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Can Vietnam resist China?

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are this is just another junks thread, where u can doing such a troll thing without any consent:cheesy::omghaha:
Any Couple of Nuclea and bring down China, Shanghai,Capital and HK nuked will bring china itself.

In Chian people are controlled by Force with force gone people will break free.

>> implying China has no Nuclear missile defence
>> implying Vietnam has long range Nuclear missiles
>> implying China is North Korea.

Yea nah, you're post is irrelevant mate, this thread is about Vietnam being able to resist China and what I said was obviously an hypothetical one vs one scenario.
May I ask why China would ever need Vietnam? I have no doubt China can easily take over Vietnam with a downpour of long range missiles, wiping out all the major military posts without sending a single soldier, but whats the point? China would need to waste tens of billion on rebuilding Vietnam and not to mention China would look funny on the world map with a long ugly line sticking out of the bottom.

Texas is a large beautiful land with oil that greatly benefited the United States not to mention it looked nice on the world map when the USA swallowed it, while Vietnam on the other hand is a small skinny nation with nothing of value to the Chinese.

In my opinion, China shouldn't be looking south but rather to the North. China annexing Mongolia is far more plausible then Vietnam because Mongolia basically relies on China economically; Mongolia's Economy is basically Chinese run, Mongolia Can't survive without China's investments while Vietnam can for the most part.

China can Cut off electricity sales and north Vietnam will have blackouts every day... Vietnam isn't any stronger than Iraq, given how modern warfare has shifted since the gulf war Vietnam has no chance given their resources and hardware. In case they haven't noticed, no one blindly send infantry and carpet bombers anymore. This is the information age, there are missile that be guided up one's rear end from thousands of kms away

Descendants of Mr. Ah Q are still practice masturbation themselves, when Uncle Sam control Taiwan. :omghaha:
In reality, if it's a TOTAL war to the death then China would win. China outnumbers Vietnam 14-1 and with huge population comes huge manufacturing ability and economy. However China is not stupid enough to attack Vietnam, Vietnam may be small but we can put up a hell of a fight and China will waste alot of time and money before that annex can actually pay off. And IF China attacks, other countries can take advantage of that moment.
In my opinion, China shouldn't be looking south but rather to the North. China annexing Mongolia is far more plausible then Vietnam because Mongolia basically relies on China economically; Mongolia's Economy is basically Chinese run, Mongolia Can't survive without China's investments while Vietnam can for the most part.
Oh PLEASE start a war and invade Mongolia.
Anyone can fight if they have the will. Economic and military muscle is very important, but the will is what binds them together.
China doesn't need to use nuke against VN, our nukes are fit in our ICBMs, does China need to hit Vietnam with an ICBM?
Wake up, a tiny developing country cannot afford to play with nuke.
Why not, Russia can offer off-the-shelf some cheap poor nukes for a poor nation like Vietnam.
Anyone who had seen warfare KNOWS how hard it is to invade a country, let alone occupation.

Yes, if you have unsurmountable resource and undepleted manpower, you can invade anywhere you want, however, an invasion does not mean you can occupy any country your choice, no matter how big your country are.

Of course, you can go to war with anyone you want. But occupation need more than just tanks, guns and airpower. You are talking about a total occupation with regard of all citizens and no resistence. This is literally IMPOSSIBLE in the modern world. You either need a glassroot co-operation from every level of the government or you just round up all vietnamese and shot them regardless of resistence. Hilter tried it, they tried to smash their whole German army replacing the whole polish regiment. It failed.

You cannot force your believe on anyone that does not believe you in the first place. You can invade vietnam 10 time over with all the Chinese tanks, guns, ships, aircrafts, missile, or even nuke. but as long as there are 1 group or 1 people that believe in ressistence. China can never occupy Vietnam. Those will simply fight thru the end, and if they died, their sons and daughter will just take over. If they died, their brother and sister and their children will take over and so on and so forth.

To answer your question.

Can vietnam resist China? Unless Chinese want their sons, grand sons and great grand son to eat Pho with the vietnamese. THe answer is NO. Not even if you have 13 billion people. If there are even 10 vietnamese continue fighting, the fight will go on. It's simple as that
:rofl: @ OP

OP should concentrate on Annexing Russia....It might help china economically :lol:

Another Phail thread but hilarious.
well i guess the citizen of the mighty USA have Forgotten the Battle of Vietnam especially the Battle of Ong Thanh 1967 ...... If its can happens with USA (the defeat) then it can happen with PLA even .... IF PLA is stupid enough like USA to enter the Vietnam territory then they can give a try ....... :china:
Yeah...the sad Chinese feel pain everyday when they wake up and see Vietnam is still independent. I can understand their frustration.

Yea, you know what China needs 100 million more poor can't feed themselves people. China needs to pull the rest of it's population out of poverty and to do that adding more to the problem is not a solution.
Yea, well Russia is not good enough. Maybe when Russia starts an economy based on manufacturing and technology and not natural resources.
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what typ of comparison is this i think we have to compare china with usa because chinese are building their economy very fast and have a great army and defence system
In reality, if it's a TOTAL war to the death then China would win. China outnumbers Vietnam 14-1 and with huge population comes huge manufacturing ability and economy. However China is not stupid enough to attack Vietnam, Vietnam may be small but we can put up a hell of a fight and China will waste alot of time and money before that annex can actually pay off. And IF China attacks, other countries can take advantage of that moment.

Yea, the age of annexing other nations is over. Nowadays we can just buy what we need.
martian, these threads you make are terrible...:disagree:
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