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Can Vietnam resist China?

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but they are growing strong ..i think in next few years they will become super power to compete russia and usa
China is already a super power, but every thing has his own limit not forever, chine can make troubles again Russia and USA but not going to war, miscalculation should be a subside adventure. That why USA change his policy to asia.
At the moment, Vietnamese air defence's assets include 39 Flankers, 2 systems of S-300 with about 100 rounds, and another 1000 rounds of the Pechora 2TM (modernized version of the SA-3). I'm more than confident that we can shoot down at least 200 Chinese fighters with these assets
At the moment, Chinese air defense assets include HQ-9, S-300, HQ-16, HQ-7, 76 Su-27, 140 J-11B, 73 Su-30MKK, 200 J-7 and 3 Type 052C air defense destroyer. I am confident that China could wipe out the Vietnam Air Force.
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LOL. I though it was already being established that there's no way in hell that Vietnam can win nor "resist" against current China whether its Militarily, Economically or Politically.
Once in a while I hear the Chinese talking about annexing Viet Nam; this kind of statement is quite perplexing to me because as a Vietnamese, I do not even think Viet Nam is situated in any strategic location whatsoever:).

Myanmar on the other hand, is situated in a strategic location because the Chinese can bypass the South China Sea, the Straight of Malacca all together via inland route of Myanmar. If Myanmar is a province of China, the Chinese won't ever have to be concerned about getting out of the SCS pond, muscle their way pass the choke point of the Straight of Malacca etc.
Once in a while I hear the Chinese talking about annexing Viet Nam; this kind of statement is quite perplexing to me because as a Vietnamese, I do not even think Viet Nam is situated in any strategic location whatsoever:).

Myanmar on the other hand, is situated in a strategic location because the Chinese can bypass the South China Sea, the Straight of Malacca all together via inland route of Myanmar. If Myanmar is a province of China, the Chinese won't ever have to be concerned about getting out of the SCS pond, muscle their way pass the choke point of the Straight of Malacca etc.

I don't think China ever wants to annex Vietnam in the modern era, Martin has his opinion about China's strategic pivot.

But i don't think China ever interested on Vietnam's soil.
I wonder the huge number of clowns who run around here. Vietnam has been independent since 1,000 years! Wake up!

China's 2.3 million-man PLA Army with the most modern weaponry and air superiority as you say, but you still need nukes? Seems as if you don´t trust the PLA to win against VN conventionally.

Maybe Vietnam should follow N. Korea and develop some funny missiles with nukes.

first viets dont have the gutts to develop nukes``coz their new master U.S and former masters China and France wont allow ungrateful people to possess mass destruction weapons``

secondly vietcongs are even more backwards technologically than N.Kreans, so developing nukes without foreign direct assists are distant dreams``and viets like to dream high
Do it, no talk meaningless things, don't forget that US army and PLA went home recently.
Now, US can let us to use their technology to enrich Uranium in Vietnam.

it will probably take 50 years for backward vietcongs to figure out that to enrich Uranium is quite different from making A bomb``well viets are brainwahsed simpletons what do we expect?

Any Couple of Nuclea and bring down China, Shanghai,Capital and HK nuked will bring china itself.

In Chian people are controlled by Force with force gone people will break free.

correct! in China, Chinese people are controlled by endless 'forces' of money, job opportunities and ever expending material lifes```but whats more important is we need to 'help' indians to be freed from their family names, so at least all indians can be treated as equal human beings and women can be freed from male 'group activities'
At the moment, Vietnamese air defence's assets include 39 Flankers, 2 systems of S-300 with about 100 rounds, and another 1000 rounds of the Pechora 2TM (modernized version of the SA-3). I'm more than confident that we can shoot down at least 200 Chinese fighters with these assets

and american SM and Patriot Surface-to-air missile cannt achieve that kill ratio in Iraq``

well, bother me, vietcong propaganda told you simpletons that can```:D
it will probably take 50 years for backward vietcongs to figure out that to enrich Uranium is quite different from making A bomb``well viets are brainwahsed simpletons what do we expect?
If that is the case then why is that the butt hurt chinamen jump up and down when they hear about the U.S and Viet Nam are under negotiation of potential uranium enrichment technology transfer? :omghaha:

You chinamen can get butt hurt all your want. Our nuclear research reactor has been running for 50+ years now and we will build our first nuke plant in 2014. What cha gonna do about it? Supa dupah bowah key board raping?
If that is the case then why is that the butt hurt chinamen jump up and down when they hear about the U.S and Viet Nam are under negotiation of potential uranium enrichment technology transfer? :omghaha:

You chinamen can get butt hurt all your want. Our nuclear research reactor has been running for 50+ years now and we will build our first nuke plant in 2014. What cha gonna do about it? Supa dupah bowah key board raping?

To build a nuclear plant is not equivalent to build the nuclear weapons.
and american SM and Patriot Surface-to-air missile cannt achieve that kill ratio in Iraq``

well, bother me, vietcong propaganda told you simpletons that can```:D
You can always try us like the U.S once tried. We fired 5885 missles to down over 3000 fixed wings fighters; not to mention our pilots have 16 aces. The only different is that the U.S is a first-rated airforce while chinamen's airforce is a third-world average Joe to garbage at best. ...

Supa dubah bowah my :bunny:
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