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China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

Whoa whoa wait man
Who told you we are enemy's
We just has a border conflict more than 5 decades ago
Relations since then have very much improved
& China is also asking india to join SCO & More of Russia-China-India cooperation
Accepted we are not best buddies,but we are not also enemies
Sino-Indian relations ship is somewhere
Between neutral-Friendly

Don't you think you should use names instead of Numbers it is very boring
Like mighty dragon
,red dragon
Low bullshit tolerance level

I don't care what you say, but I like the style of your comments.
Whoa whoa wait man
Who told you we are enemy's
We just has a border conflict more than 5 decades ago
Relations since then have very much improved
& China is also asking india to join SCO & More of Russia-China-India cooperation
Accepted we are not best buddies,but we are not also enemies
Sino-Indian relations ship is somewhere
Between neutral-Friendly

Don't you think you should use names instead of Numbers it is very boring
Like mighty dragon
,red dragon
Low bullshit tolerance level

Bro, India is not really an enemy of China. Neither is Vietnam and Philippines. Just a few spats doesn't make an enemy.

China has 4 countries as true enemies. They are Japan, US, UK and France.

UK and France were responsible for the 19th century suffering we endured. We still hate those rat bastards.

Japan is our historic enemy. Japan-China rivalry is arguably the longest rivalry in human history. We just despise each other with incredible passion. It's been this way for centuries upon centuries going back over thousand years.

USA is the modern day enemy of China and every peace loving country. US is our number 1 enemy. Many even hate the Americans even more than the Japanese. That's huge because everyone knows how much we utterly despie the Japanese and the fact that we hate the Americans more than the Japs shows how much we hate the Americans.
I hate the Yankees and the Japs with passion. They are the two most disgusting countries on earth from a Chinese point of view.
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This is a stupid move, because:
- China now is strong but still not enough military power to against Japan+US. It can't do anything if Japan-US planes flying into so-called the "air defence zone" above.
- The move is an good reason for Japan to strengthen further its military capability, and this is the nightmare of the Chinese.

My question is, if China-Japan war occur in the East China Sea, beyond the neutral countries, who will stand on each side?
Two things:

(1)China will set-up other ADIZs
(2)China will further expand the ECS ADIZ。
This is a stupid move, because:
- China now is strong but still not enough military power to against Japan+US. It can't do anything if Japan-US planes flying into so-called the "air defence zone" above.
- The move is an good reason for Japan to strengthen further its military capability, and this is the nightmare of the Chinese.

My question is, if China-Japan war occur in the East China Sea, beyond the neutral countries, who will stand on each side?
I don't think there will be a war against Japan, no strategic interests at all

UK and France were responsible for the 19th century suffering we endured. We still hate those rat bastards.

Japan is our historic enemy. Japan-China rivalry is arguably the longest rivalry in human history. We just despise each other with incredible passion. It's been this way for centuries upon centuries going back over thousand years.
Bring back the Moghol empire in USA, Japan, Europa to change this time, not again central Asia or Iraq it's boring
It is about damn time. Show your mettle China.

What took you so long?

p.s. I am not surprised some Germans here are supporting Japan. They are old pals aren't they? The Axis! You know what they say, Birds of feature flock together.
China is a classic example of a country which has risen fast in economy development but now caught in a tragic human disease known as "BI-POLAR DISORDER" It is pure arrogance-bullying neighbours has become routine part of its diplomacy.RASCAL like behaviour will do no good for the country
Well good make more enemies i mean it work for so many empires why not do it right?
Don't you think you should use names instead of Numbers it is very boring
Like mighty dragon
,red dragon
Low bullshit tolerance level

Always using Dragon as a name is supposed to be boring.

BTW, JL means Great Wave, and DF means East Wind.
China and Japan should send their attack drones their and let them play some real action games. No human casualty. Just a game on the screen. Lets see who is the best player. This would be fun watching.
WOW!! This whole thing is crazy. We might actually see Japan get serious about it's military. The last thing you want to see is a Japan cornered.

I doubt the US would even care if Japan decides to get serious.
The first to go on their knees are Japanese airlines。

They‘ve already decided to submit their flight plan to the relevant Chinese authorities,as have many other airlines。
Bravo ! Chinese has got a " extremely good " move. Now they've got big problem not only with Japan, but US and Korea.
US have stated very clearly : new ADIZ of China is nothing, will be ignored.
Japan despised : new ADIZ of China is sh...t ! ( and keep chasing out any Chinese airplane around this area )

Very ridiculous to Han expansionist !
WOW!! This whole thing is crazy. We might actually see Japan get serious about it's military. The last thing you want to see is a Japan cornered.

I doubt the US would even care if Japan decides to get serious.

We can get real serious if the CPC wanted to. The PLA military budget is still capable of massive expansion.

Our military spending is 2% of GDP.

We have 4 policies that we can get rid of.

1) no first use nuke policy.
2) minimum nuclear warheads.
3) no foreign alliances.
4) no foreign military bases.

Don't think for one iota of a second that we are unarmed. Our military capabilities are still vastly guarded in secret.
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