Atatürk'ün bir sözüne denk geldim.
"Today the Soviet Union is a friend and an ally. We need this friendship. However, no one can know what will happen tomorrow. Just like the Ottoman and Austro-Hungrian Empires it may tear itself apart or shrink in size. Those peoples that it holds so tightly in its grip may one day slip away. The world may see a new balance of power. It is then that Turkey must know what to do. Ally Soviets have under their control our brothers with whom we share language, beliefs and roots. We must be prepared to embrace them. Being ready does not mean that we will sit quietly and wait. We must get ready. How does a people get prepared for such an endeavour? By strengthening the natural bridges that exist between us. Language is a bridge... Religon is a bridge... History is a bridge... We must delve into our roots and reconstruct what history has divided.
We can't wait for them to approach us. We must reach out to them."
1933'te söylemiş.......adam 50 sene sonrasını görmüş, ve bize yol göstermiş, nasıl hazırlanmamız gerektiğini anlatmış.....bizde becerememişiz.....