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Chanoykkyo war tacts in Bangladesh: Bluff, damage & dominate.

Sir you appear to be dillusioned and I beg to differ. How can you claim that India has a reasonable distribution of wealth when poor farmers are commiting sucide and india. These surveys are bogus and manipulated. Cant you see how poorly they place china, who is the pioneer of communism in the world and equal distribution of wealth is their basic ideology. This proves that the survey is bogus.

Bogus? Hmmm,

Gini Coefficient - The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion, commonly used as a measure of inequality of income distribution or inequality of wealth distribution. It is defined as a ratio with values between 0 and 1: A low Gini coefficient indicates more equal income or wealth distribution, while a high Gini coefficient indicates more unequal distribution. 0 corresponds to perfect equality

Rankings by Gini Coefficient

1) Namibia 70.7
2) Lesotho 63.2
3) Botswana 63.0
42) Pakistan 41.0
78) India 32.5

So India is far better placed then some countries with regard to income inequality.

Religion is basis of all identity of an individualm how can you even claim that people are not identified based on their religion when you have not had a single muslim Prime Minister and the percentage of muslims in armed forces is so low. how are people both identified based on region when most prime ministers are from north India.

I said identity is not the basis of identity in India. The reasons for the lack of Muslim participation in mainstream polity is because of their low social indicators. I do not see how this has anything to do with national identity.

RSS is the only policy maker in India, though they ( rather their political wing) ruled india just for one term and they might appear on paper to loose popularity, but still they are the policy makers of India since the time of Nehru (who else would choose a Brahmin as the first Prime Minister). Yes you might not have known that Nehru was a Brahmin because he portrayed to be an athiest, but that was just a mask. RSS is the real deal.

This is where your post starts moving to the realm of the absurd. What are you trying to say? Nehru was a RSS follower? Who cares if Nehru was a Brahmin? It is irrelevant.

The rest of your post makes no sense to me.
Hi, I saw your post and found it interesting, though a common ideology amongst the pro-pakistani Bangladeshis. It amazes me these days to see so many Bangladeshis are joining the Islami Chatro Porishod which can only lead to what we can see happening with our western neighbour. Interesting is the fact that the basic tenet of Bangladesh as an independent nation, which was Bengali Nationalism, today is being sacrificed at the altar of Islamist ideology, kind of what is prevailing in Pakistan, which does not have a view of the world without the word Islam being in between. Let us go point by point:

a) Sk Hasina is empowered - Can you please elaborate as to why this should happen in Bangladesh that too after so much Islamization of your country. I believe the last Dec elections were really a "few and far between" phenomenon in Bangladesh. But my question is if the avrage Bengali is happy and contended with the way things have been say in the last couple of decades, why was the requirement of a change like this and that too with such a stupendous majority which can put a behemoth like India to shame, which in the last decade or so never had a single largest party post polls?

b) The reason of itchiness among some quarters in Bangladesh is due to the fact that this lady is now trying to do something which has been under wraps for the last 4 decades, that is opening the War Crimes files. The descendants of the Al Shams and the Razakars would definitely feel uncomfortable even with a wild dream similar to this. It is of great importance to India and of course the Bengalis to follow the course of events unfolding in Dhaka for the next few months, in terms of how the present govt takes care of the promise it has made to its public who have shown faith in her party and style of governance.

c) Bangladesh as India's Buffer state - Would have loved to comment on that but the idea is not really clear? What actually is a buffer state? I do not understand the complications of the Govt of India, why it has not been able to make Bangladesh its buffer state in the long 38 years snce the fall of Dacca. Any logical answer to this would be really appreciated

d) The problem with democracies is that the powerful military voces arent heard and does not go down well with the public. After all if it becomes the prerogative of the army to run state rationing system, public works deptt, sports bodies and the like it wihout an iota of doubt soon forget combat tactics on which the Govt invests millions of rupees annually. Can you please quote the source where he has said this? The thing is the fact that the Army in India does not talk about ruling countries, imperialism or propagate expansionist ideas on its own. Yes the Indian military would certainly do so if the GoI wishes and empowers it to do so...

e) Assasination of Army Officers of the Bangladesh Army - Can you please quote a source where a POV has been metioned to that effect? Reorganising the BDR as Indian paramilitary forces? Source please - again ...

f) Military-to-Military contact - Is there a hullabaloo when a Bangadesh Army Officer goes to the Pakistan Military Academy for training? Or say for a state visit? Then what is the issue if the Air Chief pays a routine visit to India and meet Indian defence estabishment? And yes if you are talking of gifts from the Indian Army yes there are a few officers in B'desh Army who are pro-India and there are no qualms about that. What is the big issue if the Indian army presents the best thoroughbreds to Moinuddin Ahmed? Does that make him and Indian stooge? It is a rare military honor which is bestowed upon the fortunate few...

g) Have seen a few mention of the Indo-Israeli master plan? Any clarification would greatly enhance my capabilities to answer the queries. And how putting the Bangladeshi Political leadership in jail is going o further Indian interests?

h) Yes establishing a presence in the Chittagong hill tracts area is of prime importance to the Indians..so does that make Bangladesh an Indian colony/protectorate? And if you ask the reason for it, then I shall say that this is in return for intelligence which the Indians give to the leadership of your country to avoid getting killed and martyred

i) Freedom fighters - Well if you say that the Al-Shams and the Razakars were the freedom fighters, it says all about the intention of the persons claiming themselves to be so. So you think Gen Zia ur Rehman should take the place of Muji ur Rehman right? He is the one who freed Bangladesh from the clutches of the Pakistanis? Freedom for Bangladeshis was based on the strong idea of Bengali nationalism which unfortunately today is being displayed by the supporters of the Awami League only and no other political party (read BNP). And what is the idea of Islamic muslims and Non Islamic muslims? Do you mean the divide between the liberal and the mullahs? I think I am bang on target..We do not need to create hatered and divisions within the Bagladeshi Awam, it is omnipresent and faster you guys do away with that faster is the roads to development and success for you..

j) Sheikh Hasina was ready to accept the Indian invasion/ Indian foreign minister Pronob Mukherjee announced on air their preparation of invading Bangladesh

- References please..nothing works without them...Outrageous and comic to say the least ...though I shall wait for sources...

k) Pilkhana killings - Sources of Indian hand in that ..please please ...

l) Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report - Links please ? Source? Website? I ernestly hope it is not brasstacks.pk

Don't mean to offend you but a national identity based on religion has no place in the modern world. The minority population in Bangladesh is not Muslim, so how does your concept of Bangldeshi identity reconcile with theirs?

Define modern world and related theory with nation building.

Name of your country is Hindustan as Hindu, vande mataram are played in school and Muslim aren't allow to sacrifice cow during Eid because it happen to be worship by Hindus thus what Hindustan should be? Spare me from your secular India B.S.

Minority live in Bangladesh are Bangladeshi Hindu, Buddhist, Christan and so on than where is the problem? Majority rule and minority follow...................
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Hi, I saw your post and found it interesting, though a common ideology amongst the pro-pakistani Bangladeshis. It amazes me these days to see so many Bangladeshis are joining the Islami Chatro Porishod which can only lead to what we can see happening with our western neighbour.

Whom are you referring to sir? anyhow why do you suppose the new generation marching toward Islamic ideology? Is it because they are rejecting the brainwash by secular leftist media or they happen to find their identity as Muslim thus belong to Islamic Ummah? Pakistani is our brother so therefor it's natural for us to be similar minded.

A famous quote
"You can fool some people all the time, all the people some time but not all the people all the time"

Interesting is the fact that the basic tenet of Bangladesh as an independent nation, which was Bengali Nationalism, today is being sacrificed at the altar of Islamist ideology, kind of what is prevailing in Pakistan, which does not have a view of the world without the word Islam being in between.

No such thing as Bengali nationalism then or now. It was creation of Mujib government after the separation which has no base in Muslim Bengal. So called Bengali nationalism died with him 1975 which is point of no return. It could be view as a Mushriki concept as it influence to mix Hindu and Muslim as same element. It's our forefather that pioneer Pakistan project and they happen to be from Muslim Bengal i.e east Pakistan i.e Bangladesh thus it's in our blood.
Define modern world and related theory with nation building.

Name of your country is Hindustan as Hindu, vande mataram are played in school and Muslim aren't allow to sacrifice cow during Eid because it happen to be worship by Hindus thus what Hindustan should be? Spare me from your secular India B.S.

The name of my country is India. Of which Bharat and Hindustan are extentions. Vande Materam is not played in schools!! Where did you hear this? The only thing that is played in schools is the national anthem. By the way, do you know whose written the most famous variant of Vande Maateram in 90's India? AR Rahman.

Cow slaughter is only banned in certain states. Not all over India. I've had beef in the North East, Kolkatta.

Minority live in Bangladesh are Bangladeshi Hindu, Buddhist, Christan and so on than where is the problem? Majority rule and minority follow

So what you're saying is that minorities in Bangladesh follow the diktats of the majority populace? Does this include religion as well? Wouldn't that be construed as oppression of religious freedom? I'm not claiming all of this happens in Bangladesh, but this is what you suggested. Care to clarify?

And did you know, freedom fighters from Kashmir never left the boundary of the disputed terretory. They are very obedient and do all their struggle within Kashmir only. Also within Kashmir, all the civilian killings are done by IA / domestic elements. The freedom fighters only engage Army personals not even their families.
At first I thought you were serious. Reading the last para, I realised that its a poe.:agree:
Vande Materam is not played in schools!! Where did you hear this? The only thing that is played in schools is the national anthem. By the way, do you know whose written the most famous variant of Vande Maateram in 90's India? AR Rahman.

O.k I am sorry for wrong assumption. A musician wrote a song to make some money. No surprise their though I like his music.

Cow slaughter is only banned in certain states. Not all over India.

I am confused. Am I missing something? Aren't these states part of greater India and administrated by central government? if so than why should there be any banned any where in India when it's religious duties to sacrifice cow during Eid. Does this mean Muslims faith are given less importance in Hindu India? I drew my conclusion as India is a fascists Hindu state.

So what you're saying is that minorities in Bangladesh follow the diktats of the majority populace? Does this include religion as well? Wouldn't that be construed as oppression of religious freedom? I'm not claiming all of this happens in Bangladesh, but this is what you suggested. Care to clarify?

There are only 6 % Hindus living in Bangladesh yet we allow them to set up 30K Durga Puja stage in public place during holy month of Ramzan and protected by Muslim Solders thus we religious base state knows something about protecting minorities right. Its apparently so called biggest secular democracy doesn't know how to give religious freedom to it's 20% minority Muslim. So it's proven fact that India is biggest hypocrisy in the world. We like to see action and not interested in Bollywood script.
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I will not explain my stance as you already aware of my believes thus I find it enjoyable and taste of victory when indian disagree with my posts and label me as Islamist. I don't have any problem being called Islamist because I am a muslim and no compormise when comes to fundament believe of Islam.
A sucular Bangladesh isn't desire of majoriy of the Muslim in Bangladesh so thereby it doen't matter what awami or Indian desire. At the end it's us Islamist that will keep alive the Islamic idology and two nation theory in Bangladesh. A Bangaldesh without Islam is nothing but piece of land that dominate by Indian thus you ain't getting what you desire................:smokin:

Go ahead , sunshine !!
After the Dhaka mutiny, the Bangladeshi army are inching to finish off the rogue forces that threaten Bangladeshi unity and its nationhood.
Your pro taliban diatribe might work in this forum but try telling that to the Bangladeshi army who lost its finest officers. I dont there will be any amnesty, only vengenance and justice !

Go ahead , sunshine !!
After the Dhaka mutiny, the Bangladeshi army are inching to finish off the rogue forces that threaten Bangladeshi unity and its nationhood.
Your pro taliban diatribe might work in this forum but try telling that to the Bangladeshi army who lost its finest officers. I dont there will be any amnesty, only vengenance and justice !


Oh man I need that laugh. You are very funny comedian bro........
Oh man I need that laugh. You are very funny comedian bro........

And you will get bored by replying to the ranting of the Indians.... they are larger in number and they have already hijacked the forum.... gradually they will hijack your brain.... :cool:
I am confused. Am I missing something? Aren't these states part of greater India and administrated by central government? if so than why should there be any banned any where in India when it's religious duties to sacrifice cow during Eid. Does this mean Muslims faith are given less importance in Hindu India? I drew my conclusion as India is a fascists Hindu state.

India is a federal republic. States frame laws that are not under the purview of the centre. Cow slaughter is only banned in Gujarat and Rajasthan i believe, i may be mistaken. Why is this? Because the state government in power has framed laws banning the slaughter of animals. I believe Muslims in India slaughter goats during Eid. Banning cow slaughter in a few states does not make India a fascist state.

There are only 6 % Hindus living in Bangladesh yet we allow them to set up 30K Durga Puja stage in public place during holy month of Ramzan and protected by Muslim Solders thus we religious base state knows something about protecting minorities right. Its apparently so called biggest secular democracy doesn't know how to give religious freedom to it's 20% minority Muslim. So it's proven fact that India is biggest hypocrisy in the world. We like to see action and not interested in Bollywood script.

Whether they be six percent or 20 percent is irrelevant.

India has far more minority rights than any other country in South Asia. Have you ever read the Indian constitution? The proof of my assertion is in the constitution. We in India, bend backwards to allow religious freedom. There is a muslim personal law board in India that decides issues relating to divorce, property rights, etc. No one in India likes this law, neither educated Hindus or Muslims, yet we continue to have it, to appease our minority religious leaders. If India was a fascist state, would we allow such measures? I see no reason to even continue this discussion, we don't need to prove to you whether we are a fascist state or not.

Please look up the word fascism by the way.

Using Bollywood in your post does not quantify your point.

As far as Bangladeshis allowing durga puja, thats great. But you still haven't answered my question, is your national identity based on religion? Or is it based on cultural connotations? If it is based on religion, what happens to the 6% of Bangladeshis? They are Bangladeshis, right?
And you will get bored by replying to the ranting of the Indians.... they are larger in number and they have already hijacked the forum.... gradually they will hijack your brain.... :cool:

You are right my bro. Talk about illegal immigrant. I think I need smoke with some coffee and news paper.....:smokin: :coffee:
And you will get bored by replying to the ranting of the Indians.... they are larger in number and they have already hijacked the forum.... gradually they will hijack your brain.... :cool:

As i see it, its BD members backing off when asked to substantiate their theories.

Anyway, is there any meat to add to the subject here ... else close this.
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