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Çay Bahçesi

What's the problem. Speak English may be.

The forum organisation is :

  1. divided into main> sub sections by the subjects
  2. regulated by General rules
  3. communicated by English

However, None of those 3 article are totally valid for Çay Bahçesi due to Turkish free-thread.

The problem raises right here.

Since no restriction on the subjects as in the 1. article above; Members can, probably because the thread is a Turkish-free area, talk about anythings they want as long as the general rules are honoured. But if the mods starts to ignore the General rules and instead starts to enforce his own rules, then the chaos starts, just like now.

The chaos:

- The mod is deleting the comments , even they do not break any rules of the forum, but breaks his own rules and thoughts of a few members.

- The mod restricts/closes thread(s) not by the rules, but by thoughts of a few members and his own rules.

Will you please clarify the situation for everybody once and for all?

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The forum organisation is :

  1. divided into main> sub sections by the subjects
  2. regulated by General rules
  3. communicated by English

However, None of those 3 article are totally valid for Çay Bahçesi due to Turkish free-thread.

The problem raises right here.

Since no restriction on the subjects as in the 1. article above; Members can, probably because the thread is a Turkish-free area, talk about anythings they want as long as the general rules are honoured. But if the mods starts to ignore the General rules and instead starts to enforce his own rules, then the chaos starts, just like now.

The chaos:

- The mod is deleting the comments , even they do not break any rules of the forum, but breaks his own rules and thoughts of a few members.

- The mod restricts/closes thread(s) not by the rules, but by thoughts of a few members and his own rules.

Will you please clarify the situation for everybody once and for all?

And you should stop overthinking everything,if you cant even understand why what is done,then what good are all these ''expensive'' words?
Not everything is black and/or white,its called ''situation awareness''
You are intelligent enough to understand the situation,so do it.
And you should stop overthinking everything,if you cant even understand why what is done,then what good are all these ''expensive'' words?
Not everything is black and/or white,its called ''situation awareness''
You are intelligent enough to understand the situation,so do it.

I do not get the reason, reaction and point in your post above.

Will you please tell me what bothers you in my previous post to @WebMaster ?
I do not get the reason, reaction and point in your post above.

Will you please tell me what bothers you in my previous post to @WebMaster ?
The Chit Chat thread was created for Chit Chat only,''no politics allowed'' was the precondition,what is there not to understand?
Bringing up forum rules wont change that,if you dont like it,take it up to @WebMaster .
. .
adamin karisini oruspu yaptin
Bir daha oku bakalım, adamın karısana veya şahsına bir şey söylemiş miyim? Adam kendi ülkesinden bir haber senin ülkene kaynaksız bir haber üzerinden (hem de PKK mayın ssaldırısını İran forum'un da paylaşan HAIDER isimli omurgasızın açtığı konuda ki adamın amacı belli) Borat imasında bulunsun sen de bunu alkışla, yerden yere vur ülkeni(?) gerçi bulunduğun yer Hollanda.

Turkish woman ordered to pay for abusive husband's swollen hand

Bir daha oku bakalım.

Senin anana bacina biri oyle bisey soylese sen ne yaparsin?
Anasına, bacısına söversem, sorduğun sorunun yanıtını alırsın. Hafızan zayıf olmalı. Aslında tam tersi, karaktersiz iyi bak adam bana ne yazmış:

"Yes,Borat was filmed in a Romanian gypsie village ,where all your family lives,you just exposed yourself as a gypsie yesterday.So,even if you moved in a caravan in the Balkans to sell your tears gypsie,pls don't confuse all the women with your mother and sister,selling their goods for kiwis and bananas."

vay efendim romanyali kadinlar oruspuluk yapiyormus,ayip degilmi oyle sozler?
Sen hiç Romanya'da bulundun mu? Yalan değil.

Senin gibi dengesizler yuzunden yabancilarla kavga ediyoruz,saygi diye bisey yok sizlerde,sizin yuzunuzden mecbur kaliyoruz adamlarla tartismaya cunki adamlar ''bizim'' millete saldiriyor,halbuki suc bizim salaklarda.
Başka bildiğiniz yok, hep hakaret, oku bakalım ne yanıt vermişim troll'e:

You are the one who mostly trolls in Turkish related threads, you simply got what you deserved for your trolling behavior. Otherwise I neither hate Romania nor Romanian people and their religious, cultural background, the same goes for Roma people and everybody but you seem you do have some unknown b*tthurt about us, the Turks.

People get what they deserve, nothing less nothing more.
When you defend trolling what has nothing to do with this thread, you are no different.
Since I became a member here I indeed treat people with respect, try not to break their heart and stay away from senseless debates, especially political ones but this is trolling, is something else.
Bu ise sana verdiğim yanıt, iki üç keredir AK Parti'ye oy veriyorum diye bana tahamül edimiyorsan ve burnunu her tartışmama sokuyorsan bu benim sorunum değil. Sana üstüne basarak belirtmişim taa ne zaman politika, şu, bu hakkında ne düşündüğümü.

Senin sinsiligin yuzunden gitti,senden yuz senede gecse adam olmaz.
Ne sinsiliği ulan, sağım solum oynamıyor benim. Senin savunduğum adam 15 Temmuz gecesi milletin seçtiği hükümet görevlilerinin öldürülmesi için bağırıyordu. Sonra ilginç bir U dönüşü yaptı. Sonra tekrar yaptı ve bir daha yaptı ve tekrar yaptı. Kafa dengin işte o gün savunurken 15 Temmuz'u, başarız olunca sen de Amerika, Gülen gibi hükümet kendisi yaptı demeye başladın. Hatta çok ilginç ki 15 Temmuz'dan kısa bir süre önce darbe imalı bir paylaşımın var diyor ki "bundan sonra darbe olmayacak gibi bıraksak mı artık?" diye.
Vatana millete bir faydaniz olsa
Ne biliyorsun?

Bidaha diyorum sana ve senin gibilere: Dont qoute me.
Seni sadece alıntıladığıma şükret, sevin ki bu gerçek bir ortam değil. Merak etme bir daha yapmayacağım. Zaten midemi bulandırıyorsun. Yanıt vermemin tek sebebi hakkımda söylediğin yalanlar.
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Şimdi bu yeni khk ile yasaklı sitelere girmek tehlikeli mi oldu?
. . . . . . . .

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