IQ, it should be better if you apply it more often.. I said, diversification of Japaneses forces to different areas helped Chinese from further loss.. Do you think if Japan has concentrated in China, the scenario would have been different?? Like I said, you guys were in the right place at the right time to be mentioned among the victors with out any significant contribution..
For someone who brag about high IQ, it should be better if you apply it more often.. I said, diversification of Japaneses forces to different areas helped Chinese from further loss.. Do you think if Japan has concentrated in China, the scenario would have been different?? Like I said, you guys were in the right place at the right time to be mentioned among the victors with out any significant contribution..

I did, but the low IQ will never grasp it. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked such a dumb question. Japan concentrated its attack on China years before they moved into SE Asia. US entry came much later. We never claimed to be a military power, but we put up a great resistance against the Japs. If Japan had taken China, it would be extremely difficult for US to defeat them by the time US entered the war. And no matter how large your war campaign is, you always need troops to guard your home country, Japan is no exception. Now go slap yourself silly on your face.
For someone who brag about high IQ, it should be better if you apply it more often.. I said, diversification of Japaneses forces to different areas helped Chinese from further loss.. Do you think if Japan has concentrated in China, the scenario would have been different?? Like I said, you guys were in the right place at the right time to be mentioned among the victors with out any significant contribution..

You, INDIC and GR!FF!N repeatd the same BS about the Soviet Union fighting Japan for China, when in fact the Soviet Union ATTACKED China during the war against Japan in the Ili Rebellion. China was fighting a two front war against both the Japanese and Soviets. The Muslim warlord Ma Bufang kept tens of thousands of soldiers in reserve to fight the Soviet Union and to monitor the Dalai Lama's forces, Ma sent one division of Muslim cavalry under Ma Biao to fight the Japanese but the rest were used against the Soviet invaders and the pro-Soviet Uyghurs.

China also supported and funded the Tibetan Khamba Pandatsang Rapga and his Tibet Improvement Party to he them start a Kham guerilla army to fight the Dalai Lama.

China diverted over 100,000 troops to fight the Soviets and monitor the Tibetans during the war against Japan.
You, INDIC and GR!FF!N repeatd the same BS about the Soviet Union fighting Japan for China, when in fact the Soviet Union ATTACKED China during the war against Japan in the Ili Rebellion. China was fighting a two front war against both the Japanese and Soviets. The Muslim warlord Ma Bufang kept tens of thousands of soldiers in reserve to fight the Soviet Union and to monitor the Dalai Lama's forces, Ma sent one division of Muslim cavalry under Ma Biao to fight the Japanese but the rest were used against the Soviet invaders and the pro-Soviet Uyghurs.

China also supported and funded the Tibetan Khamba Pandatsang Rapga and his Tibet Improvement Party to he them start a Kham guerilla army to fight the Dalai Lama.

China diverted over 100,000 troops to fight the Soviets and monitor the Tibetans during the war against Japan.

Dude, I never said that Russian send troops to fight for China... Re read my statement, I said US and USSR declaring war against Japan helped you big time.. You never had anything worth mentioning in world war 2 rather than defending your own country.. If Japan was concentrated on you, history would have been different.. China along with France do not deserve to be counted in the name of victors..
Dude, I never said that Russian send troops to fight for China... Re read my statement, I said US and USSR declaring war against Japan helped you big time.. You never had anything worth mentioning in world war 2 rather than defending your own country.. If Japan was concentrated on you, history would have been different.. China along with France do not deserve to be counted in the name of victors..

Japan did concentrate on us for years before they moved to SE Asia, are you inadequately educated or just retarded?
I did, but the low IQ will never grasp it. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked such a dumb question. Japan concentrated its attack on China years before they moved into SE Asia. US entry came much later. We never claimed to be a military power, but we put up a great resistance against the Japs. If Japan had taken China, it would be extremely difficult for US to defeat them by the time US entered the war. And no matter how large your war campaign is, you always need troops to guard your home country, Japan is no exception. Now go slap yourself silly on your face.

Dude, you get active support from Germany USSR to survive the war against Japan before world war 2.. US was actively helping you through out second world war.. You were not even entered Shanghai before US nuked Japan.. Do read about flying tigers.. Only by the end of 1944 you were managed to regain some of your lost territory..

Japan did concentrate on us for years before they moved to SE Asia, are you inadequately educated or just retarded?

But then also you get adequate support from Russia and Germany..
Dude, you get active support from Germany USSR to survive the war against Japan before world war 2.. US was actively helping you through out second world war.. You were not even entered Shanghai before US nuked Japan.. Do read about flying tigers.. Only by the end of 1944 you were managed to regain some of your lost territory..

You've taken stupidity to whole new level by repeatedly getting slapped for making one dumb argument after another. Now what, active Germany and USSR support? What exactly and which year? This is not hindu mythology. Flying tigers? Only two or three squadrons.

Stick to your hindu mythology, it's more devoid of facts and logic. You've a better chance there.

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