Of course, business goes very well, like Abe himself said, just like Britain and Germany before WW1, who are very close in economy, still went for a world war. Japan is on a recession trend for the past couple of decades since the middle 1980s, however China's economy is on the rise with much more energy demand. When the old order was gone, the new order is needed. And in next 2-3 decades China is exactly the only one who can establish the new order of East Asia and your ASEAN. It's a natural process, very clearly predictable.
Both China and Japan have started the propaganda campaign against each other, and superficially it seems to be the history problem, actually most likely it is associated with East China Sea resources and other interest. China needs an excuse to break US-Japan blockade, to get more resources for domestic consumption, and also to teach you Southeast Asians a lesson about how to give up the struggle. You know 杀鸡儆猴?And as for Japan, it is nowhere to hide, ready for ELIMINATION.