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Çay Bahçesi

You can say that "your Democratically Elected President is stupid and your country deserves better."

Hey, i say exactly same thing :)

But if you say "he is a dictator", or "your president must go or else..", or "Turkish police/army is so harm on Terrorists", or "you should stop fighting terrorists and start talking with terrorists", it makes you an Enemy, not an ally :P

Sorry but that is what EU parliement reports say, those reports have even Racist and religious discrimination parts against the Turks and the Muslims.

I am not pro-muslim myself and cant define myself so religious, but i will defend muslims' rights, so i must say that EU's today's policy is Fascist Dictatorship against the Turks, the Muslims and elected president of Turkey.

I dislike Erdoğan, but i dont have right to insult on Turks/Muslims/Democratic Result/institutions such as Police or Turkish Army.
You will, whether you accept it or not, be proven wrong by history. It's a fact in the making

There is nothing wrong in making mistakes. We are human beings. But i deeply believe that we are right regarding this.

Erdogan acts more and more crazy and erratic.

The mass deportations of military leadership, judges, police, teachers and even journalists reaches levels unimaginable. Torture is reported as well. Renomated Journalists arrested for nothing. No freedom of speech, media ect.

I see this extremly critical.
Ülkedeki son gelişmeleri projelerimden ötürü pek takip edemedim, kısa bir analiz yapmak gerekirse, ABD ve nato ekseninden uzaklaşmakssak işimiz bitecek. Artık devlet ne kendini ne de halkı kandırsın.. Müttefik dediklerimiz en büyük düşmanlarımız..

, açık açık söyleyin..
Ülkedeki son gelişmeleri projelerimden ötürü pek takip edemedim, kısa bir analiz yapmak gerekirse, ABD ve nato ekseninden uzaklaşmakssak işimiz bitecek. Artık devlet ne kendini ne de halkı kandırsın.. Müttefik dediklerimiz en büyük düşmanlarımız..

, açık açık söyleyin..

Peki nereye gidiceksin? Rusya'ya mı? Şangay beşlisine mi?

Bu politika ile onlarda da aynısı olur merak etme.
Peki nereye gidiceksin? Rusya'ya mı? Şangay beşlisine mi?

Bu politika ile onlarda da aynısı olur merak etme.

Hic bir yere gitmeyeceksin ama (eski) Fransiz modelini bize cok uygun buluyorum:

In 1966, all French armed forces were removed from NATO's integrated military command, and all non-French NATO troops were asked to leave France. US Secretary of State Dean Rusk was later quoted as asking de Gaulle whether his order included "the bodies of American soldiers in France's cemeteries?"[35] This withdrawal forced the relocation of SHAPE from Rocquencourt, near Paris, to Casteau, north of Mons, Belgium, by 16 October 1967.[36] France remained a member of the alliance, and committed to the defence of Europe from possible Warsaw Pact attack with its own forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany throughout the Cold War. A series of secret accords between US and French officials, the Lemnitzer–Ailleret Agreements, detailed how French forces would dovetail back into NATO's command structure should East-West hostilities break out.[37]

@Sinan @xenon54 @CrimsonFury

Begeniyorum cünkü Bati'ya "sizi düsmanlariniza satmiyorum fakat benden uzak durun" mesajini veriyor.
NATO'dan çıkmak demek, başımızı giyotine koymak demektir. Duygusal davranılmaz bu işlerde, pragmatik olunur. Türkiye, Rus-İran-Hizbullah bloğu parçalanıp haritadan silinmedikçe NATO'da kalmak zorundadır. NATO, Türkiye'nin hak ettiği bir birlik değil, dürüst ve şerefli üyelere hiç mi hiç sahip değil, ama biz zaten iyi güzel şerefli üyeleri var diye bu birlikte değiliz. NATO şuanki jeopolitik durumda bizim için can simitidir. O can simidinin iç kısmında keskin hatlar olabilir, derimiz bazı yerlerde çizilip kanayabilir. Can simidi pis olabilir, belki grip kapabiliriz bu simitten. Boğulmaktan evladır
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan dün bir konuşmasında af dilemiş. Aşağıda sözlerin tamamı var.

Şayet 17-25 Aralık sonrası aldığımız önlemler olmasaydı, özellikle yargıdaki önlemlerimiz olmasaydı, bu darbe girişimi TSK içindeki bir grup silahlı teröristin değil, polisin, yargının katılımıyla çok daha büyük bir tehdit olarak karşımıza çıkacaktı. Bu hain örgütün yüzünü ortaya dökememenin üzüntüsü içindeyim. Hem Rabbime, hem milletimize verecek hesabımız olduğunu biliyorum. Rabbim de, milletim de bizi affetsin.

Türk vatandaşı olarak kendisini affetmiyorum. Hem kendisini hemde bu siyaset(!) denen kokuşmuşluğa desdek veren hiç kimseyi afetmiyorum.

Yıllarca ben ve benim gibi insanlara olmadık hakaretleri edenler, bizleri kafirlik ile itham edenler sizleri hiç ama hiç affetmeyeceğim.

Bir düşünün sizin yıllarca güvenip desdek olduğunuz liderin 14 yıl boyunca yaptığı her siyasetin sonucu bu millet ve bu halk çekiyor. Ciddi ciddi yaptuğı, güttüğü her siyaset açılım, fetö, suriye, balyoz, ergenekon, ab, rusya vs.

Bu nasıl bir zeka örneğidir ki yaptığı herşeyin sonunda benim halkım, ülkem zarar görecek ondan sonra affedin ile kurtulacak. Yok öyle bir dünya.

Sorun şu ki bundan sonra Erdoğanın yapacağı hangi siyasete itibar edilir? Erdoğan ne kadar güvenilir bir lider?

14 yıl boyunca güttüğü her siyasette kandırılan birine bu ülke nasıl cesaret ederde yönetme yetkisi verir?

Son söz olarak dün ve bugün bile bana hakaret edenler ve özellikle kafirlik ile itham edenler evet burada da onlardan var ve kendilerini çok iyi biliyorlar, sizleri asla affetmiyorum. Elbet birgün Allah c.c huzurunda karşılaşacağız. O gün için şimdiden hazırlanmanızı tavsiye ediyorum.

Ya siz bugün af dileyen Erdoğan affedermisiniz?
Hic bir yere gitmeyeceksin ama (eski) Fransiz modelini bize cok uygun buluyorum:

In 1966, all French armed forces were removed from NATO's integrated military command, and all non-French NATO troops were asked to leave France. US Secretary of State Dean Rusk was later quoted as asking de Gaulle whether his order included "the bodies of American soldiers in France's cemeteries?"[35] This withdrawal forced the relocation of SHAPE from Rocquencourt, near Paris, to Casteau, north of Mons, Belgium, by 16 October 1967.[36] France remained a member of the alliance, and committed to the defence of Europe from possible Warsaw Pact attack with its own forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany throughout the Cold War. A series of secret accords between US and French officials, the Lemnitzer–Ailleret Agreements, detailed how French forces would dovetail back into NATO's command structure should East-West hostilities break out.[37]

@Sinan @xenon54 @CrimsonFury

Begeniyorum cünkü Bati'ya "sizi düsmanlariniza satmiyorum fakat benden uzak durun" mesajini veriyor.
Fransa her silah sistemlerini,Jetlerini,motorlarini,radarlari,denizaltilari ve sayri kendi yapiyor,sen ne yapabiliyorsunda begeniyorsun?
Orasini dusunmek agir gelir,anlamak lazim.
Fransa her silah sistemlerini,Jetlerini,motorlarini,radarlari,denizaltilari ve sayri kendi yapiyor,sen ne yapabiliyorsunda begeniyorsun?
Orasini dusunmek agir gelir,anlamak lazim.

Izlanda duymasin, bozulur bak.

Güclü savunma sanayisine sahip olmak bir basaridir elbette fakat bir ülkenin stratejik önemini olusturan faktör sadece silah üretmekten ibaret degildir.

Savasta eksik olmayan iki sey vardir: 1. yalan ve 2. silah. Etkisi altinda kaldigimiz Suriye savasi bu gercegin diger bir ispatidir. Bunu böyle bil.

Senin envanterinde nükler silah olmayabilir ama jeopolitik ve jeostratejik konumun en az bu silahlar kadar degerli ve önemlidir.

Ben Bati'ya siktir cekelim demiyorum fakat hattinden fazla yakiniz, zarara ugruyoruz.
The mass deportations of military leadership, judges, police, teachers and even journalists reaches levels unimaginable. Torture is reported as well. Renomated Journalists arrested for nothing. No freedom of speech, media ect.

When you write down these stuff, it doesn't surprise me anymore.

Just a few days ago, main opposition leader said to prime minister "Anti-Erdogan sentiments in the Europe reached extreme levels, they are not able to see the incidents clearly and have a biased approach. Erdogan should hold himself back, you and me should explain the situation to EU and US."

I will give you an example; Akıncı Military base was the headquarters of the coup-plotters. In the military base a civilian found along with soldiers, he was an academics from an university. He got arrested, hours later a judge let him go. Judge and him vanished.

Your media says, "The mass deportations of military leadership, judges, police, teachers and even journalists reaches levels unimaginable." But at the same time, they give no back-ground.....did you ever wondered why Turkish government is deporting these people, who are these deported people ?
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@Sinan medias around Europe don't really tell any detailed information about what exactly is happening in Turkey. In every TV there talking about politics you will never see a Turk being a guest, or a person with an opinion different that what is supposed to be said.

They only tell: "hundreds of medias are being closed", "thousands of army members, journalists, teachers, judges are being arrested" and at the end they add something like: "the organization of _insert country_ journalists is worried about the freedom of speech in Turkey", "the government of _insert country_ is worried about the democracy and freedoms in Turkey." and etc.

And the majority of people who are negative towards Turkey or doesn't have an opinion about it don't even try to ask questions, to look about some detailed information from sources other that their mass medias and just believe that Turkey is turning into another Iran/ ISIS. :D
When you write down these stuff, it doesn't surprise me anymore.

Just a few days ago, main opposition leader said to prime minister "Anti-Erdogan sentiments in the Europe reached extreme levels, they are not able to see the incidents clearly and have a biased approach. Erdogan should hold himself back, you and me should explain the situation to EU and US."

I will give you an example; Akıncı Military base was the headquarters of the coup-plotters. In the military base a civilian found along with soldiers, he was an academics from an university. He got arrested, hours later a judge let him go. Judge and him vanished.

Your media says, "The mass deportations of military leadership, judges, police, teachers and even journalists reaches levels unimaginable." But at the same time, they give no back-ground.....did you ever wondered why Turkish government is deporting these people, who are these deported people ?

Is this different in turkey?

Erdogan has become a "persona non grata" in europe. You know it. I know it. We passed the point of no return weeks ago. And from your post it looks like your diplomats know that as well.

He behaved like an idiot prior to the coup. Insulted evryone on a constant level. The way he tried to belittle Merkel for example went not unnoticed in germany, that there was no german flag present as it is usual in state visits.

Erdogan is a very small person. And he cant deal with Power.

When the coup happened he got zero support from the EU for exactly that reason, now not one visit.

Thats not against your country but this specific person. What can our PM for example talk with Erdogan? After Erdogan insulted italy, europe and his own son is escaping italy after fraud investigations?

Its sad that one incompetent person takes his entire nation hostage.
New Turkish Series upcoming apparently! Looks cool! :-):yahoo:
Is this different in turkey?

Erdogan has become a "persona non grata" in europe. You know it. I know it. We passed the point of no return weeks ago. And from your post it looks like your diplomats know that as well.

He behaved like an idiot prior to the coup. Insulted evryone on a constant level. The way he tried to belittle Merkel for example went not unnoticed in germany, that there was no german flag present as it is usual in state visits.

Erdogan is a very small person. And he cant deal with Power.

When the coup happened he got zero support from the EU for exactly that reason, now not one visit.

Thats not against your country but this specific person. What can our PM for example talk with Erdogan? After Erdogan insulted italy, europe and his own son is escaping italy after fraud investigations?

Its sad that one incompetent person takes his entire nation hostage.

So, you are taking any news in your media as granted because your hatred for Erdogan ?

Your media says, "The mass deportations of military leadership, judges, police, teachers and even journalists reaches levels unimaginable." But at the same time, they give no back-ground.....did you ever wondered why Turkish government is deporting these people, who are these deported people ?

I'm saying your hatred for Erdogan interferes with your rational thinking and the way you see things.

The way he tried to belittle Merkel for example went not unnoticed in germany, that there was no german flag present as it is usual in state visits.
Not true, look there is one on the table.


Erdoğan is a President, Merkel's rank is equal to Prime Minister. They of course will not have big flag next to wall in meetings. It is diplomatic culture. It happens all the time around the world. If German President visit Turkey, there will be a big German flag next to wall.

or; if Merkel would be Turkish Prime Minister's guest, there will be big German Flag next to wall as well.
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