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Camron's ancestors commited mass atrocities in India.


May 3, 2009
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Cameron's ancestor slew Indian Mutiny rebels with sabre, participated in mass civilian hangings
2010-08-02 12:00:00


Believe it or not, British Prime Minister David Cameron's great-great-grandfather, a British cavalryman, helped to suppress the Indian Mutiny of 1857.

William Low is said to have left behind graphic accounts of how he slew rebels with his sabre and participated in a mass hanging of civilians during the two-year mutiny against British rule more than 150 years ago, the Telegraph reports.

Low also reveals how he came close to losing a hand, cut to the bone and an ear being sliced open in combat during the uprising.

Cameron is on record as saying that his ancestors were involved in "empire building" in India.

Had the full story of his great-great-grandfather's involvement in suppressing the mutiny become public before his recent trip to India, it could have caused diplomatic embarrassment.

Genealogist Nick Barratt, who worked on the BBC programme Who Do You Think You Are, traced the Prime Minister's family tree.

William Low was the grandfather of Sir William Mount, who married Elizabeth Llewellyn in 1929. The couple became Cameron's maternal grandparents.

Low is said to have informed his father, General Sir John Low, that the rebel infantry was thoroughly beaten and dispersed, and added that upwards of 100 dead bodies were left on the field. He said the British casualties were nine killed and wounded, two horses killed and seven wounded.

He said the rebels were left completely dispirited.fficials at 10, Downing Street declined to comment on Cameron's ancestry. (ANI)

Cameron's ancestor slew Indian Mutiny rebels with sabre, participated in mass civilian hangings
Someone has said:

" Baaaap pe Beta nasal pe Ghodra - bohot nhi to thora thora"
I really do think its time for us to let the past die and look towards the future.

If you think about it, had India colonized UK, similar atrocities would have been committed by the Indians.
attrocities weren't only committed between nations / empires but frequently by leaders on their own subjects.

political freedom for the individual and respect for human rights is a rather recent phenomenon.
Pakistan should ask Britian to return all of the treasures stolen from Lahore, Peshawar, Attock, Jehlum and other forts. What a joke a person with a past of attrocities is the PM of Britian.
David Cameron is an young dynamic, bold and righteous person. He is fearless and speaks from the heart. He is very religious and a down to earth person, who believes in simplicity of life and a truthful way of living. He has been able to win over the hearts of Brits with his forward looking ideas, a person who believes in delivering and not just talking.
He is the Rajiv Gandhi of Britain in every respect.
India does not have any Complex towards the British, India Has Been treated badly when they colonized us..... But that Dosent mean that We stop Whats coming our way which Would Benefit the entire nation from them..... I dont think One Should Drop a Billion Peoples Aspiration For The sake Of Cheap Egos of what happened In the past....

India Chose the Path of Creating History, Not Sticking to it..... Even After all these Stuffs, We havent Compromised anything with any Nation upon our Sovereignty
That Indians just made a hero out of the prodigy of the killer of their ancestors.

Indians live in present....we cannot kill lizards because their ancestors were dinosaurs!!!!!before this Cameron drama Pakistani govt. regardless of its own people's interests which oppose US and its allies was dancing around NATO office for aids and perks!!!It's really illogical to judge a person's nature by the nature of his forefathers....like killing a child because his father was a murderer.....
whats the point of this thread ?

Its simple DM. You cant debunk the claims, then discredit the source.. Well in this case, if you cant discredit the source, discredit the ancestory (150 years old) of the source :azn:..

Well a lot of members here pride themselves on being descendents of Mughals.. I am sure I can find many more atrocities committed by those ancestors (before Akbar and after Shahjahan) than the one mentioned above. But hey, does it matter??
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