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Indeed. They are naive to the point of stupidity. I observed a similar youth attitude during anti-trade agreement protests in Taiwan. Democracy s for them is a kind of fashion or star boy band to queue or cheer about. These guys are not deep thinkers, they are empty as tin can. Hence the sound they make surpasses their actual size and ability.


Young people overthrown the ruling party in Egypt and Ukraine!
Young people overthrown the ruling party in Egypt and Ukraine!

You are geopolitically naive and I do not know why I am even talking to you.

No, it was armed groups with covert foreign operators coupled with intense international pressure that brought down the governments.

It was not young people abusing and killing Gaddafi, but imported armed terrorists.

And what happened in Egypt now?

Ukraine is a NATO project going wrong? And did you hear about Crimea?

In Syria, if foreign terrorists are removed, the entire nation is firmly behind their government. Without popular support, do you think the government would be able to take back Hums?
Too young, watching too many Hollywood movies...

It's true but sometimes I wish a cop would rough up some of these tofu boys and see them cry on camera.

I guess this is a calculated move. An action creates a reaction. No reaction may kill off the initial action. Maybe it is better for Beijing to mostly remain silent and wait all the foreign incited separatism to die off naturally due to lack of response from the corresponding party/side.

Real Hong Kong has already showed how they are firmly behind the national unity.

But, I hope strong and ruthless action (covert, maybe) against foreign inciters and provocateurs in Hong Kong. I wish them to be mysteriously disappear. They are the root cause of the problem.
LOL. Indeed.

They will likely take a gazillion pictures with their smartphones, listen to latest hit Korean boy band, walk around aimlessly a little bit, then got bored because it is not cool anymore. Just advise them to maintain sanitation while they enjoy the cool stuff.

actually, maybe we should just allow it. HK will eventually and possibly sooner now, lose its special economic status, and will destroy its economy.

Why take this blame, let the HK people choose their own leader who can't do anything to alter Chinese policies for China, not HK, like the special economic zones in Shanghai and more.

Don't let the blame fall on us when they are riding off into the sunset and straight into the unemployment office.
U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。





爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)





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U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。





爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)






Source: Students demand democracy in Hong Kong strike...
actually, maybe we should just allow it. HK will eventually and possibly sooner now, lose its special economic status, and will destroy its economy.

Why take this blame, let the HK people choose their own leader who can't do anything to alter Chinese policies for China, not HK, like the special economic zones in Shanghai and more.

Don't let the blame fall on us when they are riding off into the sunset and straight into the unemployment office.

The government should not/cannot show any sign of weakness, in my opinion. Challenging China's territorial sovereignty is an act of war according to the supreme law of the nation, the Constitution. I would hope the leadership to abide by the supreme law when/if comes to that point, although I seriously doubt it would.

Poor or not, HK is part of China and their people are subject of the Chinese nation.

U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。

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爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)
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Now China should take prompt and severe action against those foreign/US elements inciting violence and separatism. These people are no less terrorists than Kunming attackers. At least those terrorists do not disguise as diplomats or intellectuals.

Now we will see the resolve and hitting back capability of the Chinese government. At times "awe and shock" does wonders.

Essentially, government should remain soft to the innocent/duped youth while severely tracking and punishing foreign/US elements.
Indeed. They are naive to the point of stupidity. I observed a similar youth attitude during anti-trade agreement protests in Taiwan. Democracy s for them is a kind of fashion or star boy band to queue or cheer about. These guys are not deep thinkers, they are empty as tin can. Hence the sound they make surpasses their actual size and ability.

The reality has been voiced one learned commentator, Chinese Nationalist and I quote:

"The Most Important Thing is that China is Firmly Unified under a Powerful Central Government, with a Powerful Modern Military, and Lead by the Vanguard.

This is the one and only Historically Correct form of Government for the Chinese Nation. We must truly hate, despise, and reject those bourgeois liberal western conceptions of a divided politics and a divided state - and the arrogant foreigners who dare think we would ever desire such a ugly and divided system and to see our Nation driven into the ground of chaos, civil strife, and territorial dissolution. Western "democracy" may perplex the useless so called ("intellectuals"), but we see it for what it is - an ugly divisive concept, which has no place in Chinese hearts, and must never be allowed to take root in this socialist land.

No, we want all their foreign divisive ideas out of China ! Never can western conceptions of democracy take root anywhere in China. The People must vigilantly guard against and mercilessly stomp out any such influences - which would threaten China's Territorial Integrity and National Unity !

All Chinese must firmly understand that the Chinese Nation must never fall behind the West - Militarily and Technologically. That a ever more Advanced and Powerful Military, under a Powerful Centralized State, and Lead by the Vanguard - is the truest safeguard of the Nation's Territorial Integrity, Sovereignty, and National Unity.

We don't care or want the damned ideas of the foreigners, which threaten Our Nation's Unity, Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity. We must march in Lockstep Unity, All 1.3 Billion Hearts as One, for the Great Rejuvenation of the Motherland.

A Most Powerful, Sovereign, Prosperous, and Unified Chinese Nation ! A Most Powerful, Proud, and Prosperous Motherland. This Chinese Dream, the Struggle of All Chinese Generations, of all the People's Heroes since 1839, will at long last be fulfilled ! Chinese Countrymen and Compatriots must reject all the harmful western distractions, put all petty individual differences aside, and Achieve this Chinese Dream at all and any costs !

This Alone is True Happiness for the Chinese People and the Chinese Nation ! Unswervingly follow the Vanguard and Defender of the Nation, leading all classes and nationalities forward, with one heart and mind, in Lockstep Unity, towards the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation !

Then, there shall Never Again be any doubt, crisis, or confusion in Our Nation's Future !"
Because the sunflower movement, I am tracing news from Taiwan. I donot think that the Taiwan young people has the potential and thought they claimed in sunflower movement. All their new thoughts are not newly developed but from DPP. Many of them is claimed at least once by Tsai Ing-wen in 2012. They were repeating the slogans from DPP.

The sunflower movement even not match the young people's expected interest. A changing market brings oppotunities, and the young people is the group lack of oppotunities to establish their own careers. However, they said no to their oppotunities and stood for the former generation's interest. This is the first conflict in there slogans and activities.

The second conflict is that Anti-ECFA indeed protected the monopoly interest of consortium. For example the Lian Tsian group, which has monopoly interest over the both side. A relatively incestuous business grows the monopoly interest of consortiums. However, the sunflower movement claimed that they are against consortiums. They even had no idea, the openning market is unique way to against consortiums.

The third conflict is that the groups they supported did not support the young people. Two frequently mentioned industries: beauty-industry and car rantal industry are supporting ECFA, because it brings more jobs in beauty industry and new market in car rantal industry. However, the young people cited the slogans of several DPP political lawers' assumption and incorrectly stood in the opposite side of the industry to "support" the industry.

As an aftermath, I have to say the whole sunflower movement was a stupidity. I traced the attitude of USA. In Mar. 17th they were pleased to invite Taiwan to join the TPP, but the attitude was changed in Mar. 25th. The USA said, Taiwan should reform its economy first. It implied that Taiwan was excluded from TPP. The RCEP was also closed. Although the sunflower movement pleased young people all over the world, but they donot please the politicians. Supporting Japan and USA like @Kolaps is personal. Whether USA supports them, is the key problem. The sunflower movement is a self-centred and narcissistic.

Although DPP said the sunflower movement is not organized by them, but the slogans are entirely from them. As a volting strategy it is successful, especially for Tsai Ing-wen a single person. As a perlude of volt 2016, the cost for Taiwan society is too high. As I observed, the Taiwan young people are brainwashed by Tsai and her empty political ideals. She may win the volting, but win the supporting from China and USA is another thing.

The industry sector is escaping from Taiwan. If Taiwan cannot go back to the traditional route, the next escaping sector will be finances and services. The first wave of escaping of finance may come in late 2014 or early 2015. Although many scholars in Taiwan alarmed the society, but the young people have apparently completedly exceeded their professors for the “success” of sunflower movement.
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US is the most despotism among democracy countries
China is the most democracy among despotism country

DPP is the US bestfriend.

US is democracy!

So yes, DPP is democracy!
U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。





爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)






Source: Students demand democracy in Hong Kong strike...
Their parents must be proud of their hanjian children.
China must put severe restrictions on all American and British NGOs and all their diplomats.

They must be put under 24/7 surveillance.

These protestors are being paid and urged by the US NGO's and diplomats and intelligence agencies to cause trouble in HK.

CPC must be a lot more ruthless to put an end to nonsense. Do what the Russians did in kicking out USAID.
. .
U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。





爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)






Source: Students demand democracy in Hong Kong strike...

I'm really doubtful whether current CCP has enough political wisdom to grasp the moral highground.:(
The government should not/cannot show any sign of weakness, in my opinion. Challenging China's territorial sovereignty is an act of war according to the supreme law of the nation, the Constitution. I would hope the leadership to abide by the supreme law when/if comes to that point, although I seriously doubt it would.

Poor or not, HK is part of China and their people are subject of the Chinese nation.

Now China should take prompt and severe action against those foreign/US elements inciting violence and separatism. These people are no less terrorists than Kunming attackers. At least those terrorists do not disguise as diplomats or intellectuals.

Now we will see the resolve and hitting back capability of the Chinese government. At times "awe and shock" does wonders.

Essentially, government should remain soft to the innocent/duped youth while severely tracking and punishing foreign/US elements.

China must put severe restrictions on all American and British NGOs and all their diplomats.

They must be put under 24/7 surveillance.

These protestors are being paid and urged by the US NGO's and diplomats and intelligence agencies to cause trouble in HK.

CPC must be a lot more ruthless to put an end to nonsense. Do what the Russians did in kicking out USAID.

As you said, these foreign funders and instigators must be arrested and punished for inciting separatism inside China.
I have no idea, How a 17-age young student try to change HK politics ?!

She/He must be the GENIUS or the FOOL, keep going let's see how HK student protests destroy HK local economy and millions of mainland customers will leave the poor "Free City" turn to ShangHai, let HK students feed their own economy.
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