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China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

Why the f*ck does Japan have such massive air defense zone that goes far into S. Korean water?

Seriously, China should extend their air defense zone too.
China should increase its Defence spending...it looks odd ,sounds as if something is wrong inside china when you spend more on internal security than external security.
Is this a joke or what??

Don't be surprised if china does the same kind of circus in SCs and claims any one who enters SCS has to obey Chinese laws.

This air defense diktat do not work and china will become joke if Japan violates repetitively.

Lost your tongue criticizing China now after seeing Japan's air-defence zone? Yeah China's defence zone is a mad joke but if it is Japan it's okay right? I wonder why so many Indians are so obsessed with China when their own country is a sh!thole.
I'm not talking about 25% of GDP, I'm talking about 25% of central government spending.

Current central government spending is $1.14 trillion. So 25% of that is around $280 billion.

GDP numbers of every country are not reliable (understated and overstated), only thing is what you are spending and how much of that spending goes towards military.

Ah, my mistake. I thought it was percent GDP.
China and PLA forces show the card around DiaoYu island, Japan and America next ?
The China air defence zone is very interesting, they didn't show it in ECS before.
Black line: Japan air defence zone
Red line: China air defence zone

The DiaoYu island inside disputed air defence zone, prepare for WAR in East China Sea ?

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I wonder which side is going to flinch first. This is quite the game of chicken being played. A major regional war could break out.
I wonder which side is going to flinch first. This is quite the game of chicken being played. A major regional war could break out.

The longer time goes by, the more the advantage shift towards China as our power grows.

That's why Japan and America are panicking, they realise their timeframe is getting narrower and narrower as China becomes stronger and stronger.
I wonder which side is going to flinch first. This is quite the game of chicken being played. A major regional war could break out.

Military spending should always be the main priority of the central government. Education, infrastructure, pension, etc should be left up for local government and private investors. When you devote the central budget to welfare you end up like a failed European state.

China is being fully contained by US, Japan, India, Vietnam, Philippines, Australia.

PLA is still decades behind Japan in technology let alone the US military. Unless more money is given to military, the technology gap will never close between the PLA and Japan. Forget about the US. Even lowly India has 3 aircraft carriers.

25% of the central budget should be the bare minimum that should be allocated to military spending. 75% for other things is more than enough. Infact even 75% for other things is too much. Local government should be spending money on education, infrastructure, etc.

The main priority of the central government is national security, that is its primary role.

Central budget is $1 trillion. 25% of that is $250 billion. $250 should be the floor on military spending for China.

Only loony liberals wants to waste money on useless welfare projects that gives ZERO benefit to China's future.

Soviet Union didn't collapse because of its military spending, it collapsed due to its rigid economic system where there was no market for goods & services, factor prices, etc.
Food, education, healthcare and housing are the strong foundations of a stable society. Without a stable society, economy cannot be prosperous. Without a prosperous economy, there cannot be a capable military.

The problem with that you stated is that local governments have limited options to raise money. As a result they resort to selling land and burrowing, which drives up real estate bubbles and form debt crisis. You need to give the provincial and local government more revenue for income if you want them to fully pay for anything not related to defence and public security.
China acts stupid with this move. It is the german position, that Senkaku are part of Japan. China should stop its stupid behavior and act reasonable. Before trying to steal other nations land it should solve it´s Tibet issue.

I think Chinas behavior is sign for weak leadership. Chinas regime is weak and needs external "enemies" to create peace at home. In a case of war, Germany would side with Japan and full support it.
Within 3 pages the discussion has deviated from airspace to penis size..... good going keyboard wariors
The best way for Germany or the West to support Japan, just send ur Navy inside East China Sea. Or this's the SHOW between China and Japan,u r watchers.

Talk Sh!t on the internet.
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