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China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

Now do you realize how oxymoronic your argument was, LOL? If we totally incapable, Japan would have taken all China before US declared war on Japan. This admission of your renders your entire argument null :omghaha:

Go read about your mythology or how Moses split the ocean :omghaha: :omghaha:

great, apart from ranting there is nothing coming out in a discussion.. I guess, Indic already showed you map of Japan's control over your land.. Further humiliation was stopped only with the support of Germany and USSR.. And then second world war erupted, US came to your rescue.. You are the only country who actually got saved by a war :D
says a chinese comfort woman :lol:

Indeed, even though they suffered under the invading Japs, but our constitution is still in Chinese. The same cannot be said about India, your women were sex slaves for Persians, Afghans, Turks, Mongols and the Brits. Yet your constitution is not written in Hindi.
Even Hindi is a persianized language, LOL.
great, apart from ranting there is nothing coming out in a discussion.. I guess, Indic already showed you map of Japan's control over your land.. Further humiliation was stopped only with the support of Germany and USSR.. And then second world war erupted, US came to your rescue.. You are the only country who actually got saved by a war :D

Indic is just another dumb troll you like, just look at his post. No wonder you mentioned his name with such reverence :omghaha:

Look, learn the subject matter well before you troll. And if you're troll targets are non-Indians, learn logic and reasoning.
Indeed, even though they suffered under the invading Japs, but our constitution is still in Chinese. The same cannot be said about India, your women were sex slaves for Persians, Afghans, Turks, Mongols and the Brits. And your constitution is not written in Hindi. Even Hindi is persianized, LOL.

The Europeans became our slaves when they started using the zero and the Indian numerals ...


So, we return the favour by using roman alphabet.

But why do chinese use the zero and the Indian numerals ... go, write your "constitution" with counting rods.
Again you're confusing India with China. We fought for the war with our own men. US, Britain and USSR did not send troops to fight along side the Chinese, like how Indians were sent to fight for the British. :omghaha: :omghaha:

No, I don't learn mother tongue with latin script. That's for foreigner learning chinese .:omghaha:

Your emperors opened the gates of China for Europeans to exploit Chinese, then why will they conquer China.
No, I don't learn mother tongue with latin script. That's for foreigner learning chinese .:omghaha:

Your 70% population is able to speak Mandarin because of same imported Latin script. You need foreign script because of numerous Chinese dialects.
The Europeans became our slaves when they started using the zero and the Indian numerals ...


So, we return the favour by using roman alphabet.

But why do chinese use the zero and the Indian numerals ... go, write your "constitution" with counting rods.

Your dumb Brahmagupta claimed the invention of Zero but he was dividing digit using ZERO, LOL. It was Newton who corrected it 1000 years. Just like how British complete the history of India.

Your emperors opened the gates of China for Europeans to exploit Chinese, then why will they conquer China.

Why don't Europeans conquer China when they can own the entire country and its wealth, like how British conquered India?

Your 70% population is able to speak Mandarin because of same imported Latin script. You need foreign script because of numerous Chinese dialects.

Says who? A dumb indian troll? :omghaha: :omghaha:
Indic is just another dumb troll you like, just look at his post. No wonder you mentioned his name with such reverence :omghaha:

Look, learn the subject matter well before you troll. And if you're troll targets are non-Indians, learn logic and reasoning.

Yes, every one who does not cheer lead the great China is a dumb troll.. and the links we gave are just another troll links.. Move on dude.. You are just good for trolling and we are not interested in learning CCP's logic and reasoning.. It is as same as the Chinese physics members often shows here :lol:
I didn't read through all the comments.


Who has forgotten? Not the Chinese. I don't believe. All that matters.

The Chinese national anthem is the resist-Japan invasion song. Right there. Every time the flag is raised, it reminds the Chinese people what had happened.

There was Boxer Rebellion in China.

The Eight Nation Alliance was made up of :: USA, UK, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, and Austria-Hungary.
Year : 1898 -1901
The Eight-Nation Alliance, after being initially turned back, brought 20,000 armed troops to China, defeated the Imperial Army, and captured Beijing on August 14

The Boxer Protocol of September 7, 1901 provided for the execution of government officials who had supported the Boxers, provisions for foreign troops to be stationed in Beijing, and an indemnity of 67 million pounds (450 million taels of silver) -- more than the government's annual tax revenue, to be paid as indemnity over a course of thirty-nine years to the eight nations involved.[4]
Why don't Europeans conquer China when they can own the entire country and its wealth, like how British conquered India?

Because your Emperors let them loot China without conquering China. Even your last Qing Emperor Puyi sided with the enemy of Chinese people.

So, we return the favour by using roman alphabet.

But why do chinese use the zero and the Indian numerals ... go, write your "constitution" with counting rods.

Here is the Latin Alphabets imported from the West which Chinese use to learn there own mother tongue and made compulsory in every elementary Chinese school since 1950s.

Yes, every one who does not cheer lead the great China is a dumb troll.. and the links we gave are just another troll links.. Move on dude.. You are just good for trolling and we are not interested in learning CCP's logic and reasoning.. It is as same as the Chinese physics members often shows here :lol:

LOL, Indians always have trouble with logic and reasoning, I'm not sure if it's due to IQ. Look, I can give you help, but can I take your examination for you? You have to fight your own battle, don't you? Get point, dumb troll.

Because your Emperors let them loot China without conquering China. Even your last Qing Emperor Puyi sided with the enemy of Chinese people.

Here is the Latin Alphabets imported from the West which Chinese use to learn there own mother tongue and made compulsory in every elementary Chinese school since 1950s.

How dumb can your argument get? Why let the emperor agree to our looting if we can take out the emperor and own everything? The Europeans weren't as dumb as you. If it was so easy, we will be another British Raj.

Can I write chinese character using latin alphabet?
How dumb can your argument get? Why let the emperor agree to our looting if we can take out the emperor and own everything? The Europeans weren't as dumb as you. If it was so easy, we will be another British Raj.

Did you remove your emperor just after Opium wars and Boxer Rebellion. After these wars colonial power didn't conquer China because Chinese themselves surrendered their land to let them exploit China.

Can I write chinese character using latin alphabet?

Chinese symbols were rendered useless after the introduction of imported Latin script to learn Chinese, in reality you have two writing systems for Chinese language. :rofl:
LOL, Indians always have trouble with logic and reasoning, I'm not sure if it's due to IQ. Look, I can give you help, but can I take your examination for you? You have to fight your own battle, don't you? Get point, dumb troll.

:lol: is this the best you can do?? Move on dude.. Your IQ has been proved many times here..:wave:
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