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yeni bir ortama girdiğinde herkes stresli olur,zaten profesör değilsin öyle bişey beklemiyolar senden
hemen hiçbir firma en iyi elemanı aramaz,ekiplerini en iyi tamamlayacak elemanı arar
alt kademe bir eleman olarak bu işe ilgili olduğu hissettirmen yeterli,biraz da sektörü takip ettiğini göster yeter
korkma bişey olmaz,senle görüşücek adamla meslektaşsınız sonuçta,
Git yat uyu o zaman,sıkıntı yapma :D
Adama ihtiyaçları var onların da,böyle düşün
yeni bir ortama girdiğinde herkes stresli olur,zaten profesör değilsin öyle bişey beklemiyolar senden
hemen hiçbir firma en iyi elemanı aramaz,ekiplerini en iyi tamamlayacak elemanı arar
alt kademe bir eleman olarak bu işe ilgili olduğu hissettirmen yeterli,biraz da sektörü takip ettiğini göster yeter
korkma bişey olmaz,senle görüşücek adamla meslektaşsınız sonuçta,
:-) Eyvallah. Tavsiyelerini dinleyip uyuyacam teşekkürler. İyi Geceler :-)
. .
Turkun Turkten baska dostu yok sozunun en iyi yasandigi gunlerdeyiz! Allah ulkemizin birlik ve beraberligini bozmasin..bayramimiz kutlu olsun!..
@[TR]AHMET I guess your post in that thread got removed. Lets keep it from here then!

We have to focus on political system not on the political parties, A party go then B party come but system allways must be support country interests like being at USA.
Exactly. There being 2 political parties only guarantees this necessity's satisfaction. Then no matter how fucked up the political situation may get among the population, no matter how traumatized our people may get over some incident, we can always keep political stability and would have the capability to put policies that are politically as unpopular as it can get, even things like acknowledging the armenian gen*cide, abolishing the pension system (lets face it, it is bound to doom eventually), maybe some reforms in regards to kurds etc, things like which normally would mean political suicide under concurrent political design.

Firstly We need fast and reliable law system so that our country be more speedy and advanced, also need very heavy laws about guilties and traitors so that nobody dare to do bad things again.

Yup, I even started to support torture and death penalty for traitors and terrorists! I was deathly against it a while ago, but then.. Why US and similar countries have them? Because they must work.

This system also should make equal the Turkish people and it shouldn't let making groups In the state institutions so that any groups become stronge and pressure others. Any government, parties or groups coundt will be support its supporters in any state jobs thus everytype of People could enter state jobs and will be equal. This system will be prevent enemy backed groups like FETO and alltype groups. Then even farmer boy could be a army chief in the future by working and deserves...

Totally agree.
"Fighting the Turks

Our Lord Himself overthrew the tables of the money-changers. And the moral basis of His resistance to evil here is equally clear if you tolerate evils committed against others: (1) your own morale and courage is lowered: it is shirking; (2) the wronger is merely encouraged."

Ne iğrenç, katli vacip yaratıklar bunlar ya... Hay sizin babanızı, oğlunuzu, kutsal ruhunuzu!
Takma kardesim kafaya. En iyi cevabi vermek daha cok calismak, daha cok uretmek ve ordumuzu daha cok gelistirmek. Bosuna dua okumuyor pezevenkler
@[TR]AHMET I guess your post in that thread got removed. Lets keep it from here then!

Yes i see but you was save my message by quote :)

Our system preventing work properly of our justice system, because our constitution is quite old and not suitable for Turkey, also many of lawyer and other state employees belong some groups and they get decides according to their mentality and targets so this is not fair, if every people works it can may prevent unjustice.... i focus on this, if current politic parties can ensure this, they will be do best things for Turkey.

without re election and referandum it is hard to be happen to my mind, also it looks its impossible in close time we have to wait about 1 year and keep country in State of Emergency until make new constitution then judge all traitors... What do you think ?
without re election and referandum it is hard to be happen to my mind, also it looks its impossible in close time we have to wait about 1 year and keep country in State of Emergency until make new constitution then judge all traitors... What do you think ?

What kind of a constitution can pass under the concurrent political conditions? I don't think much is possible to be honest, with CHP and HDP especially.

And they were talking about +60 points they apparently had agreed on as constitutional changes.. Do you have any knowledge on them?
Was researching on the internet if the armenian issue is in battlefield 1 and came accros this gem.
People claiming that Atatürk told the turkish people to recognize it and hoping that CHPwill recognize it too.
One person claiming that HDP thwarted Erdogan his plans in first half of 2015. I don't know what these people are smoking.
Was researching on the internet if the armenian issue is in battlefield 1 and came accros this gem.
People claiming that Atatürk told the turkish people to recognize it and hoping that CHPwill recognize it too.
One person claiming that HDP thwarted Erdogan his plans in first half of 2015. I don't know what these people are smoking.
View attachment 330204
Ataturk would have these scum hanged by dawn
. . . .
What kind of a constitution can pass under the concurrent political conditions? I don't think much is possible to be honest, with CHP and HDP especially.

And they were talking about +60 points they apparently had agreed on as constitutional changes.. Do you have any knowledge on them?

yeah thats true we need 60 more votes for agreed, CHP dont have any idea about new constitution they already fine with current system, this is make trouble on compromises between parties.

But after military coup everything changed in Turkey, people expect more from politicial parties for make Turkey more reliable and strong, so if CHP will not improve itself many CHP voters can support AKP for next election, so CHP has no way to block new constitution anymore, they will do colabration or they will be down i think.
"This intervention is our last chance

Turkey is at the last bend. If we cannot turn this bend and fall for the old diplomatic patterns and ally relationships, we may never again find the chance to save this country.

We should leave aside the hundreds and thousands of calculations and never allow the Euphrates Shield operation to be weakened." İbrahim Karagül

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